Public breastfeeding

by simplesally 174 Replies latest members private

  • frankiespeakin

    I think if more women don't let society's petty views of breastfeeding in public stop them,,they will do a good service for women kind.

    If people see more women breastfeeding it has got to have a very good effect. Because it is a beautiful display of nurturing that has to make us all stop and think of our mothers,,of motherhood,,and just plain caring for our children.

    I don't think I ever got turned on by seeing a women breastfeed,,maybe just a little uncomfortable because I didn't want to stare,,because I have an unconscious habit of starring at things that are novel or touching so that sometimes I don't even know I'm starring, and so my uncomfortableness was more from we worrying if I'm starring only,,, for I see it totally as loving and kind,,with no sexual thoughts at all.

  • Gretchen956
    Many pediatricians forwarn mothers of this in ffact so they don't freak out.

    Pete, you have made this statement and others as if you had some type of advanced doctorate in breastfeeding. Please quote your source so that we can all take a look at the impartial data.


  • gitasatsangha

    I knew my PHD in Sandwichology was useless..

  • BeautifulGarbage

    After all that has been presented in favor of a mother to publicly breastfeed her baby, I realize that this is an exercise in futility. Pete obviously feels very uncomfortable being in the presence of a nursing baby. One must be careful to base their opinion on a feeling. Feelings can be grossly inaccurate and completely illogical. They are also not very arguable. Fortunately, for society, western in particular, IMO, when it comes to nursing, people like Pete are a dying breed. In desperation, they cling tenaciously to their beliefs in plaintive mantras of assorted ?It?s bad to let people see you do it?

    Or to paraphrase:

    ?Don?t do it because it makes others feel uncomfortable?

    Seems to me, throughout history, behavior that was once considered strange and ?uncomfortable (to be exposed to)? by the masses, is now considered ordinary and normal.

    During Victorian times, women were considered indecent, or worse, if they wore make-up, or if they allowed their ankles to show below the long skirts and dresses. Apparently, the exposure to the female ankle would drive male to sexual indecency beyond their control. Laughable now, isn?t it? Yet, we don?t laugh when we see images of burka clad women in Afghanistan. We find it oppressive and cruel.

    I?ve been in earshot of several discussions regarding whether, or not, Gay and Lesbians should be ?allowed? to show public affection. The resounding argument against such behavior is that it makes others around them feel ?uncomfortable?. Otherwise known as the?shoving their lifestyle down my throat? excuse. However, going back twenty, or thirty years, when homosexuality was considered a ?sin? by the majority of society, and ?inflicted? individuals did not dare disclose that they were Gay to anyone for fear of losing family, friends, and jobs, I think it reasonable that progress in this area of our culture is a good thing.

    Here?s another: Interracial dating and marriage. I will assume the reader knows what I am talking about.

    And so it will be the same with breastfeeding in public.

    I will not argue with someone regarding their ?feelings? on this subject. If Pete, or anyone else, feels ?uncomfortable? with a woman suckling their baby in public, yes, it WOULD be best if YOU left the room, or area. YOU take the walk. And, also, be forewarned, if you decide to make the foolish choice of actually approaching a nursing Mama, it may be someone like me you confront and if you think you were uncomfortable BEFORE, it won?t be anything compared with how uncomfortable you will feel once I?m done with you.

  • frankiespeakin


    I think you are right society is changing rapidly and it is happening faster and faster. It is good to see these changes,, I hope we all become more sensitive to what is really important in our respect for all life.

    BTW I think it extremely rare that anybody would dear bother a nursing mother,,but it is good that people like you would jump to their aid.

  • wasasister


    And, also, be forewarned, if you decide to make the foolish choice of actually approaching a nursing Mama, it may be someone like me you confront and if you think you were uncomfortable BEFORE, it won?t be anything compared with how uncomfortable you will feel once I?m done with you.

    I love this!! By far, my favorite post on this thread. I'll be thinking of your words and smiling as I go about my day. Thanks.


  • Mac

    I'm very discreet when I breastfeed in public!


  • TrailBlazer04

    I nursed all 3 of my kids...for anywhere from 10 to 20 months (I forget which kid now...heck, it's been years)...I nursed anywhere and everywhere...most of the time, nobody even home, my level of "discreetness" was dictated by who was around...if I was home alone with the kids...not very...if we had friends over, VERY...if we were out in public, I doubt anyone noticed. I had a sling (wish I could remember what kind now), that I could put the baby in and nurse...

    I'm proud to say my daughter nursed her firstborn for 10 months...and the next one will be nursed also...

    For those who have "issues"...remember's cheaper, easier and YOU (male of the species) won't ever be bagged with "middle of the night duty" for a nursing baby....

    TB (who's pro-natural birth, pro-long term nursing, pro-mom, pro-baby)

  • Xena
    And, also, be forewarned, if you decide to make the foolish choice of actually approaching a nursing Mama, it may be someone like me you confront and if you think you were uncomfortable BEFORE, it won?t be anything compared with how uncomfortable you will feel once I?m done with you

    lol yea wassa I have to agree that one by BG is a keeper .

  • Scully

    ::: applauding BG ::: Bravo! Bravo!!

    There's nothing quite like grabbing a tiger by the tail to make her show her teeth and claws.

    be forewarned, if you decide to make the foolish choice of actually approaching a nursing Mama, it may be someone like me you confront and if you think you were uncomfortable BEFORE, it won?t be anything compared with how uncomfortable you will feel once I?m done with you.

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