Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • bebu

    ...Thinking of you and Marina today, Mario.


  • angelkins

    Me, too!


  • bebu

    Hope you'll write and update us again soon, Mario.

    I hear the weather's been good in your area. I hope that translates into lots of time with Marina outdoors...


  • Mystery

    We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot. Thinking of you Mario and Marina.

  • love2Bworldly

    So glad to hear your post about time with your daughter. Make sure you let your daughter know how important she is to you, her self-esteem at this age and coupled with the stressful things going on are fragile. You are in my prayers and thoughts. Don't ever give up on her or yourself. Hugs to you and your daughter.

  • bebu

    Hey Mario, I got a short note from rivasc, and Kathleen mentioned that you have a job. Could you let us know about it? I heard the commute is long and difficult for you, though...

    I'm also wondering if you ever had a chance to get together with the new grief counselor yet.

    Do you have any plans for summer?

    How's your relationship with Marina? ... and how is the trial situation going now?

    We are all looking forward to hearing from you!!!! Please update us!!!!


  • hubert

    bttt Glad to hear you are working, Mario !


    Check your p.m.'s.

  • hubert

    This is really good news.

    I had to bring this to the top again.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Dear JWD Family:

    I hope all are happy and healthy and enjoying the summer. How I wish Talia could have been here too! Well, the only real news is that I have been working about three weeks now as a temporary contractor on a six month assignment. It does have potential for renewal. I am also partially enjoying being back in Boston.

    I miss my little girl every second of every day. But, I registered a web-site for Talia and will post the address once the tribute is completed, with Marina's help. I am visting the relatives in Philly again for the long holiday weekend. This time, Marina is joining me and it should be pleasant.

    I am flying off to Italy on July 9th, and then flying off to Buenos Aires to visit other relatives. My parents were kind enough to sponsor my flights, and Marina would have been sponsored too, but she declined once again to travel to Italy.

    This time, she claimed it would be too hot in the south, AND she does not want to stay out of the US for a whole month. I believe the FULLERS have convinced her that I am planning to leave her in Italy in my family's custody. That is nonsense since I do not even have legal custody yet, due to the divorce case being dismissed.

    On a medical note, when I return from my family trip, I am beginning sessions with Dr. Therese Rando, Ph.D. She has offered to work with me about the grief and suicide.

    I miss Talia very much and cannot stand the abscence. Meanwhile, the competency hearing for Tonya has been postponed again to July 6th. The longer she is restricted to the mental hospital, the more I want to break in and burn her alive. Maybe I can claim I am "incompetent" after I exact revenge.

    Actually, I would never stay alive after killing her and her parents. I would only take my life by police suicide. I think about this day and night and I know I should not be posting comments like that on this board. But, fortunately, I am working and keeping myself occupied and have absolutely no contact whatsoever with the other family.

    It is hard to be alone with your thoughts. I spent the last three months drinking on an almost endless binge of drunkeness. Seven days and nights of every week, I would drink and fall asleep drunk and still cry all night long.

    I have been sober about three weeks now and am starting to feel nervous. Life has never been this hard. Before I forget, I wanted to thank all of you a million more times for helping me in so many ways during the last six months of hell. All of you are angels.

    I am going back to work and will try to post another update very soon. I am loading an old picture of Talia (leaning on my lap) and Marina while we are waiting for a connecting flight in Milan's Malpensa Airport circa 2001.


  • candidlynuts

    thanks for the update mario.. sounds like you are healing , keep working and congrats on 3 weeks sober. enjoy your trip to italy and i hope by seeing your family you can draw comfort from them and realize how many people love you.

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