Serious Terrorist Attacks in PARIS, FRANCE

by nicolaou 325 Replies latest members politics

  • LoveUniHateExams

    even journalists? And how do you identify a Muslim? - silly questions, TBH. There are no British Muslim journalists travelling to IS territory and reporting back to Britain ...

    I'm obviously talking about the deranged jihadis and the silly young girls that want to breed more terrorists. They're quite vocal on social media and have no qualms about talking about their Yazidi slaves, filthy Dar al-Kufr, beheading the infidel, etc.

    They're not difficult to spot.

  • LoveUniHateExams


    I find it astonishing that you correctly identify the WT as a cult but seemingly have missed that radical Islam is a cult.

    P.S. I don't think anyone on here is saying that all Muslims are extremists or terrorists. They're simply venting against their religion - this is acceptable, no?

  • scotsman

    TBH it was supposed to be a silly question to highlight how silly your statement was.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    TBH it was supposed to be a silly question to highlight how silly your statement was - in the light of what's happened in Paris, and the terrorist threat against the West in general, you think my statement was silly?!


  • username

    It's really amusing to see that people are are quick to attack another who would rather see a world that cooperates for the benefit of their fellow man, no matter what race they are. Yet the ones who attack are so full of hate themselves that this is regarded as somewhat normal? If the world cooperated there would be no such thing as war, poverty, starvation and other negative effects of such things.

    Now call me whatever you like, I will always be standing up for my fellow man when I see oppression, I will never tolerate hatred because this is exactly playing into the hands of our governments. Think about it. Someone plants a bomb, several innocent people are killed, it is reported round the globe, included is the predictive programming that we are all faced with on a daily basis. Speculation then ensues that the certain buzz faction of the day is involved, This in turn enrages the general public and BOOM! we have exactly what we are seeing on this forum today. Well done folks, you have now given our governments justification to start yet another war!

    Over a million American people signed up to the military in the days after 9/11 Why, because they were enraged and wanted revenge. Many of those soldiers were killed, maimed, or are now suffering long term psychological damage. The government got their war and their oil whilst hard working genuine american people died needlessly to serve the governments agenda. I have first hand experience on how a military life can destroy a person. My dad was in the Scots Guards at the time of "the Troubles" in Northern Ireland, he was posted there three times, he saw some pretty awful things, like his fellow soldiers being blown to bits! The military made a monster out of him. That is why I stand up for justice and my fellow man, because we are told so many lies about things by our governments. Veterans are treated like crap for serving their country loyally. Many commit suicide because adjusting to normal life is to much for them. All this because our governments want to pillage another countries resources. How long before we stand up and say no more?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I will always be standing up for my fellow man - do you regard Islamic terrorists as your fellow man?

    BTW, is it ok for people to use this forum to vent against radical Islam?

  • username

    May I ask why there are personal attacks being directed my way? May I suggest you stop this before I really get started because I can can be just as bad with personal attacks, and I'm sure you would have something to say about that wouldn't you? Mt opinions are my own them, I think about my fellow man whilst all you lot are doing is selfishly attacking. Now who is the better man here?

    But hey, if you feel better go ahead, it only confirms my thoughts on whoever chooses to attack. It usually comes from an individual who cannot argue in a coherent way so they choose to attack instead. You will never change my mind on matters so please go right ahead, I will just sit back and watch as you all play into the hands of out government!

  • LoveUniHateExams

    May I ask why there are personal attacks being directed my way? May I suggest you stop this - I haven't directed any personal attacks your way.

    All I've done is ask you a couple of questions.

  • username

    LoveUniHateExams Do we know it's Islamic terrorists yet? Only mainstream media speculation I believe, although it will be blamed on them as it always is. Who was the first people to invade their countries in the first place?

    I do believe that was the US and it's puppets! I cannot believe you would think we in the western world are so innocent. Oh no we never do anything that would be regarded as a war crime. Oh no we would never bomb a hospital full of civilians and try to cover it up would we? Oh no we would never indiscriminately arm so called rebels knowing fine well there are also ISIS extremists with these factions would we? Oh we would never drop weapons right into the hands of ISIS and then say oh we airdropped the weapons by mistake would we?

    By the way, all this is on record in the mainstream media too so it's all well documented!

  • Diogenesister

    Village idiot I agree, for the Christian right in the US if they were given "carte blanche" they would indeed be stoning gays & force converting Jews - not to mentionburning witches.

    Whether it be Christians in the crusades or the Inquisition , Jews in palastine or in Joshua's time and Islam now in Paris or Syria and Talliban Afganistan - that desert sand god of the abrahamic religons has got one hell of a lot to answer for!!

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