Serious Terrorist Attacks in PARIS, FRANCE

by nicolaou 325 Replies latest members politics

  • bohm
    freemindfade: I find those who try to differentiate radical Islam from not as part of a big problem

    Is this really it? So Sam Harris, Maajid Nawas and Ayan Hirsi Ali (who all make the distinction between radical and non-radical Muslims) are part of a "big problem" and presumably assholes? (or is that only when one dares to quote a poll?).

  • freemindfade
    We all recognize the problem is not the secularized Muslim in the Bronx who couldn't dream of stoning someone but the very small radicalized minority and their less-radicalized but still extremist supporters (about 20-30% of the Muslim in the UK according to polls*).
    Those are the people who rightly deserve criticism and opposition for supporting crimes against humanity and who hold to an inhumane and evil ideology who calls for the extermination of people such that you and I and everyone we care about. You are the only one who keeps lumping them together with the non-radicalized majority in order to score debate point.

    This was your response to someone else. This is an apologist approach excusing the bulk of a religion who you really have no way of knowing how many support the radical ideas in other ways than direct conflict. You are perpetuating the idea Islam is OK if your not ISIS and that is bs. If you really do respect knowledge, humanity, and progress you should not be afraid to connect the whole religion with its fundamental center.

  • freemindfade

    bohm now I think you may be drunk.

    Are we talking about the same Sam Harris????

  • bohm

    freemindfade: Thank you for providing the quote that made you call me an asshole!

    So lets not take the unnamed guy in the bronx, lets take Maajid Nawaz. Do you believe that unless I lump him together with the ISIS fighters I am a part of the problem? (notice my post is NOT saying that Islam "rightly understood" or whatever is a good religion).

    Do I also understand you right that Sam Harris, Maajid Nawaz and Ayaan Hirsi Ali are all "assholes" for making the same distinction as I make, between radicalized Muslims and non-radicalized Muslims?

  • bohm
    bohm now I think you may be drunk.
    Are we talking about the same Sam Harris????

    Yes, and if you watch the video you will notice that Sam Harris CONSTANTLY make exactly the same distinction that i made, between extremist muslims and secularized muslims. He has a long interview and an entire book co-authored with Maajid Nawaz (a Muslim; presumably no different than the guys who push gays off buildings at the moment?) on exactly that distinction. PLEASE NOTICE I HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER DEFEND THE HARMFULL IDEOLOGY AND IDEAS EXPRESSED IN THE QURAN.

    So is he an asshole?

  • nicolaou

    freemindfade, when you find yourself at the bottom of a hole looking up at an audience it's time to stop digging.

    Throw the shovel away.

  • freemindfade
    There is a distinction or we would call them all radical and not radical and non-radical. like it or not they are part of the SAME RELIGION, their mainstream beliefs are exactly the same! And the jihadists are at the core, not the outside. Which is a bigger problem, jihadists, but as long as the religion exists it is going to perpetuate jihadists ideas that will be carried out by someone, that is the RELIGIONS fault as a whole. Im not afraid to say that no matter how many cool JWS their are, the religion its self is fucked up, I won't give Islam anymore respect than that.
  • freemindfade

    you have what?... 1.6billion Muslims in the world, shouldn't we be seeing about 900,000,000 up in arms about what happened in Paris? You will not, because deep down the majority support it, if not through money, through looking the other way.

    The sympathy towards a single religion really bothers me. I am atheist I find them all disgusting and abusive. secular or not. If someone wants to become a genocidal, fear mongering prick, which RELIGION do you suppose is at the top of their list?

    I don't have to respect anyone religious beliefs when they are at the root of terror.

    You claim radical islam is the problem, yes that is true, can you tell me how the religion they belong to (ISLAM) does NOT share in the problem when its clerics and its books demand exactly what ISIS is doing?

  • bohm
    freemindfade: There is a distinction or we would call them all radical and not radical and non-radical.

    And all i pointed out was that distinction between radical/non-radical muslims exist, just as Sam Harris, Maajid Nawaz and Aayan Hirsi Ali all point out again and again, and now even you seem to agree is a distinction worth making. So why do you call me an asshole? Again, is sam harris an asshole for making the same distinction?

  • freemindfade

    Because in the quote of yours that I posted at your request, you are excusing the rest. Just because there is a distinction within the religion doesn't mean they are not

    1. Sharing similar bad ideas
    2. Supporting the other group

    You feel the 20-30% polled deserve criticism I feel the whole religion deserves to be criticized. That is the only difference here, sorry for calling you an asshole. Too many people who would normally not make excuses seem to jump to the side of islam when people say its f*cked up then say its only because of the extremists. Me: The whole thing is a mess and the extremists in this religion are at the center.

    I would like to imagine a world without any religion and if I could choose the first to go it would be islam radical or not

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