JW Defenders- Is WTS Right to Insist You Stay Away From these Websites?

by OnTheWayOut 307 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hope4Others

    I think there has been a lot of good information here. No I do not think they have the right to prevent you from seeking knowledge

    at any given time. Whether books or web sites. For years we have preached to others about there religions that they need to keep

    seeking, keep testing to see if these things are so. And yet at the first instance a jw is questioned they close their ears. It is important to be

    open minded to examine all facts even if the ones we first learned are false...keep learning it is only then you will truly become a wise person.


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I'm regular at the Kingdom Hall, and have been since it was announced that "[Spike Tassel] is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses". I would need for them (the JC) to write things out and then be in a discussion with me about it and write my own notes (explanations). On-going e-mail would be the best. It may be simplest to say that I relate closest to dyslexia #1 on this link:— http://dyslexiavictoria.wordpress.com/2008/10/22/seven-major-causes-of-dyslexia/. I have heard people talk about "kissing ass", but it cannot be literal, so I honestly don't know what it means; I will not compromise my principles.

  • isaacaustin


    you will not, not, not get written correspondence that you are seeking in your case.

    If you divulged some sort of detail here as to what got you kicked out perhaps one of the elders on JWN could give you more direction.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I will not. I have been betrayed before.


    Spike..If you really want to get re-enstated..You have to go to your elders and tell them that..

    Then you have to do exactly what they say without question..There is no diccusion..They don`t care about your notes..

    You will do as you are told..Period..

    If you can`t do that..You will Never.....I mean NEVER EVER,be re-enstated


  • isaacaustin

    Because your story does not exist. LOL

    COme clean, who are you really?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I will say this much. When the JC came to its decision, they said that I had a right to appeal. But I felt they had come to the decision that should have been made when the "baptism" preparation was done. They then said it was my decision if I came to meetings, or not, that they could not forbid me. I said that was fine by me, that I'd always attend as I always have attended. Only my life ceasing would stop that.

    I do not feel that repentance is possible for anyone until sin is done away with.

  • isaacaustin

    Not much can really be said specifically of your sitatuation...since you have given the vaguest of details.

    Perhaps you can give us the scenario changing some detials so as not to give yourself away?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I have certainly said enough, for those with spiritual comprehension. I am not about to fudge; my conscience does NOT permit that.

  • isaacaustin

    Tell you what spike...since you are so sad that you got dfed and those nasty elders won't let you back in..I am offering you my assistance. I am willing to assist you in staging a bogus reinstatement. We will make a phony cong somewhere far from where you attend and I will be the chairman of the committee in your 'new cong'. We can buck the system and make this work.

    Let's talk.

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