Public breastfeeding

by simplesally 174 Replies latest members private

  • Corvin

    I just want to say that urinating and having sex in public is NO WHERE NEAR the same thing as breast feeding a child.

    God, what ignorance!

    Pete, maybe you should go eat a hotdog in a public bathroom stall through a glory hole . . . just so we don't have to look at you doing it.


  • simplesally
  • ColdRedRain

    I guess my attempt at racy humor was a bit too racy.


  • Gretchen956

    CRR, what in the world are you thinking posting that pic? Are you trying to stir something up with the ladies? I cannot think of any other possible explanation.


  • Corvin

    Very poor taste, CRR.

    You have just ruined the joy of breast feeding, publicly or privately, for every nursing mother on earth.


  • simplesally

    Cold RR apologized.........

    The 2 pics posted show its natural and its loving..........lemme tell ya guys, its not always convenient or painless, it is sometimes embarrassing, especially if you are a working mom who has to go use a private office so you can pump every few hours so your baby can have mother's milk when she is with another caretaker. But its all loving.

  • peacefulpete

    wow...I've not been so assaulted in a long time. Ladies I stand by the realities of nature. The sight of nudity is arousing to most men. It is certainly true that with discipline (or through conditioning,as after a father sees his wife nursing his own children for years)a mature person can partly suppress these instincts but this does not negate that reality. I am neither ignorant nor childish to make this observation. The breast is sexually arousing for some very complex reasons that are inseparable with the experience we had as infants or at least the instincts that drive the infant to the breast from the womb. Even a large percentage of women feel a certain discomfort seeing another woman's breast. Many heterosexual women, according to surveys, are aroused at the sight and sound of suckling. Women have made much progress in the areas of human rights and respect and I applaud what has been accomplished and press for more yet it does no good to the cause to deny human nature and require the public to conform to some forced desexualization of the female body endorsed by some. Sex is not dirty nor shameful nor in my opinion is any other body function (including urination for that matter) so my comparison to breast feeding is valid. When even as a middleaged married sexually contented male (to say nothing of when I was a curious teenager) I must say that I have to resist a peek when an attractive young lady lifts her blouse, insisting that I should "grow up" is just about as useful as telling me not to blink when something approaches my eye.

  • razorMind

    I wasn't going to reply to this thread until I saw Peacefulpete's post. The comparison of feeding one's infant to having sex or eliminating body waste is an outrage and inaccurate.

    Urinating or deficating is messy, smelly, and can spread diseases. Same could be said about having sex, at least for some people.

    For those males who view this in a sexual context, that's fine...but it's YOUR problem. If you can't comprehend the difference between a woman holding a child at her breast and a topless pole dancer, then you need help. Pete's thinking on this issue is much the same reason the Taliban put women in Burkas (sp?), because men just could NOT help but rape women if they saw too much skin.

    And, my well-meaning brothers: when you make comments like "it's fine if she brings enough to share", and "I do it whenever I can" just reinforces the sexual BS surrounding this act. Please think about what you are implying when you say crap like this.

    Believe it or not, I recently heard a man on a talk radio show who was trying to get all breast feeding banned. His idea was that since women sometimes became aroused or felt stimulation when nursing, it was a form of child abuse or child sexual exploitation. I swear I'm not making this up.

    As a presently nursing mother of a 6-month old, all I can say is,


    I have nursed my daughter at restaurants, and have actually shown less flesh while breastfeeding than some of my fellow (childless) patrons in their halter tops and tank tops. And wearing a fitted (not tight! but fitted) T-shirt, even---I don't wear big baggy tops or huge t-shirts. The two never-fail rules that worked for me: 1) always, always access the area from the bottom up; and 2) at home or in private quarters, get a friend/relative/trusted person to tell you whether or not they can see "anything" ....or practice in front of mirror. Also, one doesn't necessarily have to put a blanket over the shoulder--if temperatures permit, the blanket can sometimes be simply wrapped around the baby while he/she's feeding.

    And while of course I can't speak for every single woman, I can personally testify that never, ever, have I felt anything even remotely sexual while feeding my baby. I don't think most of the nursing mothers I know have either. We're all too exhausted--from working full-time while squeezing in pumping sessions, running around taking care of business and home, skipping meals, lack of proper sleep, being flat broke, etc.....I think it's safe to say that for a lot of us, it's no more arousing than uncapping a bottle and giving it to the baby. Truly. (Hell, my husband doesn't even get turned on by my nursing. We're both just wanting to make the crying stop.)

    P.S. Wasa, I had the misfortune of clicking on a similar website while looking for info on breastfeeding. It was page after page of feverish ranting about breastfeeding mothers, sexual perversion, and "scriptural proof" that breastfeeding was a perversion and an abomination. Needless to say, I was slack-jawed with shock.

  • peacefulpete

    But its all loving

    Of course it is and it is a very personal sacrifice that only mothers can make.

  • BeautifulGarbage
    Many heterosexual women, according to surveys, are aroused at the sight and sound of suckling.Not

    Even with a very loose, abet reasonable, definition of "many" I think the shadowy surveys you elude to are highly suspect. Actually, I find it rather comical and seems to be more of genre of some dude's fantasy, or a mens magazine article, than reality.

    Breastfeeding, is indeed, a very special and bonding experience. Arousing is not a term I would use to describe it. Neither is it with any other woman that I have personally known to have breastfed her children. And even if it does do that to a very, very, very minute group of women, I'm not going to allow that to determine when, or where, I breastfeed my baby. If an individual feels uncomfortable, they can leave the room/area.

    There has been many debates on this forum regarding breastfeeding. Someone always seems to bring up the "elimination" argument against doing it publicly.


    I just know this. Though, I am finished having children, I would enthusiastically have given the one finger salute to anyone that would have DARED make any sort of negative comment, or suggested that we move somewhere else, because they were uncomfortable at the small chance of seeing my nipple.

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