The Ten Commandments!

by hibiscusfire 367 Replies latest members adult

  • DannyBloem

    What is evil? I suppose it could be described as a perversion of God's natural order.


    Let's break it down. One of God's commandments is "Thou shalt not kill"

    Would you consider this evil or good? Then tell me if that is of a perverted God.

    Well I actually quoted somebody. this was not my words... I think it is evil to kill some body. Sometimes it is also evil to let somebody go on with something, and the only solution can be defence. Self defense or defense for others. However my feeling is that in every case all should be done to try to avoid any.

  • hibiscusfire


    Sometimes it is also evil to let somebody go on with something, and the only solution can be defence. Self defense or defense for others. However my feeling is that in every case all should be done to try to avoid any.

    That is true besides self-defense is not murder. It was not intentional.

  • DannyBloem
    That is true besides self-defense is not murder. It was not intentional.

    No, I did not use the word murder. It is killing, not murder. Although defense can also be intentional for yourself or others. Like a polisman shouts a kidnapper or something like it.
    Sometimes it can be a calculated thing. Better to kill 5 people then let something go and it will result in the dead of much more.

  • mrsjones5
    Hibiscus, do you masturbate?

    Now that is funny.

    Well Hibiscus?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    I do feel that the KJV is the word of God. But in a case like this, is it better to have them read the NIV over nothing at all?


    A false Bible is not the truth. It's that simple.

    What on earth makes you think that the KJV is the only true interpretation? The KJV was an English translation - If it is the only true Bible, how do non-English speakers get access to the word of God?

    What made the translators of that version SO special that the word of God fell down from heaven to them totally uncorrupted? - If its the only true translation, this must have happened - the only other alternative being that they used previously available manuscripts/translations which, according to your definition must also have been false, hence, no translation is any more or less true than any other.

    You're not one of these Christians who believe things like the pope is the antichrist and rock & roll is the music of satan are you?

  • hibiscusfire

    mrsjones do you masterbate?


  • DannyBloem

    shall we make it another thread, "all raise one hand who masturbates?"

    Maybe it is not really to the point here on this thread

  • Crumpet
    What is evil?

    GOD IS THE EPITOME OF EVIL - he makes Hitler look like a pussy cat.

  • hibiscusfire


    Would it not be possible that all Gods that the humans have are also a product of imagination.

    It is possible that man-made gods are a product of imagination but the true and living God Jehovah is real. God is a spirit - can you see your spirit?

    Think of it this way:

    A man is sitting down just like you are. He gets an idea. He gets some cement and sand and uses it to make Buddha. Now after it is dried the people worship the statue/idol of Buddha. Now who made the god (idol)?

    God Almighty made us and the earth. How can we make HIM or make Him up?

  • hibiscusfire

    Sad emo: What on earth makes you think that the KJV is the only true interpretation? The KJV was an English translation - If it is the only true Bible, how do non-English speakers get access to the word of God?

    The KJV has been obviously translated into many languages.

    What made the translators of that version SO special that the word of God fell down from heaven to them totally uncorrupted? - If its the only true translation, this must have happened - the only other alternative being that they used previously available manuscripts/translations which, according to your definition must also have been false, hence, no translation is any more or less true than any other.

    Well the broad evidence of history tells us which Greek text is correct. It then becomes easy to know which Bible we can trust. First, please remember the simple fact that there are two streams of Bible history. The first is the line that comes straight from the Apostles and people of Antioch. That line has to date 5,321 manuscripts in support of it. It has the broad evidence of history in support of it.

    The Apostle Stream

    There are two streams of Bible history. One comes straight from the Apostles, with over 5,000 manuscripts - the broad evidence of history - to support it. It agrees with the Bibles of persecuted believers, like the Vaudois in the Alps. They received the Scriptures from Antioch about 120 AD and spent 30 years carefully translating it, word for word. Since they knew the truth, they never joined the Roman Catholic system.

    The Polluted Stream

    The other stream is polluted. About the time of Christ, Philo of Alexandria, Egypt blended pagan Greek philosophy with Judaism. The so-called "Christians" who lived there after him were no better. They doubted Jesus was eternally God, or that God's miracles were real. The 3rd to 5th century Alexandrian school wrote Bibles after Antioch, changing or removing thousands of words. A handful of some 45 semicomplete Alexandrian Bibles exist. The rest are literally scraps of paper. Among those 45, 3 are important: Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus and Vaticanus. But they don't agree in even two successive verses! In the Lord's Prayer in Luke, they only agree in 13 out of 45 words!

    You're not one of these Christians who believe things like the pope is the antichrist and rock & roll is the music of satan are you?

    Well why didn' t God tell us in the Bible that He was sending the pope as the Vicar of Christ?

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