Why don't you just take it like a man?

by AK - Jeff 199 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Yes - my point precisely KS.

    My choice to join was far less informed than my choice to leave. Still I could not choose to leave peacefully and just walk away. I had to have a large red A emblazoned across my chest to inform everyone of my choice. That choice carries stigma that is unfair.

    My choice to join began covertly as I studied the Watchtower lit at age of 4. My choice to leave came at 48.

    Funny isn't it? If I had chosen to leave the Catholic Church at 48 I would be praised by the same people who condemn me for leaving similar.


  • StoneWall

    Why don't you just take it like a man?

    Tell them thats exactly what you're doing is taking it like a man.

    Tell them if they didn't learn anything else from the WT they shoulda seen according to the literature that it was the

    woman who was to remain silent in the congregation and if she had a question she asked her husband at home.

    But the man was entitled to speak,ask question and validate the information. (supposedly)

    The woman was to remain silent as Paul said not permitting them to speak in the congregation (regarding teaching

    according to the WT) and to be submissive to their head.

    Also point out that at 1 corinthians 11:3 it says the head of every woman is the man, the head of the men is the christ,

    and the head of the christ is God.

    No where in that do you see the head of the man is the congregation or the Elders or some other such wording.

    Tell them if you remained silent you would feel womanly and not manly.

    (and to all you lovely ladies out there you know I love to hear what you have to say and that none of you should be

    silenced. God gave you a brain and a mouth just like he did us men. I'd say he gave them to use not to keep closed

    your whole life)

  • JWoods

    It is sort of like a toothache.

    You remember it every second you put your tongue in that special sore place. The memory of it can last longer than the true pain of the infection.

    It is only when you realize that you have not done the self-test for several days, that you realize it does not hurt any more.

    Forgetting it all (really forgetting it all) is the true freedom.

  • Gregor

    Scully and AK-

    Just to expand a little on Scully's statement -"I've learned, after 25 years of WT servitude that the only honourable way out of the JWs is death."

    This is an accurate statement only if you are defineing yourself from the viewpoint of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The opinion of JW's about anything is worthless, cult driven drivel. I could not care less what they think about people with the strength of character to leave the Village. They are not fit to lick my boots!

    I say give 'em hell.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Stone, Woods and Gregor.

    Yep, yep and yep.

    I do give em hell at every chance. Though my drive to fight the drivel is weaker than before.


  • jookbeard

    feel the same, what peeved me was the blatant covering up of their disgusting,destructive,murderous god Yahweh, and the PR job they done on old Beelzebub, who seems to be the good guy.

  • JeffT

    Why don't they take it like Christians? An honest, sincere person (or organization) admits its mistakes and makes changes to improve. Look at what happened to Bill Bowen and the Anderson's. Instead of responding to the problem, they shot the messengers.

    No group that is supposed to be founded on mutual love would treat people the way they do.

  • quietlyleaving
    You knew that DA’ing would bring about this reaction from people that you knew your whole life, you can’t blame them for sticking to what they feel is right.

    Jehovahs witnesses are not allowed to stick to what they feel is right. They are commanded to deny what they feel is right and do what the WTS/FDS orders them to do.

  • Gregor

    Jookbeard, LOL.

    I think it's time for Jehovah, Jesus, Satan and a ranking demon to set down together over a few cold beers and try to patch things up before 6 billion people have to be wasted.

  • Quirky1

    It's like getting a tattoo, you have it for life, until recently they can remove tattoos. What strikes me is that they say everything is bible based and scripturally supported. Where is shunning and disfellowshipping scripturally supported?

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