Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • 144001


    Don't give up, you still have a daughter to care for! Good things come to those who persevere. It may be dark today but tomorrow will be brighter.

    A friend of mine who is extremely successful, both financially and personally, told me his father's inspirational words, "as long as I've still got a breath, I still have a chance." Take a deep breath, get some rest, and wake up tomorrow to a new day. Your daughter needs you and has obviously suffered substantial emotional trauma as a result of this. Don't add to her problems and grief by giving up. Life is a struggle, don't lessen your daughter's chances of success in life by teaching her that the way to respond to hardship is to give up. After all that has happened, she needs you more than anything in life right now.

    BTW, in my JW days, I looked down the barrel of a loaded gun with my finger on the trigger. That was over 25 years ago. I'm sure glad I never did what I was thinking about back then.

  • lisaBObeesa
    Please, please, please let someone help you right now
  • FlyingHighNow

    Mario, honey, please STOP! THINK! Anyone in your shoes would feel as you do tonight.It's normal to feel suicidal to some degree. Your own feelings sound very serious though.

    Please, there are other parents who have been in your shoes. They have been through losing a child in similar ways to you. There are support groups. Please call someone who can help you. Head to your local emergency room or call Hubert or someone in your area for support.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Please call 1-800-784-2433 now.

    Its a toll-free 24 hour national hotline that'll give you immediate access to a distress counsellor. There are alot of people who can help see you through this ordeal one moment at a time. Marina will still need you as she grows up. Forza Mario.

  • SixofNine

    Mario, sounds like Marina will be ok. Why don't you plan to take a year or so just for yourself, and then review your situation? If you want to call me, I promise not to sound like everyone else ;-) I'll pm you the number.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Deleted by me because on second thought, maybe it's better for you to wait on reading this kind of posts.

  • gdt

    Mario, what a blessing you have!! So many good people here who have told you the truth, who have suffered with you, who want you to be strong and who care so much for you and all the good memories you have which outweigh the bad ones!! You must listen to this good advice. I have invited you to come to the sunny Gold Coast in Australia, promise no tsusami's (oh dear, better not say that--who knows??) and promise to be with you and help you 'see the invisible' which is what all your friends are telling you to do too. Please consider, you have my email somewhere in the system. Specially kind thoughts to you Mario, you have to be kind to yourself too. I wish I had the money to send you a ticket.

    gdt Geoff.

  • outbutnotdown


    Your anger towards Tonya is justified. Your depression is warranted. But please don't end things. As slow as the legal system is, they will do the right thing for Marina, eventually. You need to be here to give them that option.

    I don't know what else to say, but stay a strong as you have.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Dear Mario, you've been through more than most people ever have or ever will. I'm so sorry! But please believe that you've always done all that you could...and your darling daughter is not suffering anymore and will never suffer again.

    Please try to rest and take good care of yourself. It's ok! You deserve some care, just as you would try to help another man or woman in your shoes - do it for yourself.

  • Aude_Sapere

    Mario -

    Please. Please.

    No where NEAR your circumstances, I had a plan. But I didn't quite act on it...

    BEST help is a live, experienced person. You have been giving so much of your self to others and have seen that sometimes everything is not enough. I am so very, very sorry about that.

    Tonight, you must find an experienced person who can take care of you. Please.

    Local Hospital emergency room, the 800# cited a few posts back, heck even 911.

    Please. Let someone who knows how to help do that for you.



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