Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1241 Replies latest members private

  • angelkins


    I was so happy to read your post from yesterday. I am looking forward to seeing the picture.

    I am so glad that you are getting to go to Italy and have the arms of your loving family enfold you. That will be good therapy!!

    No cause for concern now to have vengeful feelings against all who have caused harm to you and yours. In my professional opinion, you don't have to worry about getting to forgiveness now either. What I am saying, is don't feel you have to listen to any of the well-meaning advice which you have been given here--INCLUDING MINE!

    Eight years ago, someone did something horrible to my son which has ruined his life and will for the rest of his life. I, too, had some wonderful fantasies of how I would like to do them harm.Juicy ones! I did'nt and wouldn't, of course. The fact that you are honest with those feelings/thoughts, verballizing them, is not all that unhealthy. Seriously.

    My healing and loving thoughts,


  • bebu

    Here it is, beginning of July... Time flies!

    I remind folks who have been regularly sending cards to send one out to Mario again, if you would. He's working now, so the cash situation is a little different (thankfully). Still tough, I imagine, though.

    A summery greeting , a word of hope , a wish for peaceful days ... Send your thoughts and prayers and love... and send a card this week to Mario and Marina.

    Mario Balletta
    PO Box 91016
    Johnston RI 02919


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Mario I am new to the JWD. I have just finished reading the posts. My heart goes out to you and Marina.

  • codeblue


    It was so good to hear from you!

    I am so happy that you will be visiting family in Italy and in South America. I know what it is like to live far away from family, and it is a truly healing experience when I get to visit them.

    Great news about the job!!!

    I am also happy to hear that you will be getting counseling. You have justifiable anger and grief. A good counselor will help you to cope with those feelings and possibly turn them into something positive.

    What I mean by that, is this: I have told you before you have an excellent writing ability. You have shared so much about you in a way that I feel I am reading a letter from you. I have learned a lot from you. I think MANY others could as well. How about chanelling the anger and grief into a book that one day you might publish? You have a unique story to tell!!! You have inspired me when I get "down"...I think many others feel the same way.

    Enjoy your trip and take good care of yourself----please post us photos of your journey. I have never been to Italy but would LOVE to go one day!!!



  • bem

    Dear ((((((Mario)))))) What (((Codeblue))) said, She expressed my heart felt thoughts to a T, So re-read her loving message.


  • Moridin

    Thinking of you Mario and Marina. Hope all is going well.

  • bebu

    I have been away from computers for a week, Mario... but have been thinking about you during this time nonetheless. I hope you are with family in Italy. I will email RIVASC when I return home, to see if they can give me any general update as to where you are (it's been nearly a month since we've heard from you). God bless, bebu

  • lazyslob

    I was thinking about you. Hoping you´re feeling better. Lazy

  • Sunspot

    Hello dear Mario!

    I wanted to add my thoughts to this for you.I hope you and yours are having a wonderful time this summer! You certainly deserve all good things coming your way.

    Love, hugs and blessings,


  • bebu

    I have been away on vacation, and while away I received a short update from K., from RIVASC.

    It seems that Mario is now with his family in Italy, and is expected to come back around Aug. 8 or so. I hope that the hugs, encouragement and love from his family last thru the time he comes back.

    She reminded me that the first year anniversary of this tragedy is coming soon, and things are no further along in the judicial process than Tanya being charged with the crime, being deemed competent to stand trial, and continuing to be housed at the Institute of Mental Health rather than the Adult Correctional Institution.

    K. feels that when there is some movement on this case in the court system, Mario will have some sense that something is being done to bring some justice to the tragic loss of his daughter. Anyone can understand the frustration of waiting for justice.

    So, Mario, we are thinking of you and sending you our love, hoping that your time back in Italy is a balm for your soul. We hope you will share with us the website you have been working on in memory of Talia, soon.

    Love always to you, Mario.


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