Why don't you just take it like a man?

by AK - Jeff 199 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • purplesofa

    You know, I was not born in, so from studying as an adult, I pretty much understood the rules.

    When I was DF, it was the hardest thing to do, be shunned by, at that time, 6 million people.

    I was sorry and believed it was the truth the whole time, nine years DF.

    I came back, and this time I walked away. I don't believe it's the truth anymore. I am happy to know that.

    I don't want to go back, but while I was in, I grew to love some of the people dearly. And I still do.

    I no doubt knew the rules, that when walking away, the shunning would be there.

    In my mind I take it like a man, in my heart it's a very hurt child.

    I don't get a chance at all in my journey though life, to have the people that have been there, to come along.

    To share anymore happiness, smiles, growth, remember whens?

    There is utterly no way to fully take it like a man.


    edited: When I was DF and believed it was still the truth, I knew I had the choice to go back.

    I would/could eventually see those people again.

    Leaving this time, I know I will never go back to the religion to be with them. It's a very hard

    pill to swallow.

    There is no way one can prepare themselves for this kind of loss ahead of time.

  • purplesofa

    Giving support is one thing, enabling a victim mentality is another thing.


  • lola28

    “Lola comes on to an XJW SITE, to tell people to get over being an XJW. I mean seriously. Going fishing with dynamite????”

    That is not what I did, what you are holding onto are posts that I made several months ago, maybe even a year ago in reference to a poster who blamed all his woes on the fact that he has raised a JW. I’m going to once more explain what my point was on this thread and the other and if you are too dense to get it that’s too darn bad.

    My question was why anyone would want to be recognized by a group that they loathe. We are talking not about a person that was DF’ed but about a person that disassociated because they could no longer support this religion. If your dislike is so great why would you be so needy and desperate for their attention and respect?

    And while I’m at it, let me say this, how dare anyone demand that they be respected and not afford the same respect to others that they demand be shown towards them. You can’t have it both ways, you can’t tell a whole group of people to go straight to hell and then expect them to smile at you at the grocery store. How dare you disregard the feelings of other people in such blatant way? Can you imagine how up in arms people would be if Jeff had come on here and posted that JW’s keep visiting him at home? Everyone would be outraged that the witnesses would be so pushy and so invasive of his personal space. Can you imagine what a painful and uncomfortable situation a JW is put in when someone that they are not allowed to talk to comes up to them and tries to force them into acknowledging them? Do their feelings not matter? Should they not be afforded the same respect we want and demand? Should we not how them compassion because they are as mislead as we once were?

    Beskbeks, I asked Jeff what was a sincere question and he addressed my question with nothing but respect. He might not have agreed with me but he did give me some insight into where he was coming from without resorting to personal attacks. I don’t know what your problem is and frankly I don’t care, but lady if you think I’ll sit around and let you bully me you have another thing coming. If you want to discredit what I’m saying by taking the time to look thru all my posts and dragging things out that I wrote a year or more ago, go to it but don’t expect me to sit quietly by while you attack me, got it?


  • mrsjones5

    LMFAO, that's better

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    you can’t tell a whole group of people to go straight to hell and then expect them to smile at you at the grocery store. How dare you disregard the feelings of other people in such blatant way?

    Isn't that what you did with your "take it like a man" remark, that you offended me with?

    Everyone would be outraged that the witnesses would be so pushy and so invasive of his personal space. Can you imagine what a painful and uncomfortable situation a JW is put in when someone that they are not allowed to talk to comes up to them and tries to force them into acknowledging them? Do their feelings not matter? Should they not be afforded the same respect we want and demand? Should we not how them compassion because they are as mislead as we once were?

    That is exactly what the JWs (my family) do to me, so don't tell me to " take it like a man ". That is an offensive suggestion to me.

  • mrsjones5

    I'm still trying to figure out what "take it like a man" actually means. Does it mean that said man is being a pussy or a wimp? Is said man's manhood being questioned? I think said man's wife would be a better judge of whether her husband has a set of balls or not.

    IMHO, saying "take it like a man" was not constructive and it was used in this setting to inflame.


  • lola28

    Excuse me? First off I was not addressing you, second of all maybe I should have thought about the way I phrased my statement but my point is the same. If you have such contempt for the witnesses as a whole why in the name of god would you want their respect?

  • mrsjones5

    sorry honey but you can't stop either one of us from posting our opinions on this topic...you ain't got the power so take it like a man and grow a set


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I want their respect, because.... ta da.... when I get it..... they are out of the bOrg and will no longer be trying to damage my life, my grandchildren's lives, lives of new recruits and their children and so on and so on.

    I want their respect. Do you get it?

  • mrsjones5

    Yeah she gets it cuz she was pulling some stupid shit not too long ago on an elderly lady who's a jw and Lola didn't have the balls to not accept a book study with the woman nor did she tell the woman that she no longer wanted to be a jw.

    Did you ever grow a set and tell that lady the truth Lola?

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