Jeffrey, ...............just trust me.
Why don't you just take it like a man?
by AK - Jeff 199 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jonesy, I'm thinking if we rule the world, maybe Rob could have a cabinet position?
I would be honored!
~kiss kiss~
With Lola it's no emotions shall go before mine. She tends to be self centered and very judgemental. I chalk it up to her age and think she will mellow with time and few more experiences. And for the record she's somewhat faded and from what I remember her parents are still in. But I could be wrong, I'm being lazy and don't feel like going back and looking it up.
"Jonesy, I'm thinking if we rule the world, maybe Rob could have a cabinet position?"
I second the motion. What would be the name of the cabinet position?
I didn't want to address the tone or the personal remarks made, and I won't. I made my own judgements about that, which is why I didn't want to address the emotional judgements Lola made. However entitled she is to her pov, I don't agree with that aspect of her views.
Anytime we judge another person, and esp their anger after it has been clearly established that they have been wronged, we are treading on sacred ground. Anyone should tread lightly in that circumstance.
I discovered
Good thread,
I have had a jw mess physically with my stuff life. Shows the hate they have for anyone that leaves. Can't prove who it is but I know who it is.
Maybe they are showing their love of thy felllow man/woman. And you will know them by their love.
I was the person who made that comment in his previous thread and I have faded. Okay Password, what do you suggest we do to change the way the organization treats DA’ed and DF’ed people? Should we write a strongly worded letter to the folks at Bethel to tell them just how mean they are?
The organisation is in direct breach of the UNDHR and the International Covenant of Political and Civil rights when it punished those who choose to LEAVE their religious group.
And before anyone dives in with how the First Amendment protects the WTS, the world extends beyond the USA. Precedents can be set in other countries that can and will affect the policies of the Organisation. Look at their knee-jerk reaction to the Jimmy Swaggert case.
Has anyone ever written to the UN or sought advice from a human rights lawyer (or charitable advisory organisation) about the WTS policy of shunning those who leave?
Ok, maybe no government would want to make a law stating that members of a religious order have to act a certain way, but they can make a law that forces a religious order to allow its members to leave without facing penal sanctions, i.e. endorsed shunning (endorsed by the Governing Body).
The more we all quietly leave and don't speak up, the more power we hand back to the WTS.
The more who fade and don't take a stand by disassociating (and I realise that's white hot topic here), the more power is given back to the Governing Body.
Jehovah's Witnesses say to those of us who have left, "you knew the consequences". Well, maybe it's time, like in Moscow, where the Jehovah's Witnesses are realsiing the consequences of being part of hateful, discriminatory organisation, that Jehovah's Witnesses know the consequences of treating former members (former friends!) like dirt in the street.
John Doe
I thought Lola made some good points. Why all the anger for them?
Black Sheep
Lola me they are just people I used to know and friends I used to have....
To me, they are my family. Like, about 98% of my family.
If your first topic is anything to go by, you haven't even got Dubby parents, let along Dubby siblings, children, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, grandchildren.
this has really touched a nerve with me! It's funny, the GB and the hierarchy that supports that institution relies on two things - the rank and file JW's being Bible-illiterate (reading the NWT everyday does not a person bible-literate make), and that these same JW's are either ignorant or misinformed about events that take place.
I was recently disfellowshipped from a branch facility for apostasy, (and according to the Branch Committee involved, "A secret plan to bring down the organisation in this country" - which was so secret that I managed to keep it from myself!) and I have personally experienced the second. Whether accomplished by allowing chinese whispers, or even by outright lies, the responsible hierarchy is reliant on the silence and willing obedience of JW's to remain in positions of power.
It seems a very thorny conundrum - silence or open proclamation? I struggled with that for a long time. But one thing I have learnt is that open proclamation needs to be done circumspectly - often, ex-JW's, even though having justified anger, allow that to make them behave in ways that confirm the behaviour that the Society has identified "apostates" with - in other words, anger, fury, condemnation, sarcasm, sometimes sweeping generalisations, and often such bitterness that those who might have listened a little are turned away, and all because the Society has rightly identified how to keep most JW's under control.
I don't offer this as critiscm, simply as an observation.