I am leaving this hateful site. Good bye to my friends!

by macys 146 Replies latest members adult

  • Simon
    I've been disagreeing with Simon about American politics generally and guns in particular for fifteen years.

    Then you must be on my "list for deletion" (bwaha ha ha <- evil laugh) and I'll get to you soon (I knew I should have started at the beginning and not tried to work backwards from the end.

    Are you like Winston Churchill fat? I can't think of any other fat British guys. Winston Churchill was still sexy, I like wit and intelligence.

    I have all of his physique but non of his charm. Seriously, I didn't think I was that bad for my age but now I'm afraid to eat. I actually got a standing desk last year which helps with my profession (spending too much time sat down).

    In my experience (which I am always willing to broaden) some feel soft and sqishy, some feel taut and stringy, some feel in-between, but all feel wonderful.

    Ha ha, I think I need to do more research.

    Thanks for all the laughs everyone!

  • ShirleyW

    After reading all nine pages of this thread just wondering about a few things:

    how come I don't get any "interesting" PMs that people seem to get here

    Like Flip said this board can be compared to TV, change the channel if you don't like what you see

    Is Macy really BOTR in disguise, since it's been hinted he or she used different names here?

    Just wondering . . .

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Please do not leave. This is a nice venue for opinions and venting.

    Ignore the assholes, those are everywhere.😝


  • bennyk
    Simon is fat? Well F***! I wish I had known that years ago. What the hell am I doing here?

    LOL. I'm going on a diet now.

    Is this how women feel?

    Oh, no! Apparently Simon is not just an overweight racist pathetic loser, he's also sexist!!! (*sarcasm*)

  • Simon
    how come I don't get any "interesting" PMs that people seem to get here

    You need to disagree with me about something or call me a name. Then you'll be targeted as a possible recruit - what's more convincing that 10 different people telling you the same thing (when you don't know it's really the same person) ?

    Quick, call me something insulting ... like I'm Welsh or a Scouser ;)

    Oh, no! Apparently Simon is not just an overweight racist pathetic loser, he's also sexist!!!

    Ha. I really did mean it as "people making them feel that they are too fat". Not that they actually are too fat. LOL

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    "Quick, call me something insulting ... like I'm Welsh"

    Chwarae teg now, good boy.

  • Hadriel

    @Diogenesister right no one who's ever held a copyright or patent has ever advocated against piracy.

    If it is o.k. to pirate someone's work and defend it, then it's o.k. to advocate against this illegal activity. Sorry you don't like that your buddy broke the law and someone spoke up about.

    Sorry but I don't want to hear it anymore.

  • LisaRose
  • sparrowdown

    I musn't be controversial enough, I only get PMs from sweet people.

  • littlerockguy

    So that's why I got a PM. Disagreeing with Simon. I got a PM from somebody but I didn't recognize who they were even when they told me who they were, lol


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