Public Talks To Be Discontinued!!! (NOT! - see page 8)

by minimus 149 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dead Man Joaquin
    Dead Man Joaquin

    The purpose of shortening of the Public Talks is (allegedly) to allow for more time in field service in the afternoon. I believe it has to do with more control over what is coming from the podium at the talks. Shorter talks means decreased possibility for speakers straying from the outlines, injecting their own ideas, etc. But I would not be surprised if the talks were completely dispensed with in the not-too-distant future. The continual tightening of the screws is an indicator that the WT is scared, and for good reason. Look at the proliferation of E-Watchman and other sites by those who claim to be of the anointed (There's not a ton of them, but they are out there). E-W is a huge threat to the WT because 1) he claims to be of the anointed, and, though his ideas are at least as nutty as the Tower's, his rants are different in that they are at least far more interesting than the WT's recycled pablum 2) pushes the idea that JW's are indeed God's Chosen People but that the WT is corrupt and Jehovah will "cleanse" it soon and 3) DOES NOT ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO LEAVE THE ORG. What is more dangerous to the GB? An "apostate" who says to get the hell out of the cult (obvious agent of Satan there) or an "apostate" who actually still teaches that JWs are the only "true religion"? People who are still in the org who cotton to the latter POV are FAR MORE of a threat to those on the outside. Expect to see an artificial, WT-induced "sifting" soon. Maybe they will make us take some kind of an oath or pledge of allegiance to the flag, er, organization, or one day, out of the blue, ask point-blank for a show of hands if there is anybody who has doubts about "Mother". Or maybe they will try to stage Armageddon. I don't know about Kool-Aid, but "compounds" or some such would not surprise me at all. Remember the Residential Towers that were supposed to go up a few blocks from Columbia Heights a couple of years back? I believe that the WT would rather go out with a bang than a whimper before they lose their wad to the multiplicity of lawsuits that are indubitably pending. The time is just right for just such a scenario. Look at the Middle East, for Christ's sake.

  • minimus

    OK, I just got off the phone. She DID hear the CO say" there will be be no public talk THIS SUNDAY" because they were having their assembly that weekend. She felt embarrassed that she told me what she did. I told her "no dinner for you tomorrow night!".

    Sorry folks for the false alarm.

    [Min I have added to the title of this thread on page 1 and highlighted this one so people see it - Lee]

  • Dead Man Joaquin
    Dead Man Joaquin

    BTW, re. Occam's Razor and the WT... remember, this IS the Tower we're dealing with here... there ARE no "simplest explanations" with their mentality...

  • minimus

    Thanks Lee.

  • NewYork44M

    The good news is that you can blame your mother. Isn't that the goal of every good son? To blame everything that goes wrong on mother.

  • minimus

    Yeah, NY. I'll have to shun her now.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Darn! I know some JW's who'd be happy to spend less time at the hall on Sundays.

  • Paralipomenon

    Hey min, look at the bright side, you likely caused a few bethel monitors to scurry around for a few hours trying to confirm if this "leak" was true and if they needed to do damage control.

  • hubert

    Well, it was fun while it lasted.

    Don't worry about it, Min, we all make mistakes sometime or other.


  • brinjen

    That's ok min, you never know it, one day they may actually decide to do it.

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