I am leaving this hateful site. Good bye to my friends!

by macys 146 Replies latest members adult

  • Landy

    Why the outrage over Simon allegedly deleting accounts? It's his site for god's sake.

    Yes and no. He is the site's admin, and a pretty reasonable one by all accounts, but it would be a boring place for him on his own.

    The site belongs to the contributors.

  • Simon
    The site belongs to the contributors.

    The site is run for the contributors (and other lurking readers of course) but someone needs to be the final arbiter of the rules to have any hope of civility otherwise certain groups of people would take over. I think I get a lot of the criticism I do because I specifically prevent some people from being as insulting and abusive as they otherwise would be. I have plans to make the forum more self-moderating but the duplicate accounts and group-downvotes by them shows there will always be need for some input to protect the community by those who seek to impose their own bias on things and game the system.

    The irony is that the complaints about "unfair" moderation and attacks usually come from places that have very obvious and very biased moderation - where the in-gang rule at the expense of anyone who disagrees with them and civility is often severely lacking. That doesn't mean we don't allow disagreements and robust debate - there are many people who I respect that have disagreed with me on any number of things which I think shows up the claims as nonsense. The healthy debate and discussions are the whole point of having a forum and not a "me too" sounding board to mirror our own opinions as so many places end up.

    Horses for courses - people can chose the site they like that best suits what they want. I don't understand, for those who dislike the approach to moderation on *this* site, why they feel the need to come and try and disrupt it. Why not just pick the site you want to use and use that one? It's like going to a seafood restaurant and then complaining that you don't like fish.

    I try to be fair and try to be balanced. I don't claim perfection because I'm human like everybody else but I certainly don't delete accounts for the hell of it and I give people lots of chances first (if anything, I think too many chances). Lots of people play silly games, claiming they have had PMs or not had PMs etc... which is impossible for me to prove (why the claims they make are always for things you can't actually check on yourself). I trust that people trust me but I don't lose any sleep over the opinions of those who don't.

  • freemindfade

    Simon is not a racist. This site does have a very anti-american undercurrent though. Like pretty much everything on the internet though it doesn't hurt my feelings. Maybe if I was a redneck it might...

    But I'm not!

  • Magwitch
    Simon is fat? Well F***! I wish I had known that years ago. What the hell am I doing here?
  • Simon

    The thing I find funniest is when two "sides" of a view have an argument about something and I get accused by both of being unfair and favouring the other more.

    I think we have a natural tendency to notice things that contradict our views and natural inclinations more than we do those that agree with them so we can imagine things are "anti" something more than they actually are.

    What you see as anti-American will be seen as pro-American by others - who gets to decide. I think Trump is anti-American and yet many who use the term the most applaud him. If many people said half the things about America and Americans as he does they would be declared anti-America by those same people. Go figure.

  • Simon
    Simon is fat? Well F***! I wish I had known that years ago. What the hell am I doing here?

    LOL. I'm going on a diet now.

    Is this how women feel?

  • Hadriel
    @Simon any chance you can allow me to upvote by 20's for just today so that I can like @Magwitch's post about 5000 times. That was freaking off the chain hilarious...
  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    For some people the internet is for cat videos. Have at it Macy.
  • FayeDunaway

    Simon please eat more salads and take more walks so you will be healthy and running this site for a very long time. People need you!

    Being overweight you would fit in perfectly here in the US. But we are trying to eat more healthily. Are you like Winston Churchill fat? I can't think of any other fat British guys. Winston Churchill was still sexy, I like wit and intelligence.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    "Is this how women feel?"

    In my experience (which I am always willing to broaden) some feel soft and sqishy, some feel taut and stringy, some feel in-between, but all feel wonderful.

    Hope this helps.

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