Public Talks To Be Discontinued!!! (NOT! - see page 8)

by minimus 149 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheListener

    This would have been announced in multiple congregations. This would be major news to every JW.

    One CO in one congregation wouldn't be making this announcement.

    A letter to all bodies of elders would have went out and a planned announcement date given (just like the beginning of the donation arrangement and the release of the new organized book).

    why would they write a letter shortening public talks starting in '08 and then have a CO make an announcement at a local KH that public talks are disappearing?

    Sounds like Minimus' mother misunderstood or she has a rogue CO.

  • kerj2leev
    watch cartoons with the kids.....

    Well sweetstuff, the WT is kinda cartoonish! The main story line is make believe, plus all those cheesy pictures!

  • Gill

    Danny - Good points! This sort of scenario, where the JWs are attacked by 'the world' is one my mother was shouting at me about a few months ago, saying that soon the world would turn on them. JWs, at lease the real fruit cakes have been at ease in the last few decades despairing at the lack of real pain, torture and concentrations camps just for JWs!

    They need to feel different! They need to feel change! They need to feel the end is coming........soon! And that has been lacking with the WTBTS stagnating in its own routines!

    As the world had NOT turned on them, the WTBTS has to show it is prepared now for the next stage...... the pre Armageddon stage and that change is afoot and the 'Ark Door is Shutting'. Not so much locking the world in, but locking the remaining JWs in the mental prison that is the WTBTS!

    Changes in magazines, reduction in Bethelites, reduction in Awakes, reduction in Watchtowers, reduction in meeting times and perhaps eventually reduction in meetings give a sense of change and change makes people uncomfortable and to a certain extent fearful!

    Even if Minimus' mum did not quite understand what the CO was saying, she did get 'the drift' that change is afoot!

    The new private Watchtower is a huge and potentially dangerous change!

    The reduction and possible eventual removal of the Public Talk is an ominous change!

  • JH

    Maybe this misinformation was leaked to your mom to see if you're the JWD minimus

  • sweetstuff
    Well sweetstuff, the WT is kinda cartoonish! The main story line is make believe, plus all those cheesy pictures!

    Yer missing my point K, sigh. I get a perverse pleasure out of thinking of them struggling to stay awake thru another Sunday talk while I joyfully, laze around on Sunday morning. LOL

  • WingCommander


    You read my mind! This could all be a trick by the CO and Crooklyn to "OUT" Minimus once and for all! I mean, what better way to bait someone!

    However, if minimus is correct, and they really are going to eliminate the Public Talk, then I am both scared and appalled all at once. I must admit to a blade of fear/paranoia hitting me thinking maybe "this is it, the Great Tribulation is right around the corner!!", but then common sense kicked in and I realized they've been crying wolf for over a hundred years! The only differance, is that from a perspective looking from the OUTSIDE IN, they look like a freakin' nutty cult! I mean really - cutting out the Public Talk, FORCING everyone to go in field service?

    I see that mandatory field service requirement as a "litmus test" to see who the true die-hard JW's are. If Minimus' info is indeed correct, than how far off can the Kool-Aide be?

    In part, I'm scared just hearing this rumor, as it appears what I had always been taught is coming true - that in the end, the message of salvation would become a message of imminent destruction!! But on the other hand, it's kind of a self-fullfilling prophecy, isn't it? The WTBS said that is what would happen, and now they are in effect going to "make it happen".

    Another point of interest is this: The Book Study. Are they not studing the, "Revelation It's Grand Climax at Hand" book again? Truly, this points to the fact that they see the GT and the Big A as "very, very, very, soon."

    I guess I'm still partially indoctrinated, as I'm part scared, and part appalled at this "possibly true" revelation.


    - Wing Commander

  • JH
    The WTBS said that is what would happen, and now they are in effect going to "make it happen".

    This reminds me of a car in a scrap yard, and you sit down in the drivers seat and knowing that there is no motor in the car, you break the speedomoter window and move the needle to 50 mph, thinking the car will automatically advance to that speed.

  • Satanus

    "a car in a scrap yard"

    I like that as an illustration of the wt org. In reality, nothing works, but all those on board carry on a mass fantasy that everything works and that they are speeding along through the last days, towards armageddon, and a paradise. A scrap car comparison works better than the chariot comparison.




    I think as former JW's it's easy for us to feel a bit scared, but if we keep a certain scripture in mind, this should relieve us of that fear. "The end would come when we least expect it" The JW's are expecting it. So how can it come true?


    P.S. and if it does come true, all I can say is, FINALLY and I don't think we are doomed for either.

  • DannyHaszard
    Yes,the "great disappointment"of Oct 22 1844 has never died out

    Have no fear my friends the WT is just a millerite cult spin-off always was/always will be.The only fear I have is the possible 'kool aid' seneraio,BUT the Watchtower is a killer cult but not the dramatic way they bleed you to death slowly.

    Jehovah's Witnesses Millerite/Adventist sect spin-off

    American war of 1812 army captain William Miller is ground zero for Jehovah's Witnesses.
    There is nothing that made me gasp in horror of all WT/JW falsehoods more then this finding that it all came from the Millerite movement.
    Yes,the "great disappointment"of Oct 22 1844 has never died out... it lives on in the Seventh day Adventist (who admit it) and the Jehovah's Witnesses who deny it.

    Yes,the "great disappointment"of Oct 22 1844 has never died out... it lives on in the Seventh day Adventist (who admit it) and the Jehovah's Witnesses who deny it.

    The central CORE doctrine of the Watchtower,yes the reason the Watchtower came into existence was to declare Jesus second coming in 1914.When the prophecy (derived from William Miller of 1842) failed they said that he came "invisibly".Ergo,no 1914 then there can be no 1918 inspection and sealing of the 'anointed' so the entire Watchtower Bible and Tract Society doctrinal superstructure comes crashing down like a house of cards


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