1 John 4:2

by N.drew 178 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • N.drew

    Because I obey "seek meekness" I can not say my words are inspired in the same way as Moses, David, Daniel, John, and God bless my soul, The Lord.... But truth is truth no matter who says it.

  • bob1999

    "But truth is truth no matter who says it"

    I can't argue with that!

    To the best of my knowledge our Lord Jesus Christ did not write any books.

    He spoke and John wrote.

    His spirit inspired and Peter, Paul, Luke, Matthew, etc wrote.

    To AGuest, if the bible was not inspiried by God's Spirit why do you quote it? Why do you read it?


  • N.drew

    What was Christ talking about in Matthew 23:36?

    Matthew 23:36 and Matthew 24:34 are the same in Greek for "this generation"

    My opinion (not inspired mind you) is "this" means ALL the generations who are related to the doing of God's will through the savior. He meant himself. (all those calling upon THE LORD will be saved). That is the "generation".


    with the definition of "race" "family" "generation"

    "Who is my brother, mother, sister?" he asked. "The ones doing the will of my Father is my brother, mother, sister". Family

    Remember that if time was what you think it is, then The Almighty God would be bound by it. God is not bound by it. But I believe that now satan is. But that's another topic.

  • sabastious
    I don't mind, dear Sab (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!) and to be honest, I don't know. My Lord has never said specifically such that it correlates with "dates" as we know them... and my understanding of "day", "years"... time itself, actually... is probably different from that of many others. That's because it has to do with the "speed" of time, though, so...

    Hello there to you too! There is a east asian proverb that goes like this: "Before the beginning of great brilliance there must be chaos" (emphasis mine.) It comes from a 7,000 year old east asian text. Now what do you suppose compelled someone that long ago to write something like that down? I have been starting to feel that maybe there WAS a great flood, but the story in the Bible is just a retelling of it and it actually happened more like 15,000 or so years ago. Anyway, it's a topic of great interest for me.


  • AGuest
    AGuest, You should be testing all things against the scriptures.

    Actually, that's an error, dear one (again, peace to you!). The scriptures... and other writings... have been tampered with. Greatly. Was prophesied they would be (Jeremiah 8:8). Let me ask you, though: the Christ comes and speaks to you. What are you going to do... go run and get your Bible to see if it is true? "Wait, Lord! Don't say another word. I need to check my Bible first and see if you can do that!" Seriously? Tell me, against what "scripture" did Paul "test" when my Lord spoke to him? How about John: what scriptures did he go and "search" to see if the One who appeared to him... and the angel (Michael) who presented the revelation TO him... were... I dunno... "okay"? "Wait a minute, there, Mikey... I didn't read anything in Paul's letters that said this was gonna happen. I could be wrong, though - I mean, you know how those "scribes" are! Hold on a minute, lemme go get my Bible, so's I can check! No, no, stay right there and hold that thoug... uh, vision. I'll be right back!"

    Really... is that what YOU would do?

    How about if Christ did speak to you... and, out of utter gratitude and astonishment... you told others about it... and THEY said, "Uh-uh, Bob. Now way. I never read ANYWHERE in the Bible where it says Christ would speak to 'Bob.' I dunno know who... or what... was speakin' to you... but YOU need to go back and read your Bible!" What would you do? No, really. Go get your Bible to check and see if what occurred with YOU actually DID occur? I mean, either it did... in spite of what your "friends" believe... or it didn't. Which would make you a liar. If it DID... wouldn't going to check your Bible as to whether it COULD... be a LACK of faith... IN the One who so appeared/spoke to you??

    Instead you are testing the scriptures against your understand.

    No, actually, I'm not. I test them in the say we all are SUPPOSED to: against the Holy Spirit (Christ), first... and what HE says (John 10:27). Against the spirit of God and his spirit, holy spirit, which... by means of an anointing... is in me, second (1 John 2:26, 27). Then... against the [New] Law: love. I mean, seriously, what would YOU have me do? Tell him, "Uh-uh, Lord, sorry... yes, I know it's you... and I know you're the Son of God... and, yes, gave your life for me... and may even grant me everlasting life by means of God's love and mercy... and thus yours... but I really gotta go and check my Bible to see if what YOU'RE telling me about this is true. If the BIBLE says that what YOU are saying is true... then, we're cool. But if the BIBLE doesn't say what YOU are saying, well, I don't know what to tell you. Say what? I can kiss my chance at everlasting life goodbye 'cause I don't have faith in YOU? But, Lord, I have faith... IN THE BIBLE!! Doesn't THAT count for something? What's that you say? It accounts for the "pit"... where the blind guides... and those they lead... will end up?"

