Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • hubert

    People are posting and asking questions on both sites, so I decided to post the good news on this one, also.

    Mario called me at 10:30 this morning.

    Unfortunately, I was at work, and my boss was right next to me, so I could only talk for a minute.

    I said I was glad to hear he is okay. He said he went to Pennsylvania to visit a relative. I asked him to call me this evening, and he said he would.

    So, I guess I over-reacted. Sorry, friends, I hope some of you forgive me. If only I had a phone number where he could be reached, none of this would have happened. He was supposed to meet me the evening he left, and he did say in his post that he made it "one more day" thanks to us, if you remember, so that's why I became so concerned.

    It won't happen again. I plan to get more info from him, if I can, so at least someone will know he's okay. I'm glad he went, he needed the break.

    Sincerely, Hubert

  • lazyslob

    Thanks for telling that.


  • Mystery
    It won't happen again. I plan to get more info from him, if I can, so at least someone will know he's okay. I'm glad he went, he needed the break.

    Hubert - Why wont it happen again? Will you not be concerned? Will you be able to read his thoughts and never have a doubt of his where-abouts? Not happen again... you have been our eyes and ears as to being able to "be with" Mario; you were the when we were not able to physically be with him. YOU are the one that can physically hug him; talk with him; listen to him. And you "won't" bother us with this again. I am truely sorry to hear that; it would seem that, above all things, you would want ANY information that any of us could give you if you felt Mario was not himself.

    So, I guess I over-reacted. Sorry, friends, I hope some of you forgive me.

    OK - lets take a vote.

    All in favor of Forgiving Hubert - say yea.

    All in favor of being unforgiving - say nah.

    All in favor of kicking Mario's ass for WORRING HUBERT and Us!!!!! - say "Hubert!!! kick his ass!!"

    OK - Mario get the message???? I am glad you went for a visit - BUT.... Hubert will kick your ass or take up a collection for someone else to do it!!!!! if you disappear on us again!


  • Special K
    Special K

    Good news.. thanks for letting us know hubert.


  • hubert

    Mystery, I guess I feel kind of "jerk"y for sticking my nose in his business. He's an adult. I don't want him to feel like I'm going to "report" on him everytime I feel something isn't right. That would make him (and me) uncomfortable. Isn't that the way the Watchtower works?

    Thanks for backing me up, mystery, and the "vote" of confidence. LOL !! I think Mario just didn't realize what worry-warts we are, especially because of the unique circumstances that are present here, and that's why he didn't feel he had to let us know where he was, or what he was up to. I imagine he'll be a little more flexible next time, if there is one.

    I still plan to spend time with him and be his friend, if he wants me to. I hope he posts soon, and tells all of you about his holiday visit. We all look forward to hearing from him.

    Sincerely, Hubert

  • LDH


    Actually I don't think you over-reacted. I think some others UNDER reacted.

    I will be at work all day tomorrow if you have a minute, do call.


    Understands why you were concerned Class

  • cruzanheart

    You didn't overreact, hubert. We were all very concerned about Mario and will continue to be. This is an impossibly hard time for him.

    You're a terrific friend!


  • Sunspot

    Thanks for the info, Hubert. It certainly put our minds at rest knowing Mario is okay. I am so relieved!



  • hubert

    Lisa, you have a P.M.

    Update on Mario.

    Mario gave me permission to post anything I feel comfortable with about his situation.

    He called me again tonight, and he is okay.

    Mario went to visit relatives over the Christmas holiday, and it was a good visit at first, but then the questions started, people asking about the funeral, and the hospital procedures and the termination, etc., and it brought back many bad memories for him.Plus, he also showed pictures from the hospital and funeral, about Talia, and that hurt, too, and he broke down a lot, so it wasn't that great an idea to get away for a while. I told him it was probably better than being all alone during the holidays. i would think that would have been worse. I did invite him to my house for Christmas, but who knows if that would have been good, too, because of all the people there, and my 8 year old granddaughter being here probably would have made him think about Talia even more, so he probably took the better choice.

    He has two job interviews lined up, plus he had one already from another company, so it won't be long before he is working again. He isn't on line right now, because he had to turn in his lap top to the company he worked for, but he said he will start posting again in a couple of weeks, or sooner, if he can.

    In the meantime, he said I can post what I want to and feel comfortable with about him, to update all of you on his progress to recovery. (If you can ever recover from something like this).

    He said to tell you Marina is going to stay with a relative, and is starting school next week, I think.

    Tomorrow he is spending quality time with her, and doing lunch together with her. So, things are looking up in that respect.

    If you have any questions you want to ask him, let me know, and I'll see if I can contact him and get answers for you, if I feel I should. I don't want to get too personal with him. He needs his private life, too. But, let me know, and I'll see what I can do.

    He says he misses all of you, and can't wait to be on line again with all his friends, from all over the world. I'll keep you posted, in the meantime.

    Sincerely, Hubert

  • lazyslob

    Thanks for the update Hubert.

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