Public breastfeeding

by simplesally 174 Replies latest members private

  • frenchbabyface

    ... Well Frankies ... I wouldn't go that far

    (not needed - men can get over without that, about the most important aspects)

  • Xena
    Would you welcome a room full of teenage boys into that tender maternal scene aware that at least some of them will naturally be aroused? Because we are discussing public uncovered nursing.

    A room full of teenage boys would be aroused by just about anything. So that is kind of a moot point Does breastfeeding make some people uncomfortable?? Apparently so, but the bottom line is it's a natural way for babies to receive nourshment and there is no reason for them not to be able to access it when and where they want. What my child and I do when we breastfeed isn't hurting you a bit outside of some "uncomfortable feelings" so in that circumstance their wants and needs are going to superceed your "issues".

    Personally when I breastfed I covered up because I am a naturally private person, but I would never try and impose my own standards or issues regarding this on another person. If something like this made me feel personally uncomfortable I would either not look or remove myself from the situation.

  • frankiespeakin

    Of course if women started dressing with no top,, I think smaller breasts would be more in style for there practicality(not getting in the way all the time), and perkiness.

  • frankiespeakin


    Well Frankies ... I wouldn't go that far

    (not needed - men can get over without that, about the most important aspects)

    Yeah,, I can understand that,,your probably shy,, but think of the good that can be accomplished if women really united in this,,you wouldn't be a lone. I think it is something to seriously consider. And now that we have the internet maybe it could really happen,, they could have an official web site listing all the pro's this thing could really take off if given the right start.

  • frenchbabyface

    Yeah,, I can understand that,,your probably shy,, but think of the good that can be accomplished if women really united in this,,you wouldn't be a lone. I think it is something to seriously consider.

    ... Frankies (just because the whole thing made me laugh) nothing really about what you've said ...

    I don't care about the breath issue itself (I'm not gonna fight for that ... not interesting) as far as they don't get crazy about the breathfeeding stuff and that baby can get his du in time ...

  • Stefanie

    I would do it.

    The naked body is beautiful.

    So we dont hijack this thread. I breastfed once, and it was a shit having to go into the bathroom to nurse. Not to mention it was the only place i didnt get the "stare" because it was all women.

    But imagine having to eat your meal where people are farting and taking a dump?! The smell is terrible! I regret ever putting my then baby through that. I had two other babys after that ,but didnt breastfed because i remembered how horrible people can be!

  • frankiespeakin

    I think in time this whole breast thing will be a dead issue,,especially as people see the nonsense behind this double standard.

  • SheilaM
    He understood the difference between a woman being sexual and nursing her child. He would put his arm around me and his head on my shoulder while I nursed our son, so that he could be close to us. That is how it's supposed to be Pete

    Well I think that I explained how my hubby acted when I nursed and ended with THAT IS HOW IS IS SUPPOSED TO BE...meaning I didn't have some jerk telling me to cover up and that I was being sexual by nursing our child. I also didn't have him getting "uncomfortable" and leaving me to nurse our son alone. Instead he often sat with us usually with our daughter toddling around our feet....again I SAY that is how it's supposed to be....

  • gitasatsangha

    At some point human beings will remember they are mammals and that breasts a baby's lunchbox when they are at the breastfeeding stage. My ex breastfed both our babies and I am very glad she did, despite the fact there were difficutlties to do the society we live in (not to mention THE Society), she didn't like being cordoned off into a bathroom either.

  • Scully

    I am a breastfeeding advocate. I work in Maternal-Newborn care and most of my patient teaching involves helping new mothers and babies learn to breastfeed.

    I find comment's like Pete's ignorant and the only thing that can cure ignorance is education. The fact that some people still - in the 21st century (aren't we supposed to be more enlightened by now??) only equate female breasts with sexuality shows that we still have some headway to make in terms of stigmatizing women as sex objects whose purpose is to titilate (no pun intended) the male species. When guys stop thinking with their penises, they can regard women as equals instead of sex toys.

    It is possible to breastfeed in public discreetly. It is not necessary to "whip out a boob" and expose yourself to the entire world when you are nursing your infant. In fact, most women prefer to nurse in a way that nobody else realizes it unless they do a double or triple-take.

    There was a commercial for Cheerios on TV several years ago - barely 30 seconds in duration - and one of the clips featuring families enjoying themselves together was a mom nursing a baby discreetly, a dad and a toddler all playing together on the floor. It was such a brief clip that I had to see it a couple more times to clue in to "Hey!! she's nursing her baby!! COOOOOLLLL!!" It was very well done and, imo, unless you really paid attention, you wouldn't have realized that she was breastfeeding at the time.

    Love, Scully

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