1 John 4:2

by N.drew 178 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • N.drew

    Was Joseph Smith?

    How about the WTB&TS?

    Maybe Harold Camping?

    I think I'll stick to the Inspired Word Of God thank you. (quote that was suppose to go in box. Hmmm)

    This analogy is not logical. John and Judas were the same, but not the same. They were both taught by the same one.

    And now that the decision has arrived there are people who can "hear" the Lord. They don't all choose right. That some don't decide right does not mean no one can.

  • AGuest
    AGuest, are your words inspired in the same way as the writers of the Bible?

    That is something you will have to ask as to yourself, dear bob (again, peace to you!)... as I cannot answer that... because nothing is about me, but about the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit. It doesn't matter, then, whether they are or aren't: I am not the One you're supposed to be looking to... which, if I said they were you just might do (unfortunately, man continually looks for a human "leader"... and anything or anyone that fits his "bill" of what that it is subject to being "followed".).

    Please note (in case you want to take issue with my inability to answer that specific question): it is not that my Lord won't allow me to answer - to the contrary, in HIM there is freedom... and so great boldness of speech. It is my own spirit that won't allow it... because one answer would be irrelevant and of absolutely no significance, whatsoever... and the other, a lie. No benefit, then, in either.

    One is not inspired, dear one, just because one says/thinks so. Nor is one not inspired... because others/think say so.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • N.drew

    Were the writers of the new testament inspired by the Spirit? Were their words inspired by the Spirit?

    Are any of our words inspired by the Spirit in the same way as the writers of the new (and old) testament were?

    How are we suppose to answer that? If I had to to save a life I would have to quess yes. Because no won't do.

  • N.drew

    Only one sentence at a time? Aha!

  • AGuest
    BTW, you didn't answer my questions.

    Wait, did YOU post that, dear bob (peace!)?? I mean, in light of my post to YOU on page 2? Interesting. Very. But not completely surprising.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • bob1999


    You should be testing all things against the scriptures. Instead you are testing the scriptures against your understand.

    "(which Peter referred to at Acts 2:16-18, when he believed the manifestation of the spirit at THAT time was the signal of the "last days" - it was not, of course... because the other features of that prophecy (Acts 2:19-21) did not occur)"

    The last days of what?

    What was Christ talking aobut in Matthew 23:36?

    What age were the disciples living in when they ask about the sign of the "close of the age" in Matthew 24:3?


  • bob1999

    "Wait, did YOU post that, dear bob (peace!)?? I mean, in light of my post to YOU on page 2? "

    I posted that before I saw your answer.


  • bob1999

    "That some don't decide right does not mean no one can."

    No natural man can decide right. Only those touched by the Spirit of God.

    "If I had to to save a life I would have to quess yes."

    Only God's grace through Christ can save.


  • N.drew

    OMG what about all those lives saved by brave neighbors of the Jews in Nazi world?

    Only God's grace through Christ can save. Yes, for everlasting life. I was talking about torture.

    How old are you "bob"?

  • bob1999


    I ask if you thought your words were inspired in the same way as those of the writers of the Bible.


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