Oh, it's that time of the month for you honey? That explains it.
Why don't you just take it like a man?
by AK - Jeff 199 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh is that why you've been such a pain to me?
Oh, thank you for letting me know I'm such a pain to you. It's never wise to let someone that you don't like know that they have some sort of power over you.
I would so love to play but I got grown-up things to do.
Oh Mrs. Jones calling you a pain is much better than what I really think you are, you don't bother me one bit dear but you are acting like a, wait never mind I think if i told you what I thought of you I would be breaking at least three of the forum rules, so I'll refrain.
Wuz, loved the analogy.
Born-ins DO have a harder time leaving it behind, especially the ones from strong 3rd and 4th generation "Strong Witness Families"
My Dad was never a Dub, no one of his side of the family are Witnesses either. Very spotty on Mom's side of the family, you have to get to 3rd cousins before there are any Witnesses. My Great-grandmother and my Mom were pretty much it. I could walk away, because I had support of family and friends. My entire life wasn't tied to the Witnesses--------just my brain and the fear of Armageddon which has been instilled in me since birth.
Anyone who discounts how hard it is to leave when practically everyone you are friends with and are related will shun you is only kidding themselves and blowing smoke at others.
Most on this board like to play the role of victim.(I also think most people outside of the jws like to be the victim too.) I'm from a 5 generation jw family and it doesn't bother me one bit if they all shun me. Some already are since it is well known that I view the dubs as a stupid cult.
The jws do not own the patent on shunning. So many other people, cults, religions, etc will shun a person at the first sign of disagreement. For those of you that enjoy playing the role of victim, this is good news, as you will find many other situations and roles in life where you can continue your victim mentality.
Why even care about someone or something that doesn't care about you? Are we that fragile that we need the acceptance of a group of people whom we have nothing in common with? A group of people that will drop us at the first sign of disagreement?
Yes, I understand that many here, including myself have lost dozens, if not hundreds of friends. But let's be real, did you(or I) really go out and work hard for those friends? Did we put any effort into those relationships. The reality is that most of us had those relationships and friendships simply because we belonged to a group. A group that we believed to be special, elite and above all others. It was not because of putting serious effort into creating and cultivating those friendships. I view it as a very lazy and pathetic way of having friends. Why not search out and develop real friendships with people you truly want to be around and people that will truly care about you? Yes, you will have less friends than before, but when you think about it, did you really have any friends as a jw?
Now it seems that many xjws continue their legacy of belonging to a special group, however it is in a very negative way. Is it really healthy to band together as a group of 'tortured victims' just so you can continue that feel good sensation of belonging to a group that in reality knows very little about each member?
I do think this board and other groups serve a purpose of helping jws make the transition into the xjw world. It is easy and quite acceptable to feel like a victim as you transition towards a normal life. I just hope that everyone can eventually move on from the victim phase to one of contentment and a positive outlook on life.
LOL Jonesy, we must get together girl. Let's plan it for "that time of the month". Add Dinah, we've got a party!
Here is my favorite quote from Lola. It really says all that needs saying. This was on a thread she started about not blaming the JW's for everything. Huh imagine that.
I was 14 when I began to study, I got baptized when I was 18, went to every meeting and convention and even pioneered, so it’s bullshit to say that I was “experimenting”, do you have any idea how many people I lost when I left? How many of my friends I hurt? Do you know how hard it is to know that when I’m older I won’t be able to reminisce with anyone about the stuff I did when I was a teenager and a young adult because those people have been erased from my life?
This was on a thread where people were pouring thier guts out about the loss of family, attempted suicide..........etc. etc.
Her whole act is like walking into an AA meeting and saying "why don't you people just quit drinking?!".
How long ago was the quote from? Six months ago, a year maybe even two? I never ever claimed not to have been hurt when I left, I never claimed not to miss people that I spent my teenage years with. I had nightmares for over a year after leaving, I felt more alone than I ever had but you know after a while it has to hit you that you can’t have it all. You can’t indulge yourself and live the life you want to and be surprised, shocked or angry when the witnesses disapprove and cut you off. Seriously people what the hell did you expect to happen?
By the way I’m impressed that you actually took the time to look thru my posts to find that gem. How long did it take you to find it?
Shelley tore Lola a new one, I just can't find it.
AK - Jeff
Lola - just in case you have a hard time [and it appears you do] putting an analogy into the current situation:
The rape is the end of the date, unplanned, unknown, a crime against the person who is raped. It is not the victims fault. Same with leaving the Watchtower. No one thought the date would end in such crime - except the rapist - who likely planned it from the beginning.