Serious Terrorist Attacks in PARIS, FRANCE

by nicolaou 325 Replies latest members politics

  • Simon

    "They mention Allah 15 times so it can obviously have nothing whatsoever todo with Allah" - any Islamist apologist

    They seem to think people living in Paris who may never have set foot outside France are somehow "crusaders".

    What moronic fucktards.

  • Diogenesister
    I knew gay Muslims
    Yeah, course you did. Eyes roll
    Ha ha ha!!!!! Fleaman have you ever been to a muslim country? I lived in north africa for a while & I can tell you homosexuality is more accepted there, in certain situations, than traditionally in the UK.There are as many gay people in one country & in one faith as any other.
  • bohm


    Your argument then is that a large carefully conducted poll is somehow unrepresentative and we are better off going off a sample size of 1?

    is this irony? (sorry it is the internet and it is hard to tell). I am saying the exact opposite, it is freemindfade who says we should rely on anecdotal evidence.

  • kaik

    Again reading quick through this board, there are posters who are apologetic to Islam. They are not acknowledging the problem is Islamic ideology and will downplay Paris (London-Madrid-Beslan-NYC) attacks as an act of individuals instead dangerous religion. How many people in Europe have to die in order to understand that Islam is the problem? What number is acceptable for these apologists?

  • Simon
    There are as many gay people in one country & in one faith as any other

    Given that so many are executed by members of one certain faith I would suggest that is factually incorrect unless you believe execution of a homosexual immediately triggers someone else to change their orientation to make up the numbers.

    There is probably as much chance of being born gay in one faith as another. But "are" as many ignores the treatment and expulsion of them.

  • cofty

    Illuminated am I right in saying that you are proposing a false-flag conspiracy theory for events like 9/11 and the events in Paris?

  • cofty

    Here is a better pic of Berwick Bridge this evening...

  • freemindfade
    Bohm. Islam is rotten at its core. The end. If you don't believe that you are part of the problem that will allow these senseless acts to go on. It wasn't just my neighbors. It's other people I knew, it's politics it's f*cling reality. Like I said polls are a joke. One of us could present a poll on here how more guns in America lead to more violence. Someon else will post another that says the opposite. Polls are jokes. The central prevailing ideas and philosophy of Islam are bad. They will continue to perpetuate bigotry and violence. Give me all the polls you want @$$hole, look at what happening. That's where the truth is Islam is bad. You dont think so and that is frightening to say the least.
  • Diogenesister

    I have to say though we are bloody lucky Judaism does not believe in converting gentiles or we would have two lunatic, backward bronze age religons causing hell....oh

    Sing if you're proud to be athiest,

    Sing if you're happy that way...hey!

  • freemindfade
    Bohm why don't you poll the 8million or so jehovahs witnesses and ask them is they are permissive to pedo's. Or if they promote shunning. I bet you'll get really nice results that aren't true. BECAUSE IT'S A CULT!!!

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