That won't would because I am still attending the congregation meetings where the JC and I met.
JW Defenders- Is WTS Right to Insist You Stay Away From these Websites?
by OnTheWayOut 307 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
AK - Jeff
Does anyone else find themselves scratching his head wondering just what the hell Spike Tassle just said? I mean every post is more confusing and stupid than the one before.
Spike Tassel
I should have written the following regarding IA's suggestion:— That won't work because I am still regularly attending the congregation meetings where the last JC and I met.
This is so bogus. I have pretty much bowed out of this thread but will say one thing then leave it alone.
"Spike" is defending JW ways then as he is being called out on his BS, he introduces the story that he is a wounded DF'ed JW that goes to the meetings- all in an effort for us to feel sorry for him and come to his aid and give him the attention he thrives on.
It's BS. Save your breathes.
Spike Tassel
regarding OTWO's statements:— there is nothing bogus (except for IA's proposal), no BS from me, just misunderstandings. I am not "wounded" nor "DF'd", nor do I want anyone feeling "sorry" for me", though I do appreciate what have proved to be some spiritual aid, due to various ones attempting to address my very real internal conflict.
Spike Tassel
that's OTWO's take, but perhaps others differ from OTWO, and can add meaningfully to this discussion in its current form
so you were converted but not everything was explained in a way you understood it fully at the time and due to to not getting the full picture you've ended up dfd?
just trying to get an idea of what you mean spike
Spike Tassel
That's pretty close, Nelly. Repentance regarding conduct brought on by mood swings is still something I struggle with.
so you're making allowances for imperfect men, while no allowances are made for circumstances beyond your control at times?