by Dansk 449 Replies latest members private

  • Angharad

    Hi Thechickennest & Victoriansky

    Hope you enjoy it here too

  • Brummie

    What an absolutely amazing thread this has turned out to be, Dansk & family its been a pleasure to meet you here. Keep us updated.


  • Roamingfeline

    I'm glad you've found this forum, where you can heal from the deep wounds inflicted by that most treacherous organization, the WTS. I hope you will find peace and contentment, as well as intellectual stimulation on your journey to find the REAL truths.


  • bluesapphire


    I know what you are feeling as do many of us here. With time you learn to live with the pain. And hope one day your daughters will see through the shame as you did. I'm glad we're here to give you moral support!

  • Dansk

    Dear All,

    Really GREAT news today!! My wife and youngest son were doing the weekly shopping in the local supermarket this morning where my youngest daughter works. They were unable to speak to her because she was on a till in the far distance. However, whilst Physio (my wife) was looking at a magazine who should come up and say "Hello!" but our oldest daughter!!!!!!!

    She and her mum hugged each other and my daughter asked about me. My daughter said that she wanted to keep in touch and that she had planned to write us a letter. Physio said "No, you won’t keep in touch", and my daughter replied "Yes I will. I PROMISE!"

    My daughter said that whilst her mum and I are adamant about our views (on leaving the Org.) she is just as adamant about staying (heard that one before, He He! ). My daughter then said that she’d have to go otherwise she’d burst into tears. She said the bags under her eyes were going now as she no longer cries every minute of every day – just every other day now!

    Well, that’s what I’d say was a very fruitful morning. I never gave up. I knew, being that my daughter is so sensitive and has more love in her little toe than some people have in their whole body, that she’d wilt eventually. Here’s hoping this is the start of re-strengthening the family. I’m not going to push it, just taking one day at a time. Physio asked our daughter to write the letter she intended, so we look forward to receiving it.

    Thought you might all like to have learnt about this. Physio and I are overjoyed and we both said that we MUST let our dear friends on the forum – THAT’S YOU LOT! – know about what has transpired.

    I must emphasise, however, that whilst Physio and I are happier than we’ve been for a long time we are still ever so mindful of those of you who are less fortunate than ourselves. For this reason I am now making it my life goal – seriously – to try and help others escape from the Org. Eventually, I believe the congregation will have to disfellowship me because I don’t intend to hold back. Obviously, I would like my daughters back first – but they have to understand that when one finds the truth about the falsehood perpetrated by the WTS then it behoves us to fight to expose the organisation for what it really is.

    Having been on this forum for just a short time I have learnt so much – THANK YOU – about the desperate plight of others. I have friends who left the org years ago and yet they still feel as though they are having to look over their shoulders continually. No one should be put in such a position, especially where a so-called ‘Christian’ org holds such an oppressive hold over people’s lives. Physio and I have been given so much strength from everyone on this list – we feel it only right to, if any way possible, provide others with similar.

    We can never thank you enough. It’s still early days yet, but we believe there’s been a significant breakthrough.


    Dansk, Physio and boys.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Hello and welcome Physio!!

    I am not far away - Warrington. I look forward to getting to know you!

  • calamityjane

    Welcome to the Board, Physio. Nice to hear from you.

    Thanks for keeping us posted on the events that are unfolding. Its nice to hear that your wife is doing much better.

    Hopefully your daughter will keep in touch and eventually escape.

    And Dansk, quit hogging the computer xjw_b12 does that to me at home, he says he'll just be a minute, two hours later, I finally can get on it. You guys have to learn to share or you may just have to buy another computer, then you'll have his and hers computers.

    I love it when I'm at work, because then I have the computer all to myself and I can go in and out of the board often throughout the day.

  • anglise

    Hallo Dansk and Physio

    I have only just read your sad story and I am so sorry for what you are going through.

    I am sure that the love you gave your daughters as they grew up will stay with them and given time you will get your family back together.

    They will no doubt hear hurtful gossip and comments about from the cong and maybe that more than WTBTS history will make them think. Be careful about being too openly anti JW locally until you have your family safe.

    Use the time to build a good database about the org and make friends that you can trust.

    Take care all of you and welcome to the board.


  • xjw_b12

    Hello Again Dansk, and WELCOME to Physio !

    Dansk. I share your passion for your new found mission. You said :

    For this reason I am now making it my life goal – seriously – to try and help others escape from the Org. Eventually, I believe the congregation will have to disfellowship me because I don’t intend to hold back.

    A wee word of caution. I do not want to in any way discourage you, but perhaps a more covert operation might be wiser. If you can remain labelled as " one who fell away " rather tha DF'd or DA'd. it will be much easier for you to maintain contact with your daughters.

    Your first and primary goal is to rescue them. Your crusade against the WTS can come after. This is how my parents worked on us. It wasn't until my wife and I were " rescued " did I discover just what my dad was doing in his own clandestine way.

    My 2 cents.

    Take care.

    " Millions Now Living Will Never Die Know "


    Dansk, I am a bit late in extending my 'welcome' to you, but here it is:

    Welcome to the forum and I'm so happy that you and your wife are here. It's nice to have people like you on here.

    Best wishes, and hopeful best outcome with regards to your 'believing' daughter. She'll come around eventually.

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