Serious Terrorist Attacks in PARIS, FRANCE

by nicolaou 325 Replies latest members politics

  • username
    TBH it was supposed to be a silly question to highlight how silly your statement was
  • kabwell
    You do no that terrorism will never end now. Can you see ISIS calling it a day and give up? Even if they did the group would splinter and the hardliners would keep going. Sadly this is the future, A terrorist attack coming to a city near you. Any place can be the next target and with the influx of refugees to Europe etc. ISIS can plant their members amongst true escapees starting a new wave of terror. The future is bleak and I long for the cold war days when we knew who our "enemy" was. The UN is totally useless, our ASIO FBI CIA MI5 etc. strangely seem to have no idea about the terrorist until after an attack, yet they keep saying to trust them to keep us safe by taking our liberties and freedom bit by bit
  • LoveUniHateExams

    Do we know it's Islamic terrorists yet? - The Guardian, one of the UK's most Islam-friendly papers, has published a live update saying that ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks.

    Who was the first people to invade their countries in the first place? - you do realize that there were no Western invasions prior to 9-11, right?

  • Saintbertholdt

    The US led coalition has killed more than 10 000 ISIL terrorists in the past year according to the US Deputy Secretary of State. This announcement was made about 5 months ago in Paris.

    There are two people who will be in deep hiding (For obvious reasons.) after 13 November:

    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and

    Abu Ala al-Afri

    However Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may have been killed on 11 October.

  • username

    Please don't try to squirm out of something when we both know fine well this is exactly what it is. One of the great things about leaving the org and knowing I did the best thing ever in my life was this. I learnt a little about psychology and it hasn't failed me yet, that is why I see things for exactly what they are.

    I'll put this to you. An organisation that has 8 million followers believe that this org is from god and would never betray them, would never throw them to the curb, would never lie and is whiter then white, yet we are all here because this is exactly what this org did to us all, the governments put into place certain protection for religious organisations, and do nothing to help those who are put under daily suffering. Do you really think this is the only organisation that could do this? Now think about this. And another added protection will be PPI as it forbids anyone to speak against any corporation! Just like the watchtower bible and tract society is!

  • LoveUniHateExams


    I agree with you re. the WT. It's a dreadful organization. Something needs to be done to prevent future shunning, child abuse, and death from refusing blood transfusions.

    However, you've seemingly missed another entity. One that makes the WT seem like fluffy little kittens.

    That entity is radical Islam.

  • Diogenesister
    loveunihatexams Iraqi and Syrian Sunnis could have started a secular state, like the Kurds. Instead, they went the other way and started massacring Yazidis and Christians in their 'Caliphate'. Let's not forget that.

    This is very true, I had actually forgotten about the tragedy currently unfolding of the ancient ethnic groups like Hazara's, some tribes of christians & jews that are being wiped out by IS, Talliban & their ilk. It's ethnic cleansing no different to Nazism. Apparently they had population's in the millions - now down to something just over 100,000. No wonder many term it Islamic fascism.

  • username

    Radical Islam is another phrase created by the CIA. hence the reason why we all repeat it! Putin calls Watchtower extremist.

    The EU Is a gun free zone, yet these terrorists were armed with machine guns, grenades and the likes, all this after Charlie Hebdo at the beginning of this year. Erm, a country already on high alert but somehow manage to have another attack?

  • kabwell
    False Flag?
  • scotsman

    TBH it was supposed to be a silly question to highlight how silly your statement was - in the light of what's happened in Paris, and the terrorist threat against the West in general, you think my statement was silly?!


    Because it it was a simplistic generalisation that all Muslims travelling to ISIS controlled areas become a threat as your qualified response showed. It's also naively simplistic to state

    Talk of containing terrorism must be abandoned, in favour of wiping out terrorism

    If you know history then you know that's as likely to be as successful as the ongoing "war on drugs".

    None of the above is a defense of the horror on the streets of Paris but it is a criticism of the inevitable simplistic, knee jerk, responses advocated.

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