Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • Narkissos

    Thank you so much for this great update Mario.

    Your relationship with Marina is by far the most important thing now, and I am so happy to see it is progressing.

    Step by step, as ever.

    Take care fratello.

  • Emma

    It's so good to hear from you, Mario. I'm glad the weekend with Marina went so well. Remember that this age for, even without all the complications in her life, is very confusing. She won't be able to get it sorted out for a few years and your support means more than she knows right now. It's wonderful that you're helping her with a new "friendship" and that you're the one she's trusting!

    Please take care of yourself!


  • bebu

    ((((Mario)))), so glad whenever when I read your new posts!!

    Marina asked me to promise not to kill myself because then she would have to do the same if I comitted suicide.

    Mario: She's asking you to let her live! You hold a lot of power in how she values herself. You may not have been able to help keep Talia alive, even after doing your very best to do it... But if you kill yourself at any point now, you are clearly telling Marina that she is not as important to you as Talia, and that whether she lives or dies is unimportant to you. If I were Marina, it would be devastating beyond what you could imagine, and by now you have experienced more than most people could imagine.

    Remind yourself: Are you not also Marina's father? By staying alive for her sake, you answer "yes!" You are in a very powerful position, to your very fragile girl.

    Loving Marina will help you thru this rough water safely. Make it a firm mental decision.


  • hubert

    Mario...What a beautiful post !

    This is what we all love to hear from you. Positive thoughts.

    Don't get me wrong, we love to hear from you either way, but it gives us much pleasure seeing you taking a more positive approach to your life.

    I wish I was better with words like Bebu and others are, so I could encourage you to look on the brighter side of life, but I'm not that good at it, so listen to bebu and the others. They know how to put it across.

    No one here is looking for a pat on the back. We just want you to go on living, the best that you can. FOR YOUR SAKE, AND MARINA'S.

    Your friend always,


  • cruzanheart

    Mario, what a wonderful post! I hear many positive things in it, and I'm glad you took care of yourself on Memorial Day.



  • Special K
    Special K

    Sure glad to read a post from you Mario

    It made my heart glad to hear that you and Marina spent some time "laughing"..

    Special K

  • Sunspot


    I'm so glad that I logged one last time before going to bed-----and got to see your post! You don't know how much we appreciate hearing from you.

    Dealing with a young (or old) teen can be a roller-coaster ride at best. It's so nice to see that you are getting along so well.

    Everything that Bebu said was great advice! If I wasn't so tired, I'd go into a few things---but she covered it all pretty well.

    I still continue to keep you in my prayers and thoughts...



  • Aude_Sapere

    What a beautifully honest visit you had with Marina.

    Very simple. Very profound. Very respectful.

    I know there are many more of those visits ahead for both of you.

    Please hug her and tell her how proud you are her.

    You are always in my thoughts.


  • angelkins


    I was so happy to read your upbeat post. Marina is really coming along, thanks to your patience and love.

    My very best loving thoughts to you and Marina.

    "Mother" Carol

  • Billygoat


    I'm so thrilled to see when you post. But this one has left me with a lump in my throat. Marina needs you my friend. She needs you to know she is struggling with this too. And she needs your help. I'm so happy to know you had a good weekend. Keep being tender with her and LISTEN to her. A little girl always needs a safe place to share her heart. What better place than in a father's safe arms? I promise you if you keep doing what you're doing, she will WANT you to have custody of her!

    Love and prayers in your direction.


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