Why don't you just take it like a man?

by AK - Jeff 199 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Midget-Sasquatch


    While I, to a point, understand your position about not being governed by bitterness, and accepting that we can't change everyone's behaviour, I respectfully want to say that taking your position (as it is) isn't helpful at all. Just give up on what are the closest relationships we have had?

    I'm a "fader" (a horrible failure at this too, since I'm still showing up sporadically at the hall). You're apparently a more successful fader, but maybe you weren't as close to the jws, as many of us were. Its difficult to accept having intimate relationships cut off, not because we mistreated the others or were "bitches of the block" or "jerks" but only because we no longer believe the same things. Yes, we've got to move away from them if that side repeatedly makes it known that they want nothing to do with us. We need that time to grieve that loss then first. In that first stage of grieving, why not see if we can affect just the individuals closest to us, by letting them know how upsetting it is to us to lose them in our lives?

  • mrsjones5

    Wuz, I think your analogy is spot on.


  • BabaYaga

    Again, I feel the need to say...

    Lola doesn't care what JW's think of her because she has no family in.

    I'm sorry. There is really no comparison. She was not born-in, and she has no family in. She may have a point, but it simply does not apply to most of us here.

  • lola28

    And so what Baba? Are you trying to say that if you are not born in suddenly your opinion is less valid? Is that what you are trying to say?

  • BabaYaga

    As I said, Lola. You may have a point, and it might work for you. The fact of the matter is, it simply does not apply to most of us here.

  • moshe

    So, joining the WT religion turns out to be a mistake and leaving has sad consequences. Even though it isn't fair to get harsh treatment for leaving, neither are a lot of other things in life fair. It wasn't fair that my second wife turned out to be a nutter and her friends in Church helped deceive me into believing she was a " good Christian lady" and I had to pay the price for my bad marriage choice- divorce. People, getting off the SS Watchtower is like surviving the sinking of the Titanic. Just be glad to get out alive and be able to start a new life.

    I often notice that former members don't expect to , "reap what they sow". Yes that is in the Bible, but for them it seemingly doesn't apply- they want to get out, rescue all their family, move and get a new job. Then I'll act like I never wasted my life on that stupid religion.

  • lola28

    That’s not at all what it sounds like Baba, it sounds more like “If you are not born in and if you refuse to always view yourself as a victim, your opinion does not matter”.

  • beksbks

    Lola you sound quite like a spoiled brat stomping her foot. Is that why you joined the JW's in the first place? For attention?

  • mrsjones5

    I think someone needs to take her own advice and grow a pair

  • lola28

    Oh look it's the PMS gang, so nice to see you ladies

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