by Dansk 449 Replies latest members private

  • Dansk

    Hi starfish422. We came across the board via a frequent poster (an XJW friend) who recommended it. I'm so glad he did - it's been a lifeline!

  • Dansk

    A VERY lapse JW came round to my house yesterday (he's trying to make a faded withdrawal). Unfortunately, his wife is still mind-possessed by the org and the book study group is held in their house. His wife told my friend that the elder taking the study ended the session by warning the group members to be aware of "wolves in sheep's clothing."

    I wonder who he meant? OW-OW-OWWWWHHHHH! OW-OW-OWWWWHHHH!

  • caballoSentado

    Dansk & Physio


    We are very far from you, in South America, but close in heart... We also saw the hypocrisy of the Organisation.. fortunately my children are still young & are with us in this...but do not worry, Our loving heavenly father cares for you.

    May God bless you & your family...
    Caballo Sentado

  • Urpi

    Dear Dansk & Physio,

    I would like to be able to express myself in this foreing language and to express the feelings and sadness I felt when I read your story but I am very limited. As a parent I can understand what you are going through...I am very sorry. My husband (Caballo Sentado) and I saw the hipocrisy of the organisation a year ago after 20 and more years of faithfull service. We also read Crisis of C. and reading that book made us understand even more. We are not attending to the k.hall any more and we certainly learned the lack of love. Unfortunately for us, in our country we can not meet people like you and your wife, only through this forum.

    I am sure your doughters love you very much and with time everything is going to work out just fine.

    God bless you and your beautifull family,



  • Banshee

    (((((((((((Dansk & Physio)))))))))))) Welcome and *hugs* to both of you!

    I have been reading this entire thread and, I must tell you, your story brought tears to my eyes. It really brought back to mind all of the various emotions I experienced when I made my decision to leave and followed through on that decision nearly ten years ago. I am struggling for words to express clearly how reading your experiences has made me feel. Suffice it to say, it was EXTREMELY moving!

    I am so happy that you are both exiting together and your sons along with you! I was the first in my immediate family to leave (at age 19) and it was very lonely for a few years. Luckily (yes, I can say that, now! lol), I was not disfellowshipped and so there was a legalistic loophole for my family members if they chose to speak with me. Some of them totally shunned me for a while and one of my brothers shunned me for four years. I am happy to say that my two brothers and my dad are no longer active, believing JWs. My mother is the only one who is really holding on to the organization. My sister--well, she is unmedicated, severe bipolar and one never knows what she changes often.

    I guess I got off-track there.(Maybe it is time to share my story with the forum?*squirming uncomfortably*) I just really wanted to express that your story touched me deeply and I am happy that you & your sons all have each other for support. I hope that your daughters will come around, too. Much love to you all!


  • Dansk

    Hola Caballo and Urpi; Hello Banshee,

    My family and I would like to thank you for your very warm welcome messages. These are much appreciated. South America IS a long way away, but as you say, Caballo, we are close together in heart!

    Banshee, you MUST publish your story on this forum – no matter how harrowing it is. I found it really helped to write my own experience down - and was completely taken aback by the wonderful supporting response. You are among real sympathetic and, more importantly, empathetic friends here. Relating one’s experiences with those who REALLY understand is a tremendous way to have the burden lifted from one’s shoulders. It is so encouraging knowing that we are not alone.

    Just look at the posts on this thread. They’ve come from all over the world; and while we may not have met in person - or may never meet - the sincerity of the TRUE "brothers" and "sisters" here is wonderfully upbuilding.

    My youngest daughter replied again to her mum’s (Physio’s) text message today. It was nothing much, just regarding her bed being ready, which I had dismantled for ease of packaging (and to prevent the neighbourhood elder from coming round to give my daughter a lift with it!) as she now has her own apartment.

    Caballo and Urpi, I’m truly sorry that you lost so many "friends" when you took your brave stance. But I believe TRUE friends would never react in such a manner. In the three weeks we have been out of the WTS my wife and I still haven’t heard from a single person from within our congregation. Personally, I don’t care. I’ve met better people since joining this forum. True friends should stand by you through thick and thin and accept you for whom you are, not be swayed by the opinions/direction of people who don’t really know you. The Pharisees are alive and kicking in congregations throughout the world!

    Banshee, where are you from? Glad you’ve got your brothers and father for support. Don’t worry, I’m sure your mother will see the true "light" one of these days. If the rest of your family sticks together she is more likely to come round.

    Please all accept our sincere love and best wishes and DO please keep in touch. You are amongst good friends here.


    Dansk, Physio and boys.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy Dansk!

    Now I'm free I SEE clearly and wonder how on earth I was so gullible.

    I too wondered the same thing about myself when I first left 15 years ago. I'm no genius, but I like to think of myself as a reasonably intelligent man, and yet I listened to and believed such nonsense for years. You have written a powerful story and I am pleased you had the courage to make the decision you did.

    As for your daughters, I believe in the power of love over the power of fear. You sound like a good father and I'm going to guess that you raised your daughters in love. I belive, eventually, this will overcome the Society's power of fear over them. They both sound like good people to me, and they will follow the goodness of their heart.

    I often wonder how men, like that elder, can look themselves in the mirror after behaving so badly. I would suppose that one must twist logic around to such a degree as to be unrecognizable. I cannot and do not believe in any God that would condone such actions. What happened that night to you and your family is hideous. But sometimes out of the ashes of the old, a new beginning is created. I am so happy for you at seeing the truth about "the truth".

    Take care,


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Dear Dansk & family

    I am not a JW, but from reading your story and others like it on this forum I can tell you that they act towards & treat their “own” the same as worldly unbelievers when honest questions are asked or situations are pointed out. I have also been “torn apart” by this self-proclaimed, god run, printing company.

    Some don’t think that a non-jw could possibly understand, but believe me, when you’ve experienced this cult’s wrath, there are no boundries, inside or out.

    When I talk about this (and I do whenever possible) with people who have no idea about this “religion” (loose term) they can’t believe it. They say I’m making it all up! No one would believe that, no way, you’re not serious, yada yada. They have no idea something this heinous (sp?) portrays itself as so wholesome, upstanding, normal, mainstream – any adjective to disguise the costume that they don’t even realize they are wearing.

    I wish you all the best with your daughters. Love is a very powerful emotion.

    Keep your head up high, fight the good fight!

  • Physio

    Hi, physio here....just to say a wonderful big thank you and hugs to you all for the support once again as we are going through our plight.

    I've managed to hog the keyboard for a few minutes while Dansk is brewing up. If ever anyone is in the Manchester, England area, please let us know, the kettle is always on 'red alert'.

    Poor Dansk has been decorating all day, so maybe I should be making the tea

  • Victorian sky
    Victorian sky

    Physio, How far is Manchester from London? Just curious. If you ever need to talk feel free to email me at: [email protected]. Hope Dansk, the boys and your daughters are doing well. Great to hear the progress. Victorian sky

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