Public Talks To Be Discontinued!!! (NOT! - see page 8)

by minimus 149 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    'Creating a sense of Urgency!' that's the phrase I was looking for!

    What it really means is frightening the flock half to death and then you can get them to do anything you want them to!

    There have been many changes as of late in the WT society!

    All done to create a 'Sense of Urgency!' aka FEAR Tactics!

    If public attendance at the KH was 'limited' in some way, couldn't you just hear them saying 'The Ark Door is About to Close! All Aboard Now!' ?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I look forward to Minimus' clarification - I know him to be a little red dot of integrity on these boards - so I shall wait patiently to see the reply.

    If he is correct - the sole reason is control and indoctrination. Perhaps this is a prelude to a separate meeting for the public while the JW's are out preaching?


  • Awakened07

    I think this is most likely a local thing while the CO is there. Haven't they just announced that the talk will be 30 minutes?

    But interesting nonetheless. Well - maybe not if it's just local and brief, but... potentially interesting nonetheless.

  • MadTiger

    CULTivating that siege mentality.

    Those who don't like field service will group together and do a few calls, then ghost.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    The door of the ark is closing, the public will no longer be allowed in the Kingdom Hall (thus no public talks), and the new message at the door is, "you're doomed."

    Seriously, weren't we told at one time that the day would come when our message would change from salvation to destruction (just before Armageddon)?


    Not only that, but the ark is sinking. Fortunately, the WT has the UN life rafts filled with library cards.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Not only that, but the ark is sinking. Fortunately, the WT has the UN life rafts filled with library cards.

    It's sabotage I tell you! Someone mislableled a bucket of shit - and called it pitch. Prob the apostates.


  • DannyHaszard

    I hope red dot doesn't get egg on his face,as I love the guy.None the less we were always taught that the ..."JW's will bring about armageddon by provoking the world with all out preaching campaign and would we be brave enough to go out and proclaim the messeage of doom and let Jehovah use us as bait" This is scary Jim Jones David Koresh apocalyptic shit A little bit of paranoid Watchtower (Freddy Franz) ranting RUSSIA INVADE ISRAEL in END TIMES whole lotta links from fundys who say the same 'king of the north' jazz as the Watchtower magazine. Note: Ezekiel 38-39 describes a Russian-led invasion of Israel in the

    "latter days"
    of ... Uncanny how a number of Bible interpreters say this same Gog of Magog confrontation play out.The Watchtower's take is that it will take all place against a "spiritual" Israel which of course is their own Watchtower corporate leaders aka governing Body aka 144,000 remnant. If i heard/read it once i heard/read it dozens of times the Watchtower apocalyptic time line goes as follows: At a glance~ A. cry of peace & security achieved by secular,commercial,political powers. B. 'peace & security' disrupted by petty religious squabbles C. the secular,political,military powers are provoked that their peace initiative is being ruined by pain in the ass religion. They through "radical militant elements of the UN" {wts quote} GO ON A BALLISTIC RAMPAGE and outlaw all religion yes the Watchtower say's that UN shock troops will come into our towns and burn every place of worship to the ground.They will 'hang high" and slaughter every clergy person. D. after this orgasm of destruction the UN 'shock troops' instigated by Satan will then be outwitted by Jehovah and Jehovah God will "put hooks in their Jaws" and they will then take the bait and go after Jehovah's Witnesses encamped in their palatial tents. They will attack this insignificant minority as these bold kingdom proclaimers WILL STILL BE PREACHING the MESSAGE OF DOOM that the 'door to ark' has closed and you are all going to die! The entire World is now ready to exterminate Jehovah's Witness the one true religion. Armageddon comes and all opposers to the Watchtower corporate leadership die. THE END submitted by Danny Haszard Bangor Maine "Da Birds" will Getcha Watchtower Apocalyptic Infatuation

  • sweetstuff

    Rather disturbing actually, I kind of like the idea of all those dubs sitting thru another boring hour of blah blah blah , yada yada yada, every Sunday, while I sleep in, get up, make a nice big breakfast, watch cartoons with the kids..... now they are getting out of it? Freaking WTS is pissing me off.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Freaking WTS is pissing me off.

    They pissed on me for 40 some years - now they piss me off every day that goes by without them crashing and burning.


  • sweetstuff

    Point taken Jeff, I hear ya. Wanna hug?

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