It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • pale.emperor

    Between $500-$6,000 a month just knocking out a few videos a month? That's nothing to sneeze at.

    Let's hope the downward trend continues. Perhaps he'll resort to washing windows like the good old days in one of Manchester congregations.

  • TonusOH

    I think the bigger impact is admitting that he was cheating on his wife, repeatedly over a period of at least 3-4 years. I would guess that most people feel that he was being as self-serving as he could, and the actual numbers are much, much worse. That he was using prostitutes to do it just makes it that much worse, and his admission (both previously and in his video) that he lacks self-control and felt that his wife could not keep him satisfied makes it worse still.

    This is not about a guy who visited a call girl a couple of times. This is about a husband who betrayed his wife, willfully and cynically, for a very long time. And who seems more upset that people are judging him, than he is that he did this to his own family. You could understand someone staying a Patron over a couple of trips to a brothel. His actions are on a whole different level, and most people cannot make excuses for it in good conscience.

    I would not be surprised if his subscriber numbers keep sliding until the only ones left are the absolute die-hards and people who aren't aware of what is happening and/or aren't keeping tabs on their $1/month contribution.

  • CalvinistEmily

    I couldn't, but then again you get people on YouTube like Hasan Piker who whitewash the industry and are still popular even after they admit to visiting a brothel that was busted for trafficking. There is a substantial group of permanently online neoliberals who are fine with prostitution, but they tend to be content creators of some kind themselves and don't spend money on channels like Lloyd's.

    Been side-eyeing Matt Dillahunty recently too, his Twitter is full of apologetics for prostitution and he's had a few instances on his show when he's raged about people judging punters and pimps. Lloyd's certainly not the only guy like that, but like I say, they won't pay each other out of their brothel funds.

  • Simon
    I think, is his prostitution views would undoubtedly make him unpopular with most religious Patreons he had (except the Jimmy Swaggart/denigration of women types) and he is doubly unpopular because the politics of prostitution just isn't popular with a majority of any kind.

    There's a significant number of exJWs who seem to have such simplistic thinking that they object to anything the WTS advocates and vice-versa. They think they have to live the exact opposite of what they were, almost to prove a point. So WTS says being moral is good? OK, I will applaud immorality. Prostitution is a sin? Then I'll see it as a virtue.

    It's a cancerous outlook that damages themselves as much as it does others, but they can't get over the WTS teaching or admit that some of what they taught was sensible and pretty widely accepted "truth". Some of it seems to be an extremist black-and-white outlook on things that stem from militant atheism where anything with a hint of "religion" has to be rejected and the exact opposite followed instead.

    IMO the vast majority of people, whether they have any JW upbringing or not, know that cheating on your wife in such a way is a sleazy and dishonest thing to do, and isn't something that a good, decent person does.

    It shows a fundamental character flaw and outlook that women are there to be used, a commodity for gratification. That's an ugly look and thoroughly incompatible with anyone who claims to care about women and victims of sexual abuse.

  • NonCoinCollector

    Been side-eyeing Matt Dillahunty recently too, his Twitter is full of apologetics for prostitution and he's had a few instances on his show when he's raged about people judging punters and pimps. Lloyd's certainly not the only guy like that, but like I say, they won't pay each other out of their brothel funds.

    It would be best to stay clear of Matt Dillahunty. There is a reason he just went through a messy divorce and has been accused of being a bit too hands on with "Arden of Eden" and other feminine co-hosts.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Sorry, if this link was already posted...

    I see more litigation in the future

  • Dagney
    IMO the vast majority of people, whether they have any JW upbringing or not, know that cheating on your wife in such a way is a sleazy and dishonest thing to do, and isn't something that a good, decent person does.

    Yes. And what gets me is many were raised JW, with all the "repression" that comes with it. What do most people do? When they are old enough they say "see ya," sow some wild oats, have some fun, get in trouble, learn from it and grow up. But LE wanted to keep his position, and the pretty wife, while furtively pursuing his "needs" online and in brothels. He didn't have an "indiscretion" to make right with his mate...but instead pursued a lying secretive lifestyle for years. What a chickens**t. And all the while selling the line "a voice for the silent majority" and "supporting" CSA victims while contributing to this abusive industry. Which now makes me sick thinking about those victims that confided in him...his personal/private response is probably not what it should have been. Ick.

  • Diogenesister

    Re: Kim Silvio's letter and statement that Lloyd shouts down and silences those he disagrees with: " you would be shocked if you knew how many activists have given up activism because of him".

    It's upsetting that not once has he addressed this comment. Further, not once has he expressed shock or remorse that he has upset anyone to the point of driving them away. I believe a decent person - even if they'd been thoughtless and bullish on occasion - would be horrified to learn they were responsible for making fellow exjws feel this way.

  • MeanMrMustard
    Between $500-$6,000 a month just knocking out a few videos a month? That's nothing to sneeze at.

    Yeah, but don't forget the massive amount of time and energy that goes into traveling to Thailand. The flights, the rooms, the packing, and finding the right gay Jewish black guy.

  • Diamondfrog

    Does anyone know if Tibor is still working for him?

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