Who thinks Cannabis/Marihuana should be legalised?

by lfcviking 137 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    I live in the Netherlands, although I'm English. I smoke pot regulary. I just quit tobacco and have a 'Volcano' Vapouriser that works like a dream. Mmmm. Yes. Fingers, keyboard, screen, where was I?

    I'm not here 'cause it is 'legal'; I smoked regulary in the UK.

    Dutch drug policy is based on a harm reduction policy.

    Most pot users do not harm others in acquiring or using the drug; acquisition and consumption are victimless crimes.

    Prohibition does not work; people will still consume recreational chemicals regardless of law.

    All Prohibition does is make the supply of pot a lucrative job with the resultent potential for violence.

    If the price of pot is high, users of pot might to resort to crime to pay for their drugs.

    If pot is available easily and cheaply in quasi-legal coffee shops no criminal underworld is created, and people can buy their weed and not be criminalised for a victimless crime. You will also not encounter harder drugs in a coffee shop; at many dealers you will encounter harder drugs.

    I pay €6-€8 per gram, that's $8.40 to $11.20 (don't blame me for the dollar exchange, it's cheap) depending what variety I feel like.


    One of them is morphine which costs .89 cents for a 10mg ampule. Two ampules would take care of the most hardcore drug addicts. Who could not afford a $1.78 a day habbit? Medical grade cocaine is also very cheap and much safer to use.

    Oh I'm for providing licensed channels for obtaining drugs at prices that destroy the local drug trade overnight. Maybe you could have coffee shops just for pot and opium dens for other stuff?

    Obviously some idiots will suffer harm from abusing recreational chemicals just because they are there. But all the evidence points to it not being many. In Holland the % of teenagers AND adults who smoke pot regulary is no higher and is sometimes lower than countries where it is iilegal. All the research shows drug abuse is a result of internal factors, not because the drug was available.

    If illegality of a chemical creates violence, criminalises people who commit a victimless crime, wastes police time on preventing a victimless crime, etc. etc., why is it illegal.

    If illegality does more harm than good (as can be demonstrated), have done with it.

    Controlled supply would not lead to a massive increase in addiction, would cost far less then Prohibition, and would eliminate crime between suppliers and by users to finance their habits.


    Its interesting that most of you are in favour of its decriminalisation/legalisation and claiming that its relatively harmless when there are growing reports of this substance having adverse affects on its users. Where i used to live (England) reports of people (that were regular users of this drug) developing psychological disorders were becoming more and more common. You would hear of long term users suffering from 'Psychosis', 'Paranoia', 'Nearvous Anxiety' etc etc. Also as of fairly recently the very strong 'Skunk' form of the drug has become more easily available, so surely there has to be a connection here?

    Be careful of claims pot is on average any stronger to some damaging degree. They are not well-backed.

    Just as some alcohol users will suffer problems from using alcohol, so too will some pot users. There is a link to certain conditions; a causal link prehaps (it might just be that people with certain conditions seek out certain substances to self-medicate).

    Smoking heavily in your teens is a bad idea. But the overall risk is very small; there are millions of people who have smoked pot every day for decades and only a relatively low percentage suffer real chronic harm from usage - probably the same percentage as that of alcohol drinkers who suffer real chronic lasting harm. Given the study done and some quite spriited attempts to find something really bad by anti-drugs lobbies, nothing really bad has been found beyond 'inhaling burning leaves is kinda dumb'.

    And I now vapourise my weed, I don't burn it... ah, isn't technology a wonderful thing?

    John Doe

    That's circular argumentation. In effect, you're saying that marijuana should be legal because people are in jail for smoking it. Saying that pot smokers are not "true criminals" is saying they haven't been convicted of breaking the law, which is absurd.

    It is a victimless crime; if someone is harmed in the financing, supply or safe consumption of a recreational chemical it is because the drug was illegal.

    If recreational chemicals were as expensive as good quality tea, do you think people would die in drive-bys over the right to supply Liptons to the three blocks south of 67th and Main?

  • BrentR

    Last June I had a large wood chip hit my eye and it took four surgeries to get them removed. The pain was off the charts and the hydracodone did nothing for it. It made me want to claw my eyeball out I was puking which only made the pain worse. My neighbor gave me and eight ball (1/8 oz) and I had relief within five minutes. In two days the corneal pressure was back to almost normal on my re-exam. I told my optometrist what I used and she told me how badly she wants to be able to tell patients to use it but can't without risking the loss of her license.

