Public breastfeeding

by simplesally 174 Replies latest members private

  • little witch
    little witch

    Peacefulpete, for pete's sake!

    why are men allowed to show their nipples then? Why are women not allowed? Cause ours are bigger? Why are a womans breast perfectly ok to see on the cover of national geographic, but considered unacceptable in the usa?

    Get a clue dude.

  • shotgun

    Hmm..maybe as a teenager I found it uncomfortable but as an adult and having witnessed the bond and beauty of my child while she breast fed I envied the close bond they shared. No I didn't try it...although Valis has tried to make my boobies bleed.

    BB is 4 now and touching her mothers skin still has a tremendous soothing and calming effect for her.

    As far as public breastfeeding, it seems to be popular at the beach, there must have been a dozen woman breastfeeding the other day, no problem for anyone there.

  • wasasister

    I wasn't going to reply to this thread until I saw Peacefulpete's post. The comparison of feeding one's infant to having sex or eliminating body waste is an outrage and inaccurate.

    Urinating or deficating is messy, smelly, and can spread diseases. Same could be said about having sex, at least for some people.

    For those males who view this in a sexual context, that's fine...but it's YOUR problem. If you can't comprehend the difference between a woman holding a child at her breast and a topless pole dancer, then you need help. Pete's thinking on this issue is much the same reason the Taliban put women in Burkas (sp?), because men just could NOT help but rape women if they saw too much skin.

    And, my well-meaning brothers: when you make comments like "it's fine if she brings enough to share", and "I do it whenever I can" just reinforces the sexual BS surrounding this act. Please think about what you are implying when you say crap like this.

    Believe it or not, I recently heard a man on a talk radio show who was trying to get all breast feeding banned. His idea was that since women sometimes became aroused or felt stimulation when nursing, it was a form of child abuse or child sexual exploitation. I swear I'm not making this up.

  • Leolaia

    State Laws Upholding a Woman's Breastfeeding Rights

    AK 1998 ( S 297)

    States that breastfeeding does not constitute indecent exposure and that municipalities cannot implement ordinances banning breastfeeding

    CA 1995, 1997, 1998 ( AB 977, Ch 463, AB 157, ACR 155)

    Requires the State Department of Health Services to promote breastfeeding in public health campaigns and requires hospitals to make available a breastfeeding consultant or provide information on where to receive breastfeeding help
    Authorizes a mother to breastfeeding her child wherever they have the right to be
    Encourages employers to provide facilities for employees to breastfeed or express milk

    CT 1997 ( SSB 260)

    Prohibits resorts, places of amusement, or public accommodations from limiting or restricting a mother's right to breastfeed. Provides the civil penalties (fines) for violations

    DE 1996 ( HB 31)

    Authorizes a mother to breastfeed her child wherever they have the right to be. Various preambles set forth the importance of breastfeeding

    FL 1993, 1993, 1994 ( HB 231, SB 472, SB 1668)

    Contains Florida's law that states breastfeeding must be encouraged and gives a mother the right to breastfeed anywhere she has the right to be
    Amends many criminal statutes to exclude a mother's breastfeeding her baby
    Creates worksite breastfeeding support policies, baby friendly hospital initiative, and encouragement of breastfeeding in nutrition programs; includes a demonstration project in Miami to implement the policies

    GA 1999 ( SB 29)

    Allows mothers to breastfeed in any location where they are otherwise authorized to be, provided that she "acts in a discreet and modest way"

    IA 1994 ( H 2350)

    Exempts breastfeeding mothers from jury duty who are responsible for the daily care of the child and not regularly employed outside the home

    ID 1996 ( S 1468)

    A nursing mother may postpone her jury service until she is no longer breastfeeding

    IL 1995, 1997 ( S 190, S 404)

    States that breastfeeding a child is not an act of public indecency
    Authorizes the Department of Public Health to conduct a breastfeeding promotion program to the public

