1 John 4:2

by N.drew 178 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bob1999

    "That is why the command is do not lean on your own understanding and do not trust nobles or the sons of men (who wrote the Bible)."

    If you can't trust the bible how would you know that the "angel from heaven" was preaching a gospel other than the one.......?

    "That is why the command is do not lean on your own understanding..."

    How do you know that command is from God if you can trust the bible? Isn't the bible where you first learned of the command?


  • AGuest
    Christ meant that the end of the age [the Jewish age) would come within the life time of the people living at that time

    And so it did... physically... did it not, dear bob (again, peace to you!). However, again, that was a precursor... as many things were. Before the spiritual age of ALL systems come in... the physical will go through various fulfillments. That's why each "generation" keeps thinking it's theirs. And why those OF each generation often serve God with a date (the end of the age) in mind. Makes great planting ground for those who like to "sow" seeds about events like "Armageddon."

    Again, peace to you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • N.drew

    How do I know the Bible's command to not lean on my understanding is real? Personal experience is how I know....

    It's obviously true bob.

    The Bible is words to spirit. The spirit knows what the words mean.

  • tec

    If "Christ" came to me a taught me something that is not in harmony with the scriptures then it's not Christ teaching.

    Are you so sure about this? What if it is the scripture that was out of harmony because of being tampered with? You would be denying Christ because you are placing your faith in something that even the Bible does not state as being true. Christ is God's Word. Not the bible. Not all of the bible is scripture, nor the scripture that Paul referred to in Timothy.

    That doesn't make it useless (though it can absolutely hinder people from believing in the spirit over writings that can be mistranslated, misunderstood, miswritten). But it does mean that you should go to the Source, the Truth, the Christ... in spirit (as even the bible says to do)... to receive understanding and truth.

    Do you think it makes sense that the apostles and disciples and all those at 'pentecost' received the gift of the Spirit, and were taught by the Spirit... but that now we don't need that because we have the bible? That seems like a step backward to me. The scriptures were always there. But Christ pointed us toward worshipping in spirit.

    Why "test the spirits" to see which is true if the spirit cannot teach us? Why the warning at the end of revelation about adding or taking away, if the book could not be added to or taken away from?

    But to help you, at least on this point, nothing that Shelby or Nancy have shared here is in contradiction with anything written in the bible. It does not say that IT is the Word of God. It does say that Christ is the Word of God. Christ did say that he would not leave 'you' as orphans. That He would come, and He did/does... in Spirit.

    Peace to you, Bob,


  • N.drew

    This; Yes they are and Christ meant that the end of the age [the Jewish age) would come within the life time of the people living at that time.

    AND this; "For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me until you say, 'BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!'"

    CAN'T BOTH BE TRUE. The Savior who is the image of God who can't lie, could not have said BOTH those sayings.

  • ShadesofGrey

    Let go and let God.

  • N.drew

    ShadesofGrey Hi! "Let go" of what? And "let God" do what? This is the second time you have said so. I wonder what you mean, please.

  • ShadesofGrey

    Actually, I was quoting someone else. I will pray for those who seem errant in their views and trust God to take care of it.

    PSac, you are such, such a blessing on this board.


  • bob1999

    "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,..."

    This thread has come full circle.

    How do we, today, know that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh?

    I say from God's written word.


  • AGuest
    Well how do you know Jeremiah 8:8 wasn't tampered with?

    Because my Lord is the one who showed it to me, dear one. I'd never seen it... until he "opened" it to me. He knows which scriptures/verses are accurate... particularly those (1) he gave to be written, or (2) are about him/God.

    BTW you are reading that wrong.

    What is "right"?

    If "Christ" came to me a taught me something that is not in harmony with the scriptures then it's not Christ teaching.

    Really? Then how do you reconcile that the scriptures said that a woman caught in adultery was to be stoned... and yet Christ forgave her and sent her on her way? How do you reconcile that the scriptures said a man wasn't to touch a woman with a flow of blood or be considered "unclean"... yet, when a woman with a flow that had lasted for 12 years... she BECAME clean, by touching HIM... yet, he did not become unclean by touching HER? According to the Pharisees, that was the PROBLEM with Christ, was it not... that what he taught wasn't "in harmony" with the scriptures? How did handle that accusation, though? Did he not actually show that it was THEM who had CHANGED the scriptures?

    Let me ask you... and you tell us: just what did he mean when he said, "Woe to you... scribes!" Who was he speaking OF... and WHY?

    Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!

    But dear one... YOU are the one who is preaching a different gospel! Paul never preached that the Bible was the Word of God. NEVER! The NT wasn't even WRITTEN. HE preached Christ... even professing that that One came spoke to him... which is exactly what I'm doing. YOU are the one (1) calling something other than Christ the Word of God, and (2) denying the Holy Spirit, as I have openly professed him. The same as others have before me. YOU are the one doing what you are [blindly] accusing me of. I get that you don't SEE that, but it really is the truth.

    If you can't trust the bible how would you know that the "angel from heaven" was preaching a gospel other than the one.......?

    Dear bob... think about what you're asking here. Ask yourself... WHAT GOSPEL did those who Paul was speaking to HAVE at the time... other than what he SAID to them? Other than the ORAL teachings? How did they know if what PAUL was saying was true/accurate? Where was it "written" that a man named Saul of Tarsus would be walking down a road on his way to Damascus... and a light would appear, so strong it temporarily blinded him... then a voice would speak to him? How would they know that this same voice spoke to Ananias? Peter? That an angel appeared and spoke to Zechariah? Mary? Joseph? Dear one, the accounts weren't compiled until some 20 years AFTER these events.

    What "Bible" did the people have THEN... to say that Christ would turn water to wine, walk on water, calm the sea? What "Bible" foretold that these things would occur... for those who came after my Lord ascended... but BEFORE the NT writings were even written?

    How do you know that command is from God if you can trust the bible?

    I think you mean "can't" trust the Bible. Since you cannot hear from the Spirit yourself, and apparently won't take OUR word for it... perhaps "what the Bible says" will help you. Here's what John wrote (and perhaps you will see yourself in this truth, among those spoken of in the first verse):

    "I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray. As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeitjust as it has taught you, remain in him." 1 John 2:26, 27

    Isn't the bible where you first learned of the command?

    Actually, no. I didn't even understand the anointing... until I received. I didn't understand much of what I read "in the Bible"... until I started to be taught by my Lord... by means of that anointing. It is THROUGH holy spirit... the blood (and breath and seed) of God... that God, through Christ... speaks. Because it is the blood that speaks. When one receives holy spirit, one receives the "life" of God (blood, breath, seed) into one... and that "life" (blood) mixes with such one's "life" (blood). One becomes a son... by blood. Hence, the "adoption", "by holy spirit."

    Through this binding of blood God, the MOST Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH (of Armies - Psalm 68:4; check it out in the Hebrew) speaks to His sons... through His Son... the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit... who DISPENSES that "oil of exultation" and "living water"... holy spirit. As an "oil" it CHOOSES one; as "water"... it grants life.

    As before, I hope this helps, dear bob, truly.

    Again, peace to you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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