    Can you see my dilemma, dear one?

    What was Christ talking aobut in Matthew 23:36?

    Please, do tell. Just so you know, I don't subscribe to the WTBTS' various "generations" teachings.

    What age were the disciples living in when they ask about the sign of the "close of the age" in Matthew 24:3?

    They were living in the "age" of the temple worship at Jerusalem. They were asking about the conclusion of that age... and the sign of my Lord's invisible presence with them ("Look! I am WITH you... all the days until the conclusion of the age"). He manifested that presence by the outpouring of holy spirit starting at Pentecost 30 CE. That, however, was the physical fulfillment, the precuror to the "reality". I am speaking of the spiritual fulfillment.

    There will be a conclusion of another "age", the day of JAH's "rest". My Lord's presence at THAT time, however, when that age concludes... won't be invisible.

    Hope this helps, dear one, and again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,



  • bob1999

    "God is not bound by it [time]."

    I agree with that.

    There is a prophesy in the old testiment (can't remember where right now) of a time when God would take wrath on Israel.

    This was clearly understood by the Jews of Christ day.

    Jesus was saying, in Matthew 23 that God's wrath would come upon Israel within the life time of the scribes and Pharisees He was talking to.

    "Matthew 23:36 and Matthew 24:34 are the same in Greek for "this generation""

    Yes they are and Christ meant that the end of the age [the Jewish age) would come within the life time of the people living at that time.

    Matthew 16:28 Was Christ telling the truth?

    Oh yeah, I forgot. If you don't believe that the bible is the inspired word of God then Christ might not have said that at all.


  • AGuest
    if the bible was not inspiried by God's Spirit why do you quote it?

    Because, unfortunately, dear bob (again, peace to you!) there are those who still walk by sight, who need to "see it" in writing... because they don't listen/can't hear. Those during my Lord's presence in the flesh had him right there. In front of their eyes. Yet, he had to quote "scripture" to them. If they lacked faith then, how much more so, now? As my Lord is recorded to have said:

    "When the Son of Man arrives, will he REALLY find faith in the earth?"

    Hopefully, the answer will be... a vehement yes!

    Why do you read it?

    Actually, I don't. Haven't in years. 99% of what I post from the Bible was either given to me some time ago by my Lord... and so his spirit recalls them back for me... or is given to me now... usually in response to some misquote/misstatement/misunderstanding of the verse... or false accusation against him, the Father, or holy spirit and what it is/does.

    Once Christ has made his abode with you... IN you... reading the Bible becomes almost like read "Dick and Jane." It is MUCH more... intriguing, fascinating, and rewarding... to get the truth from him. It is unbelievable. Beyond awesome. Out of THIS world is probably the most accurate what to describe it. You really should try it sometime.

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • bob1999

    "have been tampered with. Greatly. Was prophesied they would be (Jeremiah 8:8)"

    Well how do you know Jeremiah 8:8 wasn't tampered with?

    BTW you are reading that wrong.


  • N.drew

    Oh yeah, I forgot. If you don't believe that the bible is the inspired word of God then Christ might not have said that at all

    Exactly! That is why the command is do not lean on your own understanding and do not trust nobles or the sons of men (who wrote the Bible). So who then should you listen to? What should you trust? Not yourself. "Listen to what the spirit says to the congregation". But how does one make sense of a spiritual message? The written word is how the spirit communicates to us (spirit is perfect, written word is not) and then it is how we communicate with each other.

  • bob1999

    "Let me ask you, though: the Christ comes and speaks to you. What are you going to do... go run and get your Bible to see if it is true?"

    If "Christ" came to me a taught me something that is not in harmony with the scriptures then it's not Christ teaching.

    Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!


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