    IN 1994 ( H 2350)

    Exempts breastfeeding mothers from jury duty who are responsible for the daily care of the child and not regularly employed

    MD 1997 ( H 642)

    Allows a company to use the designation "family friendly" in brochures if the employer creates a supportive environment for breastfeeding in the workplace. Instructs the Department Health to create a lactation demonstration project for departmental employees

    MI 1994 ( S 107-109)

    Public nudity laws do not apply to a woman breastfeeding a child

    MN 1997 ( S 2751)

    Requires employers to provide daily, unpaid break time for a mother to express milk and provide a private location to do so

    MT 1999 ( S 398)

    States that the breastfeeding of a child in any location, public or private, cannot be considered indecent exposure , sexual conduct, or obscenity

    NC 1993 ( Gen State 14-190.9)

    States a woman may breastfeed in any public or private location where she is authorized to be

    NH ( H 441)

    Breastfeeding a child does not constitute an act of indecent exposure. Also notes that restricting or limiting the right of a breastfeeding woman to feed her child is discriminatory

    NJ 1997 ( S 1212)

    Creates a new law that gives a mother the right to breastfeed in any location of a public accommodation or resort where the mother has a right to be. Provides for civil penalties (fines) for violating this law

    NV 1995 ( S 317)

    Allows a mother to breastfeed her child wherever she has a right to be and this does not constitute a violation of the indecent exposure laws

    NY 1994 ( S 3999 A)

    A mother may breastfeed her child in any public or private location

    PA 1997 ( City of Philadelphia)

    Breastfeeding Rights Act introduced: it would be an act of sex discrimination if a mother were asked to leave a public place because she was breastfeeding
    In any public accommodations, it is unlawful to prohibit a mother from breastfeeding or segregate a breastfeeding mother within the public accommodation where she would otherwise have a right to be

    RI 1998 ( S 2319)

    Under the general laws of "Disorderly Conduct", in no event shall the provisions of this section apply to breastfeeding in public

    TX 1995 ( H 359)

    A mother is entitled to breastfeed her baby in any location where she is authorized to be; allows worksites to use the designation "mother-friendly" if they develop worksite policies supporting breastfeeding; state agencies that administer maternal/child health programs will provide information that encourages breastfeeding; create worksite breastfeeding support policies for all state employees

    UT 1995, 1999 ( H 262, H 310)

    States that a breastfeeding woman is not in violation of any obscene or indecent exposure laws and that city and county governing bodies may not inhibit a woman's right to breastfeed in public
    States that breastfeeding a child may not, under any circumstances be considered a "lewd or grossly lewd act"

    VA 1994, 1994 ( VA Code sec 18.2-387, HJR 248)

    Exempts breastfeeding in any public place from the indecent exposure statute
    Requests the Department of Medical Assistance Services to look at including lactation education and supplies for Medicaid recipients. Sets forth the benefits of breastfeeding

    WI 1995 ( AB 154)

    Breastfeeding mothers do not violate various criminal statutes including indecent or obscene exposure
  • boa

    Putting on dissection gloves...

