The Ten Commandments!

by hibiscusfire 367 Replies latest members adult

  • hibiscusfire

    Evilforce: I ask AGAIN.....have you read the Potter books Hib? I seen the movie and I've heard and read about the books. I even went to the bookstore and peeked. I would not really purchase one. I have gathered information and quotes to know about the books fairly enough. Hib

  • damselfly

    Thank you for replying. Can you comment on my earlier post regarding children for me please? I am interested in what you will say.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Of course, sex isn't meant to be enjoyable - purely for procreative purposes.....NOT!!!

    Oh hib, while I'm here - you still didn't answer my post way back on page 9 EF - wait your turn!!

  • hibiscusfire


    I am interested in any reply you may have to my children and impowerment post on this thread.

    Concerning masterbation or Harry Potter? Both?


  • damselfly

    This is the post I would like you to comment on, I cut and pasted it from the thread to avoid any confusion. I don't really care about you and masturbation. Children are being conditioned that they can look for power within themselves and start bringing some control into the things round about them by tapping into their own powers just like Harry does.

    Let's put the magic in the Harry Potter books aside for a minute.

    Why can't children learn that they do have inner power? Why can't they bring some type of control to their environment? Is this not the essence of growing up and taking our place in the world? If I had been aware of my inner power and the concept that I had some control over my life as a child then I would have been more protected growing up.

    Children know the difference between fantasy and reality, the magic and violence in these stories is mild compared to the bible.

    Damselfly So, what are your thoughts on this?

  • hibiscusfire

    damsel: Let's put the magic in the Harry Potter books aside for a minute.

    Why can't children learn that they do have inner power? Why can't they bring some type of control to their environment? Is this not the essence of growing up and taking our place in the world? If I had been aware of my inner power and the concept that I had some control over my life as a child then I would have been more protected growing up.

    Children know the difference between fantasy and reality, the magic and violence in these stories is mild compared to the bible.

    So, what are your thoughts on this? This is a very wide area damsel. Children learn how to survive in their own environment. Inner power should be developed in positive directions for positive results. Not all children are the same. Each child has a gift or gifts. I believe God gave us these gifts to use for His glory and honour -Not for our own selfish use however. The freedom to make our own choices is a very important issue in our society - Parents, teachers, children, aunts, etc etc. Every day, each of us chooses to do the things that we do, unless we are in a situation where we have been stripped of our freedom and then we must do as those who have control over us command us to do. A child while in it's mother's womb would have had about 80% of his/her brain developed. As a child growing up, he/she will immitate everything people would do even though not fully understanding why. If a child is trained up in the way he should go, it is certain that when he is old, he will not depart from it. He/she may stray due to peer pressure but will not depart from it.

  • hibiscusfire

    Sad emo:

    I've been following this thread with interest, puzzlement and amusement I have kept quiet so far. But now you raised something that affected me and I was hoping I might get a decent answer:

    How can anyone honour anyone who performed such a dreadful act?
    My answer is no!

    Firstly, by answering no, you now seem to say that it is ok to break the 5th commandment.


    Ooohh there's always a 'but' isn't there!

    The Bible condemns violence and violent men.
    'Wath' or anger is condemned as being sinful, as is sexual abuse. If the child dwells in sorrow for the rest of her life she would not go anywhere...perhaps kill herself.

    Secondly, you say that its I'm sinful for being angry with my father for what he did - now that is just rubbing salt into already painful wounds!! Is there an ounce of compassion in this?

    God said you can be angry but sin not. Do you think killing him would make it better? No you will feel worse. You'd still have to live with the pain and more. If he never wanted to change leave him. He will account for his deeds in the end not you. Meanwhile you move on and make the best of your life in Christ too. Praise God.


    in all our dealings and communication with someone who has sinned, with an abuser in this instance, we have to remember that the aim is ALWAYS to try to seek a change of heart and ways in them. Hence it is also our duty to continuously encourage the abuser to face up to his personal responsibility, to repent and to seek forgiveness, and thereby be healed.

    So I still await a decent answer.

    On the Yahweh = Jesus topic:

    because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,

    Don't you think this verse is referring to two seperate entities here? Looks plain enough to me. Lord in Greek can mean master as well.

    God and Lord. When Moses came before the burning bush God said:"I am the Lord thy God."

    Isn't that something emoooo?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Thank you for answering in such large, bright lettering hib!

    These are two subjects which are foremost in my life at the moment.

    I feel you have (maybe slightly) sidestepped my questions.

    Firstly is it ok to break the 5th commandment? - by your previous reply that we don't have to honour abusive parents, I felt you seemed to imply that it is ok.

    Secondly, where do you get the idea that I wanted to kill my dad? (he died 10 years ago so this is not an option for me at least!) I was angry with him for a very long time and yes I nearly killed myself, but I am still working on forgiving him. It was the suggestion that my 'unforgiveness' or anger is sinful which I really found quite disturbing - probably along with many others here on JWD. I would look at it this way - the anger/unforgiveness is as much a part of the wound as the abuse itself - as such, it needs healing rather than condemnation.

    Finally, I really am trying to work out whether Jesus=God, I didn't throw that in to wind you up!Please could you give me the Scripture reference for 'I am the Lord thy God' because i can't find it?

    Another verse that confuses me on this is Eph 4:5-6. (Ah, another thread sometime methinks)

  • hibiscusfire

    Thank you for answering in such large, bright lettering hib!

    I was trying to shrink it but it didn't work sorry.

    Firstly is it ok to break the 5th commandment? - by your previous reply that we don't have to honour abusive parents, I felt you seemed to imply that it is ok.

    I wouldn't honour the act. I personally wouldn't want to honour such a person. In reality it's hard not to feel hate toward the person, especially if it's a parent. That's only human. The person is still blood tie...and you would still feel compassion for them....yet it doesn't mean you have to put up with that abuse....move away from it.

    Secondly, where do you get the idea that I wanted to kill my dad? (he died 10 years ago so this is not an option for me at least!) I was angry with him for a very long time and yes I nearly killed myself, but I am still working on forgiving him. It was the suggestion that my 'unforgiveness' or anger is sinful which I really found quite disturbing - probably along with many others here on JWD. I would look at it this way - the anger/unforgiveness is as much a part of the wound as the abuse itself - as such, it needs healing rather than condemnation.

    Actually I was speaking in general. Yes and the killing thought would cross anyone's mind...but you have to think of the repercussions know like prison, mental institute, guilt, final judgement of God etc. Finally, I really am trying to work out whether Jesus=God, I didn't throw that in to wind you up!Please could you give me the Scripture reference for 'I am the Lord thy God' because i can't find it?

    Exodus 20:2
    I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Exodus 20:5
    Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me These are some of them sad emo Another verse that confuses me on this is Eph 4:5-6. (Ah, another thread sometime methinks) You mean this.......?

    Ephesians 4:5-6 (King James Version)

    5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

    6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.


  • hibiscusfire

    EF:Let me guess haven't read any of the Potter books have you?

    I already posted my answer EF. By the way what's the significance to the question if I read it or not? I read Cinderella and Jack and the bean stalk.


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