Public Talks To Be Discontinued!!! (NOT! - see page 8)

by minimus 149 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    They wouldn't stop the Sunday talk because that is one of their main venues for mind conditioning the dubs. Not even for the sake of exchanging it for preaching time.


    It sounds reasonable to me. They don't want to have to kick out the "public" beforethe Kool-aid edition is studied, I'm sure the indctrination will be way more hard-core.

    I think they will invite people to the book study and keep it more fluff (i.e. the new "Follow the Christ" release) and less "follow the GB".

    They will save that(follow the GB) for when new ones have "made progress" enough so that they are given the "priveledge" of being "allowed" to come on Sunday.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes


    All this talk about action by the Borg. reminds of that scene in the film The Battle of Britain when Trevor Howard slowly walks around the quiet radar opperations room where everyone is anticipating, watching and waiting for an enemy attack, waiting for the phones to ring ,when he looks up and says "well they're up to something."

    Then all hell breaks loose. Bandits at three o'clock better scramble.

  • sweetstuff
    Minimus . i sure you heard wrong. or you just didn't understand what you mom was saying. just like you couldn't undderstand my posts to you. I think you need to see a DOCTOR AND GET THERAPY. Either your just a warped attention getter or your completely nut's . iF i WAS YOU i'DE GET OUT THE YELLOW PAGES, AND LOOK FOR THE NEAREST NUT HOUSE . and you need medication. lots of it... john p.s. still posting from your job stealing your employers time? john mini your about as SHARP AS A BOWLING BALL. ROFL

    Someone isn't getting enough bran in their diet. You ever notice how those who are insecure about their own intelligence and worth are always on the attack? This post indicates someone who is not mentally balanced- notice the fact that he names himself twice, goes from CAPS to regular font in the same word. You must have not "undderstood" correctly Mini. LMAO @ Johnny cip. Whatever are you smoking there Johnny ? I have one suggestion for you Johnny, Huuked Un Foniks.

  • AlphaOmega
    AlphaOmega when the meeting is over - they open the doors and let them out... long before it becomes : Meeting over - break out the Kool-Aid ?

  • minimus


  • BluesBrother

    Public Talks go down to 30 mins in the New Year , that is for sure ....Why? Nobody knows, not even the elders that my wife has asked...

    Anything else is , I am afraid hearsay. Would they make a second change again soon? Would a C/O talk about it if he had heard something?

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    SO MINImus you have any more STUPID one liners. that you learned at elder school ? to htymotize ( my sl) that your some kind of X JW GOD? I'm just knocked out how you can get so much responce from your 3rd grade questions. but have no balls to deal with anyone that questions you? how's the bowling ball waxing co. doing? lol

  • neverendingjourney

    Ignoring the nastiness on this thread, I thought I'd add a point that may or may not have been brought up already. I haven't read through all of the replies yet. When I was a regular pioneer, probably 10 or so years ago, the CO came up to a group of us to share some "exciting news." It turns out that his Bethelite son had just called to inform him that the latest out of Brooklyn was that the Society was going to discontinue printing luxury Bibles (the ones with the faux leather covers). This was back when the society was barely starting to entertain the softcover books idea. I think they had already cheapened the quality of the Watchtower paper by then. Well, they were still printing luxury Bibles as of two years ago when I stopped going to meetings.

    The point is that C.O.'s can be just as gossipy as anyone else. It is quite possible that this guy got an "inside scoop" from a third or fourth hand source and the message had been altered in the process. COs typically like the attention they get and the look of awe from the publishers faces when they share special insider knowledge with them. I'm sure it makes many of them feel like gods. It could very well be true that your mother shared exactly what she heard from the CO with you, but that the CO, not your mother, was the one that was confused. My $.02.

  • minimus

    John, is English a secondary language for you?? I had to re-read your last post a few times.

    Johnny, do you have elephantitis by any chance??? You seem to proudly show them off.

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