Rick Fearon should apologise for accusing faders of being cowards

by cedars 188 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    ohiocowboy - nobody is condemning picketing per se. If you check Rick's "get out of the bleachers" thread, you will note that he is effectively ridiculing anybody who WON'T picket alongside him, and it is this attitude that is condemned.

    Many have argued that picketing is an out-dated and ineffective strategy that only serves to strengthen the siege mentality and "persecution complex" among Witnesses, who are fearful of apostate picketers and intimidated by them.

    Personally, I have no problem with those who choose to picket, provided that they aren't abusive of those who decide not to join them. Hell, I may even end up picketing myself one day.

    That said, I think it is more appropriate and less distasteful to picket regular meetings and assemblies rather than picketing memorials. However wrong the doctrine behind these memorials and however flawed the Witness faith may be, it shows disrespect for the beliefs of others to picket on what has been set aside as a night of special religious significance. IMHO this sends out entirely the wrong message about apostates, but you are entitled to disagree. I certainly won't label you a "Watchtower Operative" for disagreeing with me, unlike others on this forum!


  • Iamallcool

    Ohiocowboy, Cedars has answered your question for me. Thanks, Cedars!

  • ohiocowboy

    Thank you for your input Cedars, but Iamallcool specifically mentions Rick's attitude and picketing. In past threads he has also singled out Rick and has said

    "They will continue to laugh about your fat apostate belly privately if you continue to protest anywhere in the world. "


    "he might get the hint to do something about his behavior here on JWN as well as when he pickets at the Memorial."

    Etc. Etc.

  • ohiocowboy

    Iamallcool, what Cedars wrote has nothing to do with the specific questions I asked you. If you would be willing to be honest, please address the questions I asked. Here are the questions again, they should actually be quite easy to answer as they are basically yes or no:

    In regards to picketing only, would you condemn Mouthy and make the same types of comments with the same veracity that you do with Rick? Is it Okay for some people to picket, but not others? Also, in regards to picketing, would you feel the same way and make the same comments about picketing if Barb Anderson or Randy Watters picketed, or is it just a problem when Rick is doing it?


    By the way, I find it just a little bit hypocritical when you lambasted Sizmik for the video he just posted when you yourself wrote the following about Rick:

    "They will continue to laugh about your fat apostate belly privately if you continue to protest anywhere in the world."

    Do you agree it's a little hypocritical?

  • Iamallcool

    would you condemn Mouthy and make the same types of comments with the same veracity that you do with Rick?


    Is it Okay for some people to picket, but not others?

    I do not make decisions for them, I would prefer apostates with much better reputation than Rick to do it. I think he should stop picketing. He is mentally sick. He is making us look bad.

    Also, in regards to picketing, would you feel the same way and make the same comments about picketing if Barb Anderson or Randy Watters picketed, or is it just a problem when Rick is doing it?

    I would not have a problem with Barbara Anderson or Randy Watters picketing. They do not have serious mental issues.

  • Iamallcool

    By the way, I find it just a little bit hypocritical when you lambasted Sizmik for the video he just posted when you yourself wrote the following about Rick:

    " They will continue to laugh about your fat apostate belly privately if you continue to protest anywhere in the world. "

    Do you agree it's a little hypocritical?

    Ohiocowboy, I hate any videos that has vomit in them.

  • ohiocowboy

    Oh, I see. It was Okay that the video made fun of someone's appearance, it was the vomit that upset you. Thank you for clarifying.

    Thank you for your answers to the questions I posed about picketing. I understand your thinking about it a bit more clearly. Still, my whole point of posting is that I strongly feel that there are nicer ways to address someone, especially someone that you say has a mental illness. If I knew for a fact (and not a personal diagnosis from a random person who is not qualified to diagnose) that someone had a mental illness, it would give me all the more reason to speak to that person with compassion and empathy, knowing that their illness was not their fault, and I would realize that kindness is often a good motivator to help someone along who's thinking may be challenged.

    I must say Iamallcool that I appreciate that overall we have debated on a mature level without all of the meanness (except maybe for a wee bit of occasional sarcasm-lol) that are common on the Rick threads. Even though we are still on opposing ends, the civility challenges me to think, and it makes me more open to understanding your thoughts, as I likewise hope that you may understand more clearly where I am coming from. If Rick were afforded the same attitude, I wonder if he would be more open to possibly considering other people's ideas on making his website more approachable especially if his mind is clouded from past JW traumas as many of us are. Just a thought...

  • Diest

    Ricks picketing is not the issue, his fabricated stories are. I found his youtube videos and it slowed my departure down by 6 months. When you look at rick you think ahhh the WTBS is right about apostates. That being said i would never silence him, nor would i ever support him.

  • freetosee
  • Alfred


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