Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • Mystery

    Hi Mario -

    I just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you.


  • SheilaM


  • bebu

    Hey Mario,

    Hope you are being strengthened each time you go to a support group. And I hope Marina is finding the ground underneath her more and more. You are a big part of that happening.

    I'm looking forward to your next update!!


  • Sparkplug


    Great to see you post. Makes some of the things I tend to worry about ease up some. Yes, you cross my mind a lot. Wish I lived closer to help.

    Linux, UNIX, BSD, Novell...I know the company I work for has positions posted for UNIX quite often. It is usually a managerial position, but I would try SBC.com and apply there. I know they have aquired Ameritec and are in the process of merging with anoither company. So I am not sure which Bell is in your area, but I would try there. It is not always pretty, but...they have great benefits. Just a thought. Nina knows how to reach me if you need the info to put on a reference...

    I am not sure if this will help, but tomorrrow when I go to work, I can look at the upper level and entry level too, jobs open in that area and send you some info if I get a chance. It is always posted within the company b4 out..


  • SheilaM

    Mario: I'm gonna try this again. I just got a MAC laptop and it posts weird on here. Thunder and I are so glad to hear that you are healing. We think of you often. Know that we are concerened and are here for you.

  • bebu

    I got a short update from RIVASC this week. Mario is still struggling, but is still attending support groups and working toward overcoming. As can be expected, there are still many bad days, but there are some better days as well. It all just takes time, determination, hope, and courage. Both Marina and Mario are finding these as time goes on.

    In order to encourage him, I still recommend sending a card to Mario (especially with some bucks to help pay some bills, if you can!). You know that he will be thankful for all the support that represents to him. There really IS something you can do. Longer journeys need extended support.

    Keep on, Mario. You are still in our thoughts and prayers here!


  • hubert

    Thanks for the update, Bebu.

    I'm sure the weather isn't helping Mario cope too well. It's been a cold winter here, and we got twice the normal amount of snow we usually get for the winter, and cold, too, so it must be depressing for him.

    (I know it is for me).

    Better weather coming, Mario. I hope you have some job prospects lined up. Keep on pushing.....and if you don't feel like it for you, do it for Marina. She needs you.

    When you feel up to it, contact me. I'm stilll here for ya.


  • wannaexit

    Hello Mario,

    I wanted to let you know that you are not forgotten.

    I hope with all my heart that you are feeling better.

    Looking forward for some news about you and Marina.

    Take care


  • LoverOfTruth

    Same here Mario. You're in my thoughts and prayers everyday.

  • Aude_Sapere


    Because I was thinking of Mario.....


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