Public Talks To Be Discontinued!!! (NOT! - see page 8)

by minimus 149 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    Since the fact is that we are all responsible for our own reality, that thought becomes very troubling if you apply it to the WTBTS and its followers.

    What is their perceived reality?

    It is that the world as we know it is about to end!

    Can they make it least for themselves?

    Absolutely! We have not forgotten Jonestown yet, have we?

    I find it troubling to spend anytime with my JW parents now! They can smell and taste Armageddon in the air! This is their reality! They think nothing of telling me that me and my children are about to be killed.....any time.....if we don't return to 'Jehovah'. People under this kind of delusion are suggestible, weak minded and living in a warped, constructed reality. The construction is done under mind control of the WTBTS. They have no concept or possible grasp of the fact that they have been conned! They are in constant fear of grasping at the WTBTS to SAVE them! But from what?

    Who made the monster that they fear so much and who is manipulating their minds with its changes? After all, all change causes some kind of anxiety even in the most well adjusted!

    If the WTBTS asked them to jump, they would ask, 'how high?'

    Isn't that what Jim Jones did......command his followers to jump?

    The WTBTS is running out of time as 2014 is only 7 years away and as far as I'm aware they're not planning an anniversary party!

    Desperate times call for desperate measures!

  • tijkmo
    minimus- yes..this is the first thing i have read thats inaccurate- they just shortened the public talks for the upcoming year..not cancelled them...... if i am wrong..i will leave this board for good if you is that for a bet??

    this sems a bit extreme....besides betting is not allowed. seems quite likely that the c.o. made a public announcement thereby definately risking his own credibilty just to out minimus....cos lets face it - the c.o. has little else to do except obsess about the effect one little apostate has on a worldwide organization. no offence

  • 95stormfront

    Public talk down to 30 minutes......???? I thought it was only being shortened to 45? Of course, any decrease in the length of time in any of those indoctrinating sessions would be an improvement.

  • metatron

    Here's a possibility: A C.O. starts talking about what he thinks could or should happen. C.O.'s

    often do this to stir up a crowd. I can think of several examples, such as "you shouldn't complain

    about too many meetings, suppose the Society ordered meetings every night". Even J.R. Brown

    did stuff like this when he was a C.O. (" what weird things have you eaten? we might be short of

    food in the Great Tribulation")

    It would be easy to say, "suppose the Society eliminated the Public Talk and we all went out in service

    every Sunday instead" or something like that.


  • Gill

    I thought public talks had been cut to 45 mins years upon years ago?

    However, it is rather clever, looking at it from another angle, to have public talks down to only 30 mins.

    It means that those who only go for the first half are less like to leave and miss the WT study as it's one thing to leave after the first half but to leave after the first one third of a meeting.......could be a sign of 'spiritual weakness!'

  • sir82

    A letter is sent to all congregations, confirmed by numerous posters, that public talks will be reduced from 45 to 30 minutes. This happened a few months ago. This is commented on extensively by numerous posters here on this board.

    One poster says "my mom said the CO said public talks are going to be discontinued" and we get 5 pages of panicked "they've gone off the deep end!!!!!" responses in 12 hours.

    People, think for more than 30 seconds here...Apply Occam's razor. Which is more likely....

    1) The Society spends thousands on postage, printing, etc. sending letters to announce a reduction in the time of public talks from 45 to 30 minutes. But, 3 months later, they suddenly and unexpectedly change their minds again, and decide that there will be no public talks at all, ending a decades-long practice. They go against all past practice by reducing the publisher's load by having only 4 meetings per week instead of 5. But, instead of sending out another letter, they tell COs to announce the change from the platform, thus ensuring that different congregations have different understandings regarding the meetings (what if the CO visit isn't for another 6 months?).


    2) A senior citizen misunderstands a CO's comments about a "reduced" public talk as a "discontinued" public talk.

  • Gill

    sir82 - You forget no 3) CO says to elderly Sister Minimus that he expects that in due course, as Armageddon is about to strike, Jehovah will tell the GB to close the door to the ark and there will be no more public day!

    Did we ever expect to see the awake mag cut to one a month and expect due course....that it will no longer be printed?

    Did we ever think there would be only one public Watchtower a month printed for placing with non JWs and expect the unexpected with the 'private' Watchtower?

    I don't think it is hysteria. I often think that if all of my and my husband's families were not still JWs I would completely lose interest in what this crackpot cult is doing, but unfortunately there are too many lost souls in our family trapped in the asylum!

    Everything the bORg does is to benefit itself and abuse its members!

    I've yet to see it do or arrange something that wasn't a rip off to some poor soul!

  • eclipse


    2) A senior citizen misunderstands a CO's comments about a "reduced" public talk as a "discontinued" public talk.

    I too think it was a misunderstanding, or a way to out minimus as an apostate.

    Haven't read all 5 pages (so sorry if I am just repeating something someone already posted)

    I thought it was a joke by minimus...I did not realize that it was not.

  • Emma

    I've just finished reading the entire thread and I agree with JH:

    Maybe this misinformation was leaked to your mom to see if you're the JWD minimus

    Is it possible that someone wants to know exactly where you stand Min?

  • minimus

    Quite honestly I don't think the Society would care about a "Minimus".

    I just talked to my mother and asked her if she was SURE that what she told me was correct. She reiterated that she thought that this was what was said. With further prodding, I asked her if it was possible that the CO was talking about the shorterned public talk length, not the actual doing away with the entire Public Talk. She then said maybe that's what she heard and then after that they were all supposed to go out in service. She told me that she will ask another sister what exactly was said and get back to me.

    My impression is that she now has a doubt about her earlier statement about the Talks being discontinued.

    I do not like threads that contain misinformation and I certainly do not want to express a comment that is not accurate. I should've made sure from another Witness that I know before making this thread. I know there are active elders here that I believe would clearly know whether this public talk issue was correct or not. When they questioned the veracity of the comments, I began wondering.

    Meanwhile, I'll get clear confirmation when I get a call but I think she might've misunderstood and if this is truly the case, I apologize for bringing on board any misinformation.

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