explain the relevance of your statement
JW Defenders- Is WTS Right to Insist You Stay Away From these Websites?
by OnTheWayOut 307 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Perhaps, Isaac the quoted of said verse, was a self-judgment, like the man convicted of murder, whose head is in the noose and answers the question
"Do you have any final words?"
"Yes! Let all the murderers be hung.".
The above is a statement in agreement with the judgment he is under, and yet not one which can be construed as removing the noose from his neck.
you took the words right out of my mouth GB, although you exemplified it better...
AK - Jeff
There is no case of Universal Sovereignty, Spike. The words do not appear in the Bible at all. They do appear hundreds of thousands of times in a spurious little journal supporting a little known religious cult HQ'd in Brooklyn.
Let Jehovah be proved right in all matters, despite what anyone else may say. This is about Jehovah, not me.
Good. Then shut the f*ck up and let him speak for himself. Your mindless ranting isn't scoring any points for him.
Spike Tassel
Jehovah speaks in a "calm, low voice" according to 1 Kings 19:12. That may be a clue.
Spike has a Clue?..
clueless spike tassel. LOL