    :urinating and sex are also natural yet as a society we have decided they are private matters. Feeding a child with equipment for that purpose is neither excreting waste nor an act of sex. These natural functions of urination and sex do not seem to inheirently need laws for most people to WANT to do them in private. :Get real ladies, you must be aware that every teenage (or older) male in eyeshot is naturally turned on by the site of an exposed breast. This is an extremely ignorant statement and one that is most definitely NOT true for me. Obviously you are ignorant to dare blanket all men young or old with such stupidity. I suppose you include gay men as well right? Idiot. Are you the Perv that MUST keep looking? I find that I 'naturally' shy away from looking, not because I'm embarassed at skin but because I want the Mom to feel comfortable in what she is doing and not think I'M a perv! :We have evey right to request that you not flash them for any reason. I exercise my right to request that you keep your offensive claim to this right to yourself. Whoever the 'We' are, I hope to gawd is in the minority today. :Arguments that suggest males should just get over it and not be aroused or made uncomfortable are just plain silly. Its not an arguement. Thank cripes ITS THE LAW in many jurisdictions that a woman be allowed to breastfeed in public. It often takes laws like them to keep prudish, backwards, and non-self-aware people like you (at least in this one case and IMO) at bay. For a person to be as insular in your thoughts as you are, I am likely wasting my time, however, males CAN and ARE able to get over it and learn to DEAL with it! If you can't, then stay home and hopefully you haven't raised any children to think as narrowly as you do. Gradually the world might get weaned from such thinking. Whether you feel uncomfortable or aroused makes no difference to the question. Maybe the bulge in your jeans (if you have one) is arousing to women, are you going to switch to a kilt, a pair of sweats, and a couple of wraps of duct tape to try and hide it? :Ladies keep them covered at least, better, breast feed in private where the experience will be more intimate between the two of you. This is far more insightful and kind to everyone. Thank gawd much of the world will not listen to this myopic viewpoint. It is your right to have it of course, but I would prefer that people like you stay away from the 'ladies' mothers doing a valuable service to their children for their own convenience and more importantly, health of the lil' ones. If YOU were more insightful, it would be more kind to what I believe to be the majority out there. Go Moms Go!

  • bem
    but it's YOUR problem. If you can't comprehend the difference between a woman holding a child at her breast and a topless pole dancer, then you need help. Pete!!!!

    Exactly what I was gonna say Wassasis. But I'm gonna repeat for emphasis. Pete it is YOUR PROBLEM (Sorry everyone else for yelling but good grief ) I cannot believe we are even still debating this loving thing for any mom who is able and willing to do for her child,a healthy Not alternative I may add but what was originally meant for babies as a way of nourishment .Bottle feeding is the alternative.(Please moms who bottle feed I respect the choice you made )

    Men those of you who will learn from the article and the comments. When you admit you can re-think things you truly are gentlemen

    boa... as always you remain the man in shiny iridescent armor you have always been, a true knight!

  • SheilaM
    urinating and sex are also natural yet as a society we have decided they are private matters. Get real ladies, you must be aware that every teenage (or older) male in eyeshot is naturally turned on by the site of an exposed breast. We have evey right to request that you not flash them for any reason. Arguments that suggest males should just get over it and not be aroused or made uncomfortable are just plain silly. Ladies keep them covered at least, better, breast feed in private where the experience will be more intimate between the two of you. This is far more insightful and kind to everyone.

    Maybe your name should be IGNORANT PETEGeesh how immature are you........

    Dottie: I always covered up but would have the grumpy ladies glare at me....I always attributed to either their disgust with the color or material of the blanket they saw or the lil bootied feet sticking out the end LOL I guess there are prejudice people against blankets EVERYWHERE......Now being older I would tell them to go taking a flying flipping leap ......

    SimpleSally: I nursed and my daughter nursed for a year and I think that it is a wonderous thing

  • simplesally

    I nursed her til she was 2. Even now, she loves the boobies. When I take a shower, before I put my clothes on she asks to kiss the boobies and give them a hug. I let her. She loves the closeness. When we are in our jammies, she lays her head on my chest and she tells me when she was a baby she got milk from me. It is so not a sex thing ............ its so natural

  • frankiespeakin

    I say more power to moms who love their kids,, no bad stigma should be given a mother nuturing her child. And this should be the view of every mother's son,, whether they were breast fed or not.

    I don't think very many men would get exicted by watching a mother nurse. Maybe a young boy who may not have ever been breast may get some little tiny titilation but hardly anything to worry about, (hey when I was a kid I always had a problem with those embarasing hard ons in the most unwanted places). I think puritanical religious up bringing may be largely responcible for modern day tabboos.

  • Corvin

    Sorry if someone else already posted this link:

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