Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Glad to see you posting. Hang in there buddy. Slow as it may be it will keep getting better for you.

  • bebu


    What great reports! We are so (!) happy to hear back from you!

    Sounds like Italy is a wonderful place to be raised... Your family (and community) is just wonderful!!

    Can you keep in mind that the reality of pain is no less than the reality of the love you experienced at your home in Italy? Surely, the greatness of the love of your relatives in particular will help you overcome in the longrun. Remember their shoulders, gentleness, and silences with you, whenever other memories bring pain. KNOW that their love is as real now as it was when you saw them face to face.

    Keeping you always in thoughts and prayers,


  • Bryan

    Great to have you back Mario!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • codeblue


    Glad to hear you had a wonderful visit with your family in Italy!!! Glad you had a much needed vacation as well.


  • angelkins


    I haven't been here for a while and the first thing I did was to check this thread to see if you were back from Italy. I am so glad that it was such a wonderful time for you. It seems that being embraced by the love of your family and neighbors was was truly therapy.

    Keep us informed.

    Love and hugs from the other side of the country,


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Dear JWD Family:

    After some delays and interruptions, I am posting again to this thread. Well, the divorce proceedings continued again this past friday. I received some startling news. Would you believe that Tonya's parents (The Infamous Fullers) have filed "child support petitions" in court against the remaining proceeds from our marital home sale.

    If you remember, in RI, all marital property is disposed of in court. The court ordered the sale of the damaged home and placed the proceeds in escrow. Now, in a normal divorce, the funds would be distributed by the court to each party, taking into consideration custody of children and other issues. In my case, my daughter Marina cannot live with me at present and is temporarily residing with Tonya's family.

    I do not have immediate family in RI. Thus, while she is staying with the FULLERS, they have taken advanatge of every state and federally funded program and/or assistance adn have applied for everything and anything they can possibly get their greedy paws on!

    Imagine how a pair of self-righteous pharisaical hypocrites who own over ten multi-family tenements in Providence, stock, a Shell Gas station and other assets, can possibly need state and federal assistance to temporarily help a 14 year old grand-daughter?

    What is funny is that the divorce family court judge is NOT aware of this, nor is the judge aware that that Marina is receiving state medical coverage through Rite-Start. The judge is not aware that most of Marina's support is now already subsidized and the rest is coming from a starving and destititute father who is now being audited by the IRS for over $40K in taxes, penalties and interest due to Tonya's domineering and tyrannical control of the household over the last five years, and I am stuck with the bill while her parents falsely seek to profit from the blood money of my daughter's death, and Tonya lives in a hospital without concern for taxes, medical coverage or expenses.

    Where is the justice? The FULLERS are lying to Marina saying they are filing to have the money placed in a trust account for her education. If that was the case, why was a claim for child support filed? The greed and treachery of this JW family does not subside. The court is under-informed about these people and I am alone.

    Here is the real killer, The Fullers have instructed their attorney to check this forum for updates, postings and anything else they can use to discredit me and sabotage my efforts to rebuild my life. How can they make demands against money from a home that was never theirs? I was not married to them and yet they are somehow involved in my divorce case?

    Now, they have spies watching this site to print out my posts and deliver them to the court. Well, here's a news flash for the Fullers:


  • Billygoat

    (((((Mario))))) We are here for you. Tell us how we can help.

  • cruzanheart

    Their greed is absolutely astounding, but not unexpected considering what they have always been. Thanks for letting us know that your posts are being read. IF ANYONE HAS ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR MARIO, PLEASE PUT THEM IN A PM, NOT A POST.

    To the Fullers and their attorneys: may you receive EXACTLY what you deserve for the way you have treated Marina's father. May others do to you what you are doing to Mario.


  • bebu

    Do you not have any representation, Mario? You say you are alone. Are there no court-appointed attorneys available to you? How else can the court be informed about these things, in order to take them into consideration? Are you not allowed to challenge this?

    What is the worst-case scenario for you, Mario? That eventually you plead bankruptcy? Such an option might be best--and I have never made the suggestion to anyone to do this before, but I would suggest it here if it would ease your situation. In fact, I would recommend your investigating it highly.

    To the attorneys reading this: There are much worse disgraces than bankruptcy... the Fullers have shown us that very clearly.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I am shocked Mario, and I am disgusted by their behaviour.

    I wouldn't have thought that there was anywhere left for this family to stick a knife into you, but they have found one.

    They bring shame upon themselves and their God.


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