Serious Terrorist Attacks in PARIS, FRANCE

by nicolaou 325 Replies latest members politics

  • Finkelstein
  • freemindfade
  • Finkelstein
  • bohm
    freemindfade: You feel the 20-30% polled deserve criticism I feel the whole religion deserves to be criticized.

    But did I ever say the RELIGION did not deserve critisism or was not the problem? I said a secularized muslim was not the problem, the secularized muslim is not the same as the religion (the set of ideas).

    BTW. I have a long history on this forum criticizing islam. These are not distinctions I came up with, these are distinctions I have adapted from others like Sam Harris or Majid Nawaz btw. For instance Maajid Nawaz have no problem saying Islam is problematic in itself because of its founder & the Quran (which he does in the interview with Sam Harris), but obviously he does not consider himself (a highly secularized Muslim) to be the problem and presumably neither does Sam Harris or he would not have co-authored a book with him.

    sorry for calling you an asshole.

    I accept the apology, but I am very puzzled why you would call me an asshole for writing the same views as Sam Harris whom you presumably agree with.

    I would like to imagine a world without any religion and if I could choose the first to go it would be islam radical or not

    I would too. Islam is a bad influence in the world and please do not think I have said anything else. I read the entire Quran in order to verify for myself it was not a few bad quotes.

  • freemindfade
    Maybe I misunderstood. Jumped in when username was posting. Just frustrated. I took you as much more apologetic. Seems your not. So sorry. I really love Paris and seeing them get dealt this really pissed me off so I'm a little raw.
  • cofty
    Well done Free!
  • bohm
    Thanks free. I guess this was just a misunderstanding. I am also upset today & that is properly why I reacted to being lumped together with the tinfoil crowd and the regressive left. I would recommend you check out the Nawaz/Sam Harris interview.
  • freemindfade
    Think I'll have a drink instead lol
  • kaik
    They mention Allah 15 times so it can obviously have nothing whatsoever todo with Allah" - any Islamist apologist

    They seem to think people living in Paris who may never have set foot outside France are somehow "crusaders".

    What moronic fucktards.

    Exactly. It is totally ridiculous for apologists to blame individual instead religion and Islamic ideology that calls to kill all infidels, Jews, Christians, and secular Muslims and justify the attack as being conducted by misunderstood immigrant(s) who just happens to be from Syria (Algeria, Palestine, etc).

    Yeah, for them everyone is wrong because they do not support multi-culti Islamization of Europe. And they criticize others who oppose Islamization of Europe, and imply we do not have an experience dealing with radical Islam (actually contrary). I am asking how many thousands, millions dead are acceptable for Western liberals to acknowledge that the problem is Islam? Who they going to blame once militant will obtain WMD and detonate it at the center of Paris, London, and Berlin? How many Islamist fighters they are going to welcome in their countries on train stations, and how many they will bus illegally across borders and breaking laws with it?

  • nicolaou

    How many Jehovah's Witnesses do you know who call for a reform of Watchtowers blood doctrine every time another child's death hits the headlines? Not ex-JWs, not apostates but actual, active Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Surely it's not hard to comprehended the fear of speaking out in a society that makes disfellowshipping seem tame? The fact that some do - and their number is growing - is to be welcomed and encouraged.

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