I am leaving this hateful site. Good bye to my friends!

by macys 146 Replies latest members adult


    I heard you disabled over 50 accounts last week because they disagreed with your antigun rant. Several people emailed me privately and someone posted on reddit that you are a loser. They’re right.....Macys

    If this is true, it would not speak very well of Simon as a free-speech advocate for his site.....Tenacious

    Simon`s ability to "Hunt Down and Delete Idiots" with Multiple Accounts..

    Is not an Attack on Freedom of Speech..


    .....................It Sucks For People With..

    ...............MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS THOUGH..

    ........Image result for Old west gunfight

  • Listener
    It would be interesting and helpful to know what other accounts Macy had.
  • Simon
    she said a couple of times here that the only reason she wants to be reinstated is because all her family are in. She's young and not ready to lose them. She doesn't actually believe in the religion, far from it.

    The "macys" account is just one of many persona's that this person created to troll with, each with a completely different story. Unless you know the person IRL and know the story to be true, there is a very high probability that it's completely fictitious just like all the rest and is simply designed to elicit sympathy when none is warranted or deserved.

    It could well be a fat asian man with a small penis living in Toronto for all we know ...

  • 2+2=5

    I see what you did there. Call someone racist and then mock them for being Asian. Very funny, nice one.

  • littlerockguy

    We don't need another Trevor!


  • ducatijoe

    I do not know Simon. However macys,I do know that if what you say is correct, he would have never let your post continue with a thread long enough to sew a quilt!

    I do also know that as once an Elder for many years , you are a hypocrite. You will no doubt attend the Memorial today. Sitting there acting like you support the Organization all the while spending many hours on this site as well as telling all of us where other such sites are. Please be sure to tell that to your committee when you meet with them about being reinstated.

    If you want to return to the Borg..... go for it. But looking through you past posts I feel you are much of why I left the Organization. Perhaps you will someday look in the mirror and see the common problem in your life.

    As for this site... hell.. they beat the shit out of me on my first post. I learned from it and still enjoy what Simon has built.

  • atomant
    lf macy is a real person and is looking for reinstatement the best thing she can do is dob herself into the elders and tell em shes hanging out on an opostate site looking for encouragement.What a joke. ls she for real?
  • fokyc
    Bye Bye!
  • steve2
    Macy may be learning that it's far more self-affirming to leave with style, not bile. I hope this is a helpful learning experience for her in the longer term.
  • Lostandfound

    My memories long gone but anyone remember CASPIAN? I wonder what nom-de-plume he uses now

    From my dealings when this site was a baby reasonable behaviour and good manners promoted. I cannot recall anyone FORCING me to be here, rather lots of help. Anyone declaring I AM LEAVING, of anything and anywhere, just go quietly and Good Luck. We can get along without you.

    Most here were damaged by years in the WT so we do have to be tolerant of some things

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