Public breastfeeding

by simplesally 174 Replies latest members private

  • frenchbabyface

    It's ok for the missunderstanding

    Again that doesn't mean that we think that you are a pervert ... time is changing ... (it's probably related to your personnal culture, fears and maybe well lets say fantasies) but the baby don't have to pay "your bills" he is not responsible !

  • Scully
    Many mothers know that baby boys often get erections while they are nursing them.

    They also get erections from being exposed to cool air, and when they need to pee. Are those "sexual" contexts also?? What you are talking about is a REFLEX, not a sexual encounter.

    BTW: How many breastfeeding mothers have nursed their little boys with their diapers off so as to observe their "erections"? That's a bit OTT, and IMO a lot on the weird side as far as the mother is concerned. There's really no way to know if an erection is present in an infant male unless he is unclothed.

  • Cicatrix

    "It's always men who complain; interestingly-i never had a woman in any establishment ask me to stop feeding."

    I had the opposite of your experience. I nursed all of my children, and was inevitably told to stop nursing them in public, even though I was very discreet about it. Every time I was told to stop, it was a woman who made the command (and we are not talking asking nicely here).

    My response to women who told me to go nurse my baby in the bathroom was "Why don't YOU go eat your dinner in the bathroom." This of course, followed any attempt on my part to ignore their rude comments.I ended up having to take a militant stance, or I would have had to resign myself to feeding my kids in the most dirty public place imaginable.

    I personally never had any trouble with the owners or manageres of different establishments, but I do know someone who is currently involved in a lawsuit, after being questioned by the owner of a business whether or not her child was breastfed and instructed to leave when she said he was (she wasn't nursing him at the time, but the owner had a blanket policy of refusing to let breastfeeding women into his theater).

    I recently told someone who asked me why I have never taken my grandson overnight so his parents can have a night to themselves that he is exclusively breast fed, so I have to wait until he's a bit older to do that. The person I told said she never breast fed her kids, and actually said she didn't because she didn't want to be "a cow."

    I think we still have a long way to go before the general public understands how beneficial breastfeeding is.

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    My baby is 2 and I still breastfeed him.

    I never had a problem with anyone saying anything to me, I guess I had the "I'm over the edge and an ex-JW with a tick" look about me.

    I did get some looks from people. I can never understand this world's mentality. The majority rent rated R movies and not only see perfect boobs but butts and coochies too. My boobs are certainly not perfect and I had always did my best to be extremly discreet so as not to offend anyone.

    When I would go to a restaurant I would let the host know that I was a BFing mom and would like a discreet table. They would always accomodate me.

    When my little peanut was only 6 months old I took him to the District Convention. Of course, since no one provides convenient seating for nursing mothers, I was stuck in the nosebleed section. There was no way I was going to traipse up and down those tiny steps with my new baby, so I started BF him under a blanket. I got a 100 looks. They were all curious as to what I was doing under the blanket. Maybe they thought I was an apostate with an A.K.A 57.

    But I knew what the looks were for. They were looks of disapproval. Seen them all my life. Which is why I had to tape my middle finger down during the entire convention.

  • SheilaM
    meant private and intimate NOT public.

    Feeding your child is a necessity....sometimes it can be a private experience

    Sometimes Babies get hungry when your out and about. My daughter did not encounter as much resistance as I did while nursing. I do remember one time when she took the baby in the bathroom to nurse her I HAD A FIT....after I explained to her WHAT she was doing and the GERMS there she went back to the table and I helped position the blanket for her.

    Pete it isn't just us militant women that are offended by your comments Thunder is perplexed himself.......

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Has anyone caught on to the irony of this thread about Public Breastfeeding being listed in the Private forum?

  • frankiespeakin

    I never realized that this subject is so important to our mothers and women on this board, 130 post 1713 views. Well it sure opened my eyes. Not being a women, i never thought to much about the feelings a woman has about this subject,, I guess I'm just a thick headed male,, hopefully after reading these post a more sensitive one. I like this board for that.

  • shamus
    Really? What world are you living in.

    In Canada.

    Just because something is wrong in your country (or area) doesn't mean the same thing is unacceptable in other countries. There are many many many countries out there... over 200. I have been out with my sister in public and she has breastfeed many times. Never even a look.

    The United States of America is a much different place than here. I guess it's a place where people freak out if they publicly breastfeed (or so it is in the norm.), or so your answer seems to indicate. Or was that a blanket statement based on only what you see around you? I sincerely hope not. If so, I would suggest travelling to other countries and investigating this breastfeeding thing. Hell, I even see on the television starving refugees breast-feeding they're children. It's not rated R, and it's about as sexual as taking a dump to the average person. (although a lot more appealing)

    Are there people from other countries where public breastfeeding is taboo? And let's not speak of bizarre places where islam rules with an iron fist.

  • peacefulpete

    Let's reiterate the things we all agree upon. Children are precious and deserve the best care possible. Breastfeeding is a tender, loving and healthful practice. Noone should be forced to go somewhere unhealthy to breastfeed or feel ashamed about the practice. Mothers should not feel ashamed if they or the infant experience arousal while breastfeeding as this an autonomic responce to innocent and natural contact. Some mothers have feared that they were perverted and unfortunately stopped the breastfeeding because of being unaware of how comon and completely reflexive this is. Covering the breast when feeding when possible is optional by law yet many would because of biological and cultural reasons appreciate it. Where exactly we disagree I don't know anymore.

  • Cassiline
    Mothers should not feel ashamed if they or the infant experience arousal while breastfeeding as this an autonomic responce to innocent and natural contact. Some mothers have feared that they were perverted and unfortunately stopped the breastfeeding because of being unaware of how comon and completely reflexive this is.


    Since you have never breast fed and have no idea about what a woman feels it absolutely impossible for me to understand why you keep pushing that a woman may or does feel stimulated sexually while breast feeding. Perhaps you are confusing sensual and sexual? Why you think an a 6 week old with an erection is feeling sexual pleasure is almost perverted to me.

    Many women quit breast feeding because it is too painful, and it is very painful to begin with. As I said above the nipple becomes calloused to the point that there is virtually no feeling in the manner that you speak. I?m not sure what you are reading or why you keep feeling the need to push something you have no first hand knowledge of but it is getting quite irritating.

    Go to the drug store and find the array of creams and ointments to treat cracked and bleeding nipples then compute in your mind how in the world you figure this is a sexually stimulating event.

    Better yet, go purchase a breast pump and use it on yourself and then get back to me about the uncomfortable experience of breast feeding?you feel the pain and discomfort. Go ahead and see for yourself, then again you won't be engorged with milk feeling pain as if you are going to burst, it won't be the same but at least you will see how it feels. The baby has to exert a lot of force to suckle it?s nothing like what you may experience with a lover.

    As for a male child experiencing an erection he does so when you apply a cold wipe, to a gentle breeze. They are not reacting to the breast contact but perhaps contentment of being fed or full. Big difference, it?s not sexual. Just like a male wakes an erection in the morning without knowing the reason why, sometimes it happens and you have no reason as to why. It?s not sexually related at all.

    Why men try to make feeding a baby a sexual thing is beyond me, there is NO shame in breast feeding and if sexual arousal does occur for what maybe 1 in several hundred's of thousand's it's a rare occurance. I'm still waiting on confirmation of your outrageous claim that almost half of all breast feeding mothers feel sexual pleasure.


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