Who thinks Cannabis/Marihuana should be legalised?

by lfcviking 137 Replies latest jw friends

  • bbdodger

    I have not smoked put in over 10 years, however I do think that it should be legal. It's a stupid thing to do, it sucks the life out of you, you forget how to have fun without it, and it makes you think you're more inspired than you actually are... but it shouldn't be illegal. It should be taxed and regulated.

    Marijuana smokers should be held under the same standards while as drinkers are when caught driving under the influence. AND... don't give me that BS about being a better driver while you're stoned, it simply doesn't fly. Stoners say that, because they're stoned. I've been stoned, probably a thousand times in my life, and I can tell you from personal experience that stoned driving is bad driving (especially the next morning when you wake up and realize that your car is parked 3 feet from the curb).

    If our jails weren't clogged up with simple drug offenses, and the cops didn't have to waste time dealing with idiot stoners, it would be a better country. It would also be a safer country! The average stoner doesn't think about where his pot comes from, the deals and the dealers. There may have been someone killed for that Guatemalan Red Hair that you scored, but the stoner doesn't see that part of the deal. If light drugs were legalized, the price would go down, and there would be less crime, because most all crime stems from drug abuse.

    Marijuana is very SOCIALLY addictive. You gain friends very quickly, and you bond with them very quickly too... but you'll lose them just as fast if you stop smoking pot. But just because something is stupid doesn't mean it should be outlawed.

  • eclipse

    Sweetstuff said:

    Weed impairs you ability to focus and drive just as much as booze. A system would need to be in place to establish a legal "weed" limit, god that sounds hilarious! Or, before you know it, not only will we have MADD, we will have MAWD. And all you potheads out there, don't jump on me and say weed doesn't effect how you drive, I call BULLSH*T on that one.

    This is 100% true.

    If you toke, don't drive. Get a DD.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I'm not convinced that weed kills mental abilities, because I've known more than one genius who smoked regularly. Now, I'm sure that the amount smoked probably has something to do with this. The main thing I've seen is that stoners don't seem to have motivation and are lethargic acting. That might be ok for some stations in life, but it certainly isn't desirable for most of them.

  • BrentR

    bigwilly, Twitch, BrentR, IP_SEC, and eclipse...you guys are coming on the Apostacruise...RIGHT????

    Party in my cabin!!!!!

    If there is any smoke then I will have to order up 7-10 dumptruck loads of munchies ahead of time. I would total out the buffet table in minutes.

    Are you going to have a trout bait and cabbage head table prepared ahead of time?

  • Twitch
    If light drugs were legalized, the price would go down, and there would be less crime, because most all crime stems from drug abuse.

    That's to say little or no crime is ever committed by people under the influence of alcohol?


  • sweetface2233
    If you toke, don't drive.

    Girl, I can barely walk my ass to the kitchen to drink out of the faucet, let alone be able to decifer my car key from my office door key.

  • ellderwho

    Ive smoked the rope for approx. 21years. Ive grown it at home, 5 very bountiful crops.(nortrhern lights) Eventually became a dealer. I couldnt do anything without making sure I had my one-hitter loaded and ready to go.

    In retrospect, I didnt like that person .Because I felt so dependent on it. (addictive personality I suppose) I havent smoked in 6 years. Knowing what I do about myself and the effects of Mj for me personally I feel it held me back in different aspects of my life.

    But thats just me. For others maybe its not such a problem.

    But in the end I think there are bigger fish to fry, then busting a person feeding there head. I used to think legalization was always just around the corner. Even if it was I still dont think I would go back to it. Certainly when compared to alcohol....well that might be another thread.

  • eclipse
    The main thing I've seen is that stoners don't seem to have motivation and are lethargic acting. That might be ok for some stations in life, but it certainly isn't desirable for most of them.

    That's why you chose a good time to do it, when you have a few hours to relax and unwind.

    Make sure you are with good friends. Being with jerks can make it a bad experience.

    There is another type of weed that can make you feel energized...not lethargic.

    One night I went for a jog after , and I felt like I could keep on running..

    I did not feel tired or winded, I just kept running - not quite like forrest, but almost!

    (yes, it was just weed. I knew the source).

  • BrentR

    John Doe, I have been reading up on the mercury uptake of pot plants so the memory/CNS problems may be regional depending on the mercury level of the soil. I mentioned that briefly in a previous post about volcanic rich soil has very high mercury levels.

  • IP_SEC
    For others maybe its not such a problem.

    Never held any sort of addiction on me. Im perfectly happy dropping it for 6 months or whatever. Rarely think about it.

    I guess its like anything else. Take masturbation for example You could get to the point where you never wanted to leave home because of it I suppose. Or breasts, if I had breasts... I would probably never leave home. I would die of starvation in my bed or recliner no doubt.

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