JoinedTopics Started by fairchild
bought an outfit for the memorial
by fairchild ini bought a new skirt and sweater to wear to the memorial tonight.
earlier, i saw a thread on here about 'irony', well, let me add this.
i bought my skirt and sweater at a church sale this morning.
I'm confused
by fairchild ini prayed and prayed about it.
i figured my prayers weren't going to be answered because jehovah doesn't hear your prayers if you aren't a witness.
i prayed for the witneses to come but they never did.
More poetry
by fairchild ini have quite a passion for poetry, and love both, reading and writing it.
after seeing a couple of 'poetry threads' on here lately, it seems that some of the members here are quite talented.
i run a small poetry site on ezboard.
Did I get caught??
by fairchild ini meant to inform the jw's that i have decided to stop my bible study and to stop attending the meetings.
the real strange thing is that i have not heard anything from any of my jw friends at all in over 2 weeks now.
this has never happened before.
About Narkissos
by fairchild in.
i don't know if it is appropriate to ask, but if there is anyone here who has an e-mail address for narkissos, please send me a pm.
i will pm you back with my own e-mail address so that you can forward it to narkissos, i'm trying to get a hold of him.. jacques started a thread about narkissos having problems logging on to this site, but he (jacques) has still not read my pm's.. thank you.
A question about baptism
by fairchild inthis might sound silly, but it is something that bothers me.. for the longest time i had the desire to be baptized as a jw.
recently, after joining this forum and doing a lot of reading around here, i have come to understand that there is a difference between being loyal to jehovah and being loyal to the wts.
if i don't join the wts, then i will never get baptized, but people in the bible clearly got baptized.
'This Generation'
by fairchild inyes, again... after reading numerous posts on this site and doing some research on my own, i have a strong feeling that my whole belief will soon stand or fall with the understanding of 'this generation'.. matthew 24:3 .."tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?".
matthew 24:7 for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.. matthew 24:34 truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.. .
generation:noun: group of genetically related organisms constituting a single step in the line of descent noun: the normal time between successive generations example: "they had to wait a generation for that prejudice to fade".
Women in the congregation
by fairchild inthe fact that women are not allowed to address the congregation directly is something that really bothers me.
is there a bible scripture, indicating that such should be the case?
furthermore, something as simple as passing a mike cannot be done by a woman.
My story, please read
by fairchild infirst of all, thank you very much for taking the time to read this.
i hope that i am putting this in the right forum.. .
i studied as much about different religions as i could and read every book available to me.