Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • badboy

    Sorry to hear of your plight,MARIO

  • badboy

    Interesting thought,Why not bring the IRS into it,if I remember correctly doesn't you say your father(or whoever owes the IRS)

  • angelkins

    Hi All,

    It's time to remember Mario! Maybe a card?


  • bebu

    This would be a good week to send Mario a card--or at least a pm! The house fire that eventually led to Talia's death was last year on Oct 29.

    In order to make this week easier, could folks here please send him their good wishes, thoughts and prayers?


    Mario Balletta
    PO Box 91016
    Johnston RI 02919

  • lonelysheep

    I'm glad you bumped this up, Bebu.


  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    My God! I've just been reading this thread. What a horrendous story. I'm in tears thinking about the hell poor Mario has been through.
    Mario, you are an incredible man. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    tall penguin

  • bebu



  • FlyingHighNow

    Mario, grief comes in waves. It's never a burden to help someone like you. There is more happiness in the giving than in the receiving.

  • bebu


    Send a card today, folks...

    Mario Balletta

    PO Box 91016

    Johnston RI 02919


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Greetings family:

    Well, today is exactly one year to the day that I saw my little TALIA alive for the very last time. It was Tuesday, October 26, 2004 that ex-wife TONYA allowed me to visit for a few minutes. I remember Talia was playing some computer games on her mother's laptop (she loved the variety of games to play in SuSE Linux 9.1) and she was sitting in our leather loveseat.

    I remember she had a skull cap covering her hair and when I tried to play footsies and tickle her feet she was apprehensive. I don't remember anything she said that evening after work, but I do remember she was quiet and seemed occupied with the games and did not engage me too much in speech or play.

    Here we are one year later and much has changed in our lives. This past week I was informed that the court awarded all of the proceeds from the home sale to the Fuller Family, mind you, NOT to Marina, my surviving daughter, but to the grandparents. They succeeded in having their child support claim accepted by the court.

    Thus, I have literally lost everything, all of our families possessions, the home, the home sale, and of course, the most precious loss of all was my TALIA. Now, struggling to survive, I am facing six years of tax examinations due to Tonya's filing methods, totalling almost $40,000 USD in taxes, late fees, penalties and interest. In addition, I am also stuck with another $50,000 USD in oustanding credit card debt for personally financing her famous gubenatorial election campaign. I believed in my wife at the time and used all of my personal credit to show my support. So, I could always file for bankruptcy, right? Unfortunately, it would do more damage than good. In my work, I am required to submit to background checks and credit checks as a contractor. Thus, organizations that hire temporary contractors for technical engineering work usually do so thru recruiting agencies who screen all of their temporary employees for bad credit, criminial offenses and bankruptcy. As it is, for the current temporary assignment I am working on, I had to sign some waivers and show proof that I did indeed have a functional checking account and the ability to pre-pay for business travel and then complete expense forms for reimbursement. I had to take a position with travel (which most will not do due to family ties) in order to ensure a job. Plus, I am downsizeable in my age group and I need any advantage over younger and new immigrants and other candidates. So, I cannot afford additional negative information in my already administratively tarnished background which is already preventing me from full-time employment and credit and decent housing.
    Think about it, would you rent to someone with bad credit or bankruptcy problems? Would you loan someone with IRS problems money? I know I would not unless they were a family member, and even then, I would like to be sure of the siutation.

    Hopefully, I can leave the US within 18 months or less and start over in either Buenos Aires or Rome. I am already job hunting and making online contacts and asking for help from family members. I cannot wait to leave the bad memories behind and now that my enemies have taken everything, they should be satisfied and ready to leave me alone. If they want the clothing on my back, they will have to physically make an attempt and I won't be relying on the court or an attorney to help me with that situation since I know how to defend myself in that manner.

    So, later this week, on the 28th, the State Attorney General will be informing the court of Tonya's final competency evaluation. The public defenders have stalled four times and have exhausted their use of requests for medical and psychological evaluations. She has not failed any of the independent, third-party evaluations conducted by outside experts and the prison's staff psychiatrists. Thus, they will be moving her into the women's facility.

    So, I thought it would be my duty to stick around and see the criminal trial through to the end, but, I am thinking that I will end up leaving before hand and really no longer want to participate in any more legal processes. Justice is for sale and I am broke.

    I want to leave in peace and quiet and take what I have left of Talia and myself overseas in seclusion. Marina promises to join us after high school graduation. My door will be ajar the entire time. That is all of the latest news.

    What many of you may not realize is that collectively, all of you helped keep me alive throughout this ordeal and I love all of you. Thank you from my broken heart. I would give all of you the world and everything else if I could and feel sorry that I am unable to express my true gratitude. In time, that will change too.

    Thank you for keeping Talia in your minds and hearts. She would have loved this place.


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