Serious Terrorist Attacks in PARIS, FRANCE

by nicolaou 325 Replies latest members politics

  • freemindfade
    When you say support terrorism you are talking about something you know nothing about. How many support? Do you have any clue how the larger Muslim community supports this crap? You know it is possible for someone to day I don't support that and be lying. This for a fact goes on.
  • bohm
    freemindfade: "When you say support terrorism you are talking about something you know nothing about. "

    No, I have to rely on polls. What information do you rely upon?

    The polls I have seen put support for specific acts of terror such as the present one at about 1%. This is very alarming, but it is a small minority of the muslism I consider extremists, i.e. support the implementation of Sharia law (about 30%).

    What poll numbers do you rely upon, and if you consider polls to be untrustworthy what do you consider a more trustworthy source of information?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    it is just important to keep the distinction in mind between extremists and extremists who support acts of terror such as the present one - good point.

    Nevertheless, check out this Guardian article that reports on a Gallop poll in 2009. Apparently, out of the 500 British Muslims interviewed, none supported homosexuality or found homosexual acts acceptable.

    Unfortunately, the British Muslim communities seem to provide a fertile ground for violent extremism to flourish.

  • nicolaou

    Spurred on what has happened, today I finished my copy of Ayaan Hirsi Ali's book 'Heretic'. There are no excuses for ignorance about the true nature of Islam any longer. Hirsi Ali and others like her are risking their lives to get the truth out, many have already paid the ultimate price. Bloggers are butchered in Afghanistan and Pakistan or held in Saudi Arabian jails awaiting flogging like Raif Badawi.

    The Jihadists have the loudest voice in Islam right now but we all need to be listening to, supporting and showing solidarity with these reformers and apostates.

    Military action will be necessary but it won't solve the problem. The war of ideas needs to be won. Democracy, science, freedom of expression and self determination. We need to engage . .

  • bohm

    LoveUni: I think asking about homosexuality is not a good proxy for being an extremist. It is clear if you are an extremist you don't like homosexuals, but you can hate homosexuals and not be an extremist muslim. That's why I think the question about Sharia is more relevant as I think a person who does not want Sharia is not really an extremist and a person who want Sharia properly is. Of course the numbers may be confounded by Muslims who say they want sharia because they feel they have to as Muslims while in their daily life religion may not play a very large role (but i digress).

    Anyway my point is not if it is 10% or 50% of Muslims in western Europe who are extremists but that is is a sizable fraction properly slightly less than the majority depending on the definitions used.

    Here is one example from 2006:

    40% of Muslims in UK think sharia should be the law, 1% support the july 7 bombings in london.

  • freemindfade
    Bohm I lived among these assholes! As a witness I knocked on their doors to tell them their religion was wrong. I dealt with them on a daily basis. I have friends in other cities with the same situation. Montreal etc. What do you think when you ask a jw if they shun and they day "no no no no we don't shun..." I have sat one on one with these "pacifists" and have them tell me how awful 9/11 was and how they are peaceful and as the conversation went on they became more and more apologetic and truthful. That they will kill steal and SUPPORT terror. Usually based on little more than what their leader tells them because most have never read the book they kill by.
  • freemindfade
    Islam is an extreme religion. Unlike most religions who have the extremists on the fringe they are the other way around. The central philosophy and center of the religion is the extremit's. Wake up!
  • freemindfade
    It's another cult and you guys speak about it like their claims and words have any validity. It's a giant cult!
  • minimus

    Why aren't the good Muslims forcefully speaking out against what keeps happening? Their silence is deafening.

    Im glad France has closed their borders at this time. America should take heed. It's going to happen here again!

  • bohm

    freemindfade: Bohm I lived among these assholes!

    Do you believe your experience with your neighbors gives you a more accurate view of what Muslims in general believe than national polls?

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