    It is obscene that a substance that can give so much instant relief to certain conditions is illegal and a doc can't even hint about it. It's commonly used for glaucoma(sp?) and nausea second to chemo but for eye injuries a doc can't suggest it. I used less then 1/4 of the bud and gave what was left back to my neighbor. Since then I have not used it and up until then I had not touched it since my early thirties. I did not get addicted, become psychotic or have any side affects. Responsible informed people can use legal and illegal drugs safely and without problems.

    On the flip side I have a friend that is 60 and uses it every night and has for years. I have watched his short term memory deteoriate over the last two years. The bud in my area is grown in volcanic soil that is high in mercury. Pot plants uptake large amounts of it out of the soil and mercury oxide accumulates in our tissues and is there forever until you chelate it out.

    So somewhere between me using it for extreme pain once in 13 yrs and my friend using it every night there is a safe harmless happy medium.

    Will we ever evolve as a species enough to find that safe middle ground?

  • SixofNine

    Quote: "don't misapply a legal term"

    "A criminal", as used colloquially by IP SEC, is not a "legal term", though he may have taken your bait to argue the matter. If IP doesn't think a marijuana smoker is a criminal, then in IP SEC's view, that person is not a criminal, and I'd bet that a substantial percentage of Americans would agree with him, all with the understanding that certain amounts of weed in certain situations can get you convicted of a criminal offense. He probably doesn't think I'm a criminal either, though I shoplifted a couple of times when I was a kid, and I used to speed like a sumbitch.

    Someone got all anal about the term "criminal" here the other day, and made the pedantic case that speeders were "criminals". I argued successfully otherwise- in most cases of speeding. Frankly though, the law just happened to have caught up to my viewpoint, and most states have by now downgraded speeding to a misdemeanor. I really just intended to inject a little pragmatism, common sense, and contempt of pedantic, legalistic argumentation into the discussion.

    Here's a phrase that would not have generated any arguments: "in a purely technical, legalistic sense, a person who has been convicted fairly of X offense would be considered a "criminal" wrt to that specific crime".

    But then again, maybe that goes w/o saying... which is so often the best option.

  • bigwilly

    John Doe/Devil's Advocate:

    That's circular argumentation. In effect, you're saying that marijuana should be legal because people are in jail for smoking it. Saying that pot smokers are not "true criminals" is saying they haven't been convicted of breaking the law, which is absurd.

    I don't believe I expressed my original comment clearly. There have been many instances here in Oregon of issues with overcrowded prisons. This is what inspired my commentary about "true criminals". There have been instances where persons convicted of murder, rape and other violent crimes or who are mentally ill being released from prison to free up space. It seems to me that it would be better to legalize what most people consider a harmless substance and stop filling up the valuable jail space needed for the violent offenders.

    I can see your point about prison being for those that break the law, but as usual nothing is that black and white. We could go back and forth for days about the flaws with our (America's) criminal justice system and still never agree

    "Consequences dictate
    our course of action
    and it doesn't matter what's right.
    It's only wrong if you get caught
    ." - Tool

  • sweetface2233
    I did not get addicted, become psychotic or have any side affects.

    Medical studies have proven that any addiction to marijauana is purely psycological. I have been through periods in my life (3 or 4 weeks at a time) where I was high most of the day. I would smoke before work, on my lunch hour, and the whole night. Each of these times I was able to quit when I wanted to w/o any withdrawl side effects. My mind wanted the distraction, my body didn't. In fact, just by reading this thread, my mind is craving the feeling. I may have to pack the bowl here in a minute.

  • Twitch
    I may have to pack the bowl here in a minute.

  • bigwilly

    Right behind you on that one sweetface

  • sweetface2233

    Twitch and BigWilly...come on over! We can pass the bowl around and eat a loaf of bread right out of the bag....GOOD TIMES!!!!

  • Gregor

    ifcviking ..."there are growing reports of this substance having adverse affects on its users."

    So what has that got to do with it being legal? I think you Norwegians are so used to socialism that you have forgotten that the government is not our Mommy and Daddy.

  • minimus

    I've never smoked anything, ever. Still I'm for legalization as I do not think it really is any worse than alcohol.

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