Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • LoverOfTruth

    Dear Mario,

    I have often thought of taking my life but there are two things that stop me:

    • I have four children. Children of Suicide victims live a life of depression, many eventually taking their own lives. I don't want to leave this legacy for my kids.
    • I don't want to be another victim of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    Marina may appear to be doing ok now. What about later when she's older and needs her Dad?

    Please, please, please talk with someone immediately!!

  • kj


    Please get help. Hurting yourself will not bring Talia back. She would not want you to keep hurting and blaming yourself this way. GET HELP. You are not thinking clearly right now, and no one expects you to be after all you've been through. You shouldn't be alone right now, please call someone NOW.

  • bebu

    Mario, I don't know if you'll be reading these notes after you posted... I mailed you a card earlier today; I have been thinking about you and praying for you.

    I am asking for you to find a shaft of light, even a strand of hope, to give you strength to overcome.

    Sending you a pm,


  • LoverOfTruth


    I called the Providence Rhode Island Police Department.

    They just returned my call just saying someone else called. (thank you! - I had a hard time convincing them to check in on him)

    Mario is being transported to a Mental Health Facilty at this moment 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time.

  • kj

    Thank God! Thank you so much for letting us know.


  • candidlynuts

    mario, we all have our limits and no way can yours not be stretched right now.

    your well thought of and everyones praying / thinking good thoughts for you.

  • candidlynuts

    LoT thanks for the update.. sending good vibes and prayers mario's way.

  • lisaBObeesa

    Loverof Truth......Thank goodness! I am so relieved......

    Thanks for telling us this.


  • bebu

    THANK YOU LoT!!!! I had been wondering if calling the police was possible--there has been no physical address. ...I guess I overlooked the fact that cell phone info can be traced? ?? You are super.

    http://www.compassionatefriends.org/states.shtml, a support group for parents who have lossed a child.

    I have contacted this organization, and asked for them to either contact me or have someone in Providence (looks to be a chapter there) contact Mario.

    Mario, your life affects many people, not just yourself. We are asking you to think clearly, just as you asked Tonya to think clearly. Please allow yourself to rest and be carried by others right now.


  • bikerchic


    As A Parent You Do Not Have Killing Yourself As An Option Anymore!!

    Please take care of yourself and do whatever it takes to become whole again. You and your family have suffered enough tragedy, please don't add to it by taking the selfish way out. It will make it that much easier when one of your children opps to kill themselves, please show them that's not the way.

    Be strong my man and be at peace.


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