1 John 4:2

by N.drew 178 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • N.drew

    So then, to be saved one just has to confess the Savior came in the flesh. Past tense "came" and not our flesh for God's will be done, but His flesh. Do I understand that correctly?

  • N.drew

    "Our Father" his essence IN us

    "In Heaven" Earth doesn't matter as much as heaven (spirit) does.

    "Holy be your name" reputation

    "let your kingdom come" please

    "according to heaven"

    "upon earth"

  • AGuest
    How do we, today, know that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh? I say from God's written word.

    How did those know BEFORE the "written word" was compiled, dear one... whether we're speaking of Christ as having come in the flesh... or Christ, coming in OUR flesh? The answer is the same: holy spirit.

    Let go and let God.

    Sometimes, though, dear shades (the greatest of love and peace to you!), we are compelled BY God... through holy spirit... to provide to all who call for it a reason for our faith. As [Paul?] wrote, we are not the sort to shrink back. There are times, yes, when one should walk away - for me, that time is always when Christ tells me. Not when I tell myself (else, I could be walking away from feeding one of his sheep - "If you love me, feed my sheep...")... and not when others might think I should. When HE says... either "It is enough"... or "Stand out of my way; I will lead this sheep."

    Thus far, he has not said either to me. Rather, so long as dear bob keeps ASKING... love... for him AND Christ... prompts me to respond. Because I do not know "how" my Lord may "use" me... or something I post... to "encourage" dear bob to seek HIM... go to HIM... without going through further worship of the "golden calf" that is the Bible.

    I get it that some here can't "handle" these kinds of discussions. I have a very hard time understanding, though, why those who don't allow themselves to get involved. Either we're adult here... or we're not. No one is being insulting, no one is angry, no one is being immature, IMHO. We are, instead, attempting to "reason" with one another. So long as WE don't see the harm in it... what is the harm? N.Drew started the thread, and so she has every right to continue posting to comments/responses on it. I've responded and dear bob (peace to you!) had not only commented/responded to both of us... but propounded questions, as well.

    There is a tendency among some "christians" to believe that being meek, mild, humble, etc., means not making a reply or defense of one's faith. At times, it can mean that. However, Christ rarely backed down when HIS faith was questioned. The only time he remained quiet was (1) when he was being put to the test by those wishing to entrap him (which I don't see as occurring here); (2) when he was asked if he was "king of the Jews"; and (3) in his defense, at his trial. Other than those times... he spoke up. In love, always... but not always without frustration, exasperation and, on occasion anger, even disgust.

    So, while I apologize if this discussion is a bit "much" for you... and that's okay... I must ask that if it IS too much, you simply allow US to continue and not make this an issue for yourself when you don't have to.

    PSac, you are such, such a blessing on this board.

    Indeed, he is, dear one!

    Again, peace to you, all!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • bob1999

    "So then, to be saved one just has to confess the Savior came in the flesh."

    Acts 16:30 All we have to do is believe.

    John 3:16 All we have to do is believe.

    But man can't believe.

    Romans 3:10 As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.

    So who is the "whoever" in John 3:16?

    Jesus said that no one comes to him but the Father calls first.

    Who can confess, without lying, the Savior came in the flesh?

    Natural man cannot please God. Man's heart has to be changed by the Spirit first.

    Read Romans 8:28 all the way to the end of Romans 9

    If a man believes it is only because God has chosen him.

    I believe that all men who seek God are chosen by God and therefore saved.

    I believe this because that is what the bible teaches and I believe the bible is the written word of God.


  • AGuest
    to be saved one just has to confess the Savior came in the flesh.

    Funny, though, isn't it, dear N.Drew (again, peace to you!)... that Christ isn't recorded to have said:

    "This means everlasting life, their confessing me as coming in the flesh"... but

    "THIS means everlasting life, their KNOWINGyou, the True God... AND the One whom you sent forth."

    Funny, too, that he is recorded to have mentioned those who would say, "Lord, Lord, didn't we... such and so... in your name?" and him reply to such ones, "Get away from me - I never knew YOU!"

    Funny... as in strange, IMHO... given some's position on 1 John 4:2. May they day come when those who DO put their faith in the Bible at LEAST learn to put what Christ is recorded to have said... over Paul, Peter, Tommy, Tucker, Henry, John, Pam, Sheila... et al.

    Ah, well... perhaps they are who are meant when it says:

    “‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,
    and ever hearing but never understanding;
    otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!"

    May the one day "get" that the Bible... can't forgive them. Turning to IT, then, is moot.

    Again, peace to you, dear one!

    Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


  • bob1999

    "May the one day "get" that the Bible... can't forgive them."

    I fully understand that the bible can't forgive me.

    No one can at this point because I have already been forgiven.

    Peace Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

  • AGuest

    You really should research that word "believes", dear bob (peace to you!). Especially since, again, Christ is also recorded to say, to those who called him LORD... even twice... and prophesied, expelled demons, and performed wonderful/powerful works... IN HIS NAME (which means they obviously knew who... and what... he was and could do!... and BELIEVED in him)... to get away from him... because he... didn't know them.

    As one writer stated, the demons believe, dear one... and shudder. Most probably that writer made this comment because someone was pretty adamant that "believing" was all that was required.

    Ah, well... what can one say? Believe as you will... and absolutely more power to you. I will do the same. Because I have to follow the Lamb, dear one... wherever HE goes. Which means, regardless of where the Bible... and anyone/thing else... "goes."

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ.

  • AGuest
    because I have already been forgiven.

    By the Bible... right? Just asking...


    A slave of Christ,


  • N.drew

    IesoúsJesus , the transliteration of the Hebrew term, 3091 /L?t ("Yehoshua" /Jehoshua , contracted to "Joshua") which means " Yahweh saves" (or " Yahweh is salvation").

    From kuros (supremacy); supreme in authority, i.e. (as noun) controller; by implication, Master (as a respectful title) -- God, Lord, master, Sir.

    Acts 16:30 They said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household."

    This is not related to what has happened in the past, imo, but is the same as "all who call on HIS NAME will be saved".

    The tradition of God's people (I surmise) is naming for describing the truth about an individual.

    So "believing on the Lord Jesus" means adopting in one's own heart obedience to belong to (Lord) Yahweh saves.

    In other words recognizing that salvation belongs to God and then obeying God for slavation.

    How can the words of Acts 16:30 promise the others in the household salvation if salvation depends on the vision of the Lord in his flesh?

  • bob1999


    Can I get a list?


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