Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • morty


    I cannot believe 2 years as gone by already...

    I hope you and your daughter are doing better now....

    Love Morty

  • bebu

    Hi All,

    If you were like me and sent a card to the PO Box address--well, your card came back because the PO Box expired. So I emailed Mario to see if something bad was up, and got a good reply. Since he didn't object to my posting the email he sent me, I'll post the pertinent parts here just so's you can know what's up with him today.

    He's obviously been extreeeeeemely busy, but there are now some positive things on his horizon. Good for you, Mario!! We're always cheering for you, bro.


    Hey Bev,

    ...I am still in europe. Several times my return dates were moved forward to meet more operational requirements. So, while I have been here in Helsinki, my mail boxes did not get renewed because there was no one there to check my mail, so I have lost my mailing addreses and probably months of bank statements, bills, magazines, letters, cards, etc.

    My car insurance expired and my dirver's license expired while I was here,meanwhile I have broken a company record working 411 hours for the month of september. I have so much administrative stuff to do when I get home that I may not have time to finish it all. I fly home on 12/1 and on 12/3 I fly to Trinidad & Tobago for 21 days, then Jamaica for 15 days, then backk home to prepare for another trip to Luxembourg. I was assigned projects in other places but I begged for a warm environment. While I was here in Helsinki, I made six trips to Italy to see family. That I am very grateful for and losing my mail, my license, insurance was all a worthwhile sacrifice to see my sister and parents. I flew Marina out to meet me in Italy in mid-August and she will going there again for XMAS vacation. I wll be in T & T. Anyway, I apologize for not posting to everyone, I really have been working over 300 hours per month and am very exhausted. But, I got offered a permanent position in Barcellona, so I am thinking of going back and selling everything and moving. Marina was not interested in moving with me to Italy or anywhere else and since going back to meetings, she is definitely staying with the Fullers and wants to got to school at Boston College. I was arranging University of Roma for her and have already rented and apartment with my sister for her son and possibly Marina, but now she has changed her mind. So, I have not had time to communicate with any friends in a long time. I miss all of you terribly so please give my regards to the board and the family...


  • lonelysheep


  • bebu

    I have been thinking of you a lot these days, Mario. I hope that, wherever you are, you are finding that work and fatherhood are better for you. (I know that things have been hard between you and Marina. I have a son Marina's age, and they can get so crazy. Where do we sell them? [JUST KIDDING. I THINK.])

    And I just want you to know, at this time of year which is important to you, that I am sending my thoughts and prayers your way, that you will feel warmth and support.

    Whenever you want to drop in and say hi here, please do!!


    PS: I hope others will give you a word of simple encouragement here too.

  • Odrade

    Thinking of you Mario.

  • cruzanheart

    I'm glad you are making your life beautiful, Mario, and finding peace. Lots of cyberhugs for you!



  • bebu

    I got the dates mixed up for Talia... I wanted to just post a little memorial on the anniversary of her death, but I am afraid I am late.


    Just thinking about you, Mario, and your daughter Marina, at this time of year. I pray things are going better for you every year. I hope you'll drop a line on occasion, whenever you feel up to it.

    That's all!


  • Tatiana
  • avishai



    My heart goes out to you Mario. I am so sorry for what you have been